Survivors man... SMH
So, I get into a game, start a chase, hit a few people, same as always. One injured survivor leads me into an AFK survivor. I down the AFK survivor, & start feeling bad because it’s a 3v1. I pick up the injured survivor, and start chasing with the injured survivor on my back. Instead of doing gens, the survivors remaining keep trying to blind me. So I hook the AFK dude, and pursue just casual no sweaty chases. I let the survivors finish the gens, but I have the new tome quest to get a kill during Endgame collapse (so I’ve brought NOED) I down a guy, hook him, and instead of just waiting it out (to get the quest complete) I run around looking for some more chases. Survivors come unhook their partner, open the gates, and Tbag considerably... I mean come on man, most killers (despite being KILLERS) are pretty cool people, why be jerk offs? Something to think about...
No good deed
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You could literally help repair the generators and some survivors would still teabag you at the exit gate LOL. Just try not to let it affect the way you approach games going forward as not everybody is a dick.
I honestly think some people believe that waiting in the exit gate is part of their objective as they sure love to waste their time doing it. If it happens to me, I normally just moonwalk past the gate. Might as well show them my fancy moves if they don’t plan on leaving.
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"most killers are pretty cool people"
Most cool killers, if not all, don't run noed. I would have tbagged too if i had faced a noed killer tbh :)
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I guess you are new at the game. You will get used to it. And if you play survivor too you will see similar behaviour by killers.
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Lol! Fancy moves, I like that haha. I will definitely add that to my next Endgame party.
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Ahh, the Tbagger unveiled! Yea dude it was for a quest, I don’t like it because its to dependent on losing. Read more, talk less.
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I read that part, but if i had been one of those survivors there wouldn't have been a way for me to know that you were after the tome quest, that's why i said that. Think more, talk less :)
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Did Bubba camp you one time to often bro? Did the bad man hurt you? If you actually would’ve read the whole comment, you may have noticed all the chances I gave survivors to win, chasing survivors with afk survivors on my back, it was clearly stated in there, so you must’ve looked over that part, and jumped to NOED (oh noes it’s NOED), maybe there is an option someone to write these forum posts in crayon to accentuate the points in bright colors for those that don’t read gud. I’ll check.
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I'm sorry. I'm a survivor and I don't tea-bag, even when I get toxic killers. I don't think it's nice when people do it.
But most killers aren't nice, I'd say 50/50 for what I found.
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My comment wasn't about you, was about what i do when i face the average noed killer.
Now please, go take the chill pill :)
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If the match was that chill, why would you automatically assume the t-bagging was mean spirited? Might have been a thank you t-bag in case you were on a different platform and they couldn't say it to you post game. Or they may have thought you were memeing since you chased them with a survivor on your back. There is no other way to communicate in the game, so you have to take everything else into context.
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Good point! That very well could be the case. I just know when I play survivor, and the killer cuts me a break, I avoid crouching up and down fast because that’s the universal “t-bag” symbol. You’re right though, it could be a thank you tbag.
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Sorry dude, you’re right. I see your point of view.
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Now girls, lets be civil about this