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Is victors hitbox awfully large?

I havent really noticed this until now i jsut played against twins and i know that his turning radius is pretty bad. So why shouldnt you just be able to spin him? i mean victor has a lunge attack for a reason its not a little hit its hilarious to see them running up to you and basically hitting you from point blank when you cant really do anything besides baiting out his lunge (which some plaeyrs doesnt even use as a lunge) otherwise i feel like the character is pretty weak and balanced besides the thing that you cant really get rid of him in any way when they play safe and respect pallets on a full team it doesnt matter but when you are the last one alive how am i suppose to juke him? looping a tree doesnt work large loops doesnt really work either because well he runs at 150% of your speed and if he doesnt risk a lunge its basically gonna go on forever
