hackers in dbd

this happened to me while I was in a game just thought id let people know
i was just playing a game of demo and thought that I was doing pretty well until I noticed that the person that I had just downed got back up within 5 seconds of me slugging her, and it wasn't a case of she got back up in the injured state no she got back up in the healthy state, then after that I lost 2 gens because it was a 2 near three minute chase but a couple seconds after another two got done but my discordance didn't go off and there was still two people around me (the hackers btw), then at the end of the game both players just spammed racial profanity's,
just as a heads up for players the names of the people who were hacking was vanity and miglet but replace the m with an n I just feel like saying it is wrong I have also reported the players but I doubt that it will matter much and vanity also linked his YouTube channel ValiTM where he also puts up videos of him hacking in DBD,
once again I am just making this as a post to let people know and to just watch out for these players
Had a similar game the other day with awful homophobic names and insults. Recorded my game and submitted a ticket. Hopefully they will be banned.
What really annoyed me is I was killer and recorded it but eventually got very bored and left.. obviously got a dc penalty. Which isn't fair in this instance.
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You really just have to report it and move on, it’ll hurt your head if you try and make sense of their motives
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yeah I don't really care about their motives but I at least just want people to know about this
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Fair enough