The reason behind all this hate to the LGBT thing

Haraak Member Posts: 119
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I've see a lot of people saying that half of this community is homofobic and all that things, but I don't think they really are.

I think there are 2 valid reasons for the complains about the LGBT theme:

1- I think that many players are concern (including me) about the new chapter being focus on LGBT because we don't want BHVR to use that as a shield if they create a boring bad killer and 6 boring useless perks that no one is going to play. People want BHVR to create new interesting and fun mechanics. If they do that, I bet you that only a few idiots will still crying about that.

2- Politicians from all the world use the LGBT flag on their campaings as an evil way to get votes, so maybe all this people just don't want DbD to become political. I know BHVR wont do that but you have to understand that a lot of players use this great game as a way to live in another fun and fascinating reality.



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