The reason behind all this hate to the LGBT thing

I've see a lot of people saying that half of this community is homofobic and all that things, but I don't think they really are.
I think there are 2 valid reasons for the complains about the LGBT theme:
1- I think that many players are concern (including me) about the new chapter being focus on LGBT because we don't want BHVR to use that as a shield if they create a boring bad killer and 6 boring useless perks that no one is going to play. People want BHVR to create new interesting and fun mechanics. If they do that, I bet you that only a few idiots will still crying about that.
2- Politicians from all the world use the LGBT flag on their campaings as an evil way to get votes, so maybe all this people just don't want DbD to become political. I know BHVR wont do that but you have to understand that a lot of players use this great game as a way to live in another fun and fascinating reality.
Politicians from all the world use the LGBT flag on their campaings as an evil way to get votes, so maybe all this people just don't want DbD to become political
The existence of LGBTQ+ people isn't political. Us existing isn't a political agenda, LGBTQ+ people existing isn't the libs coming to take your freedom.
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If the killer is terrible that has nothing to do with them or the survivor being lgbt
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What does the LGBTQ have to do with politics.
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People's identity and existence is not something political, it's literally their life, and if they want representation in a videogame they love, then they deserve it.
It's not a political statement, it's giving part of the community something they want and deserve.
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"Politicians from all the world use the LGBT flag on their campaings as an evil way to get votes, so maybe all this people just don't want DbD to become political. I know BHVR wont do that but you have to understand that a lot of players use this great game as a way to live in another fun and fascinating reality." (quote from your OP)
Not one point did you say "SOME POLITICIANS ARE USING."
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allow me to direct you to
who put it very well.
maybe you just need to change your world view because LGBTQ+ people exist and will continue to do so regardless of what you want to believe. them being included inside a video game isn't a political statement, it's known as 'representation'. look it up
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We stan representation
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I honestly couldn't give 2 ######### what the character identifies as I'm gonna p3 50 them regardless, I'm honestly curious on how they would do the voice acting for it though not trying to offend anyone but would it be a higher pitched male voice if it were they were a male identifying as a female? Or would they just make a female voice and put it in the lore? Either way it doesn't matter but I mean one can question without offending anyone I hope.
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Zarina's backstory is political, where's the outrage over her lore? 🙄
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I still have yet to see where BHVR themselves had said anything about the new content featuring LGBT in any way. People seem to have run away with this narrative that they are using that to promote their new content, but that's just not true from what I know.
If the new content does come out and does feature an LGBT character then awesome! If it sucks content-wise then it should still be stated. That shouldn't be a "shield" from criticism but it's also stupid to completely cut LGBT content because it might be "used". People using "political" reasons to justify not having LGBT content are the problem, and will always be the problem. If there's problems when it comes out, then hey, it'll be dealt with then, but trying to kill the idea before it can even get out of the gate is abhorrent.
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"I still have yet to see where BHVR themselves had said anything about the new content featuring LGBT in any way."
They didn't explicity say that they'd add LGBTQ characters but they heavily suggested it.
Edit: My bad, I thought you were talking about adding LGBT content to the game as a whole, not this specific chapter. Overall, I guess my point still stands that it's highly likely we'll get a LGBT chapter.
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I think the main thing grinding peoples gears is how what will likely be 2 lines of backstory (if they keep it consistent with what other characters had) has somehow created the most important moment in DBD history if you look at all the forum hype and drama.
I wonder if it will be enough to stop these people complaining about the no doubt unavoidable bugs that are going to be present with the new chapter?
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Well yea, I know they're open to it, and that's great, but that post is from June and I specifically mentioned this new content.
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Yeah read my edit, I made a mistake
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Haha, yea, I saw your edit and I was editing my post to respond your edit, but now I don't need to edit for your edit. :P
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On the political side of the argument. Some people use lgbt as a tool for a political side like strictly being who you are you must align with that side and are not seen as a free mind, self thinking human being who can make their own choices and have their own thought.
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The word "edit" doesn't feel like a word anymore :/
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1 - The same could be said about literally any trait. Note that the devs have never used that excuse, so this is not a real concern in any way (meaning it's not evidence-based).
2 - Politicians will use literally anything to get votes. Whether that's campaigning on hate and discrimination or acceptance depends on the politician, but this is a moot point.
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Honestly whether someone is gay or not doesn't affect anyone on here I don't see an issue with it at all, and the whole political argument is nonsense because there are people from the LGBTQ community in both parties
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Yes it is, it always has been, I'm don't mean to get too political here but consider what happened to female athletics as who fills the cabinet as soon as the new office came into play, even if I do like him as our president.
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LGBTQ+ people just living isn't political?? We're just normal human beings?? Not some genetically engineered political experiment??!?!
Just don't even start with that because you're wrong.
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Hers is different, it just seems cool and ties into her perks that make her sound like a revolutionary like "For the People" with her waving a flag and being very altruistic and putting herself in danger, and even Caleb's backstory is very political as well. Intentional or not, Caleb was a victim of the discrimination against the Irish of his time, as well as living under the perils of old-capitalism where monopolies and design copies mad it difficult to advance most basic businesses like a machine shop as an example. Luckily, we live in a much better time now, but at least Zarina reminds us of the alternative, and Caleb reminds us that not to be so sensitive and be aware of how people are a product of their environment.
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It's a big part of the left's campaign, even if you can see it yourself.
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we take these w's lads (thank you, it means a lot <3)
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I don't get it, whatever happened to just letting the fans decide who's gay, straight or whatnot, and who's coupled with who? I mean sure we have Nurse and Wraith, but about the fandom that Nea and/or Yui are lesbians? Or David being gay? Because if we get an original character with a lgbtq background as their defining trait then perhaps it's time to start confirming everyone elses, even if dare I say, they are straight. Dang man, let the fandom decide, let us us our imagination.
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Because "just use your imagination" doesn't really cut it as far as representation.
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We don't even have the lore for the LGBT character, how do you know theirs won't also "seem cool"?
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What happened was the devs confirming Frank and Julie to be a thing (and the entire legion tome being about that), Nurse having a husband since her introduction, David having been confirmed to have had an ex-girlfriend, and then Felix having a girlfriend who's pregnant with his child. The devs put out a statement saying they wanted to include LGBTQ+ relationships alongside the heterosexual ones and since then is when people have been asking. The devs haven't been forced into anything, they said this voluntarily and will be implementing them voluntarily because they want to.
That's what happened to headcanoning everything
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Nurse, David, Felix, Frank and Julie. Then there are Wraith and Ace were it is heavily implied as well.
all of them have had confirmed straight relationships, why should the mere mentioning of eanything LGBT be excluded?
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Then fine, start specifying that David is more than likely straight since he'd more than likely beat people or chastize them for being gay, or just because Yui is a feminist then doesn't mean she's gay, I mean, as a straight person I always see how holes like that in fanfic, but that's why it's fanfic no one cares, your just allowed to believe in whatever you want and everyone can be happy without having a "truth" shoved down your throat because it's "canon".
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That ship has sailed long ago.
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As a neutral, I swear if I see another politicised sjw or right-wing character, I am going to lose it, it's a video game, this is why there is fandom so that eveyrone can be happy, just have the drag queen design as a skin, not the default, the others have to buy it to look different, why not them also?
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DBD fanfic existing does not mean DBD does not have actually established heterosexual relationships.
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What's wrong with a canon drag queen?
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Jesus ######### christ.
LGBTQ+ individuals existing isn't a ######### political thing. We just exist. We're just normal people.
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Eichhörnchen can’t be pathetic, and it’s really not cool for any Eichhörnchen too drag their name into any relation to such a person!
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It was the first thing that came to my head but I didn't wanna call him a Kartoffel cause they taste epic and I can't say anything extreme for obvious reasons >-<
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That's the thing though, that's not what a lot of people are asking for, they want a character that is explicitly LGBTQ, the difference is with the some the characters you mentioned like David and Ace, is that it's implied; not confirmed nor denied, which is why both of them still have gay fandom for gays that are into that. A lot of characters might have silly outifts, but that is because they are OUTFITS, not defaults, I mean the closest modern political character I can think of in Dbd is Yui because she fought against what her father wanted her to do, ultimately did what she wanted, which is more important in the end. She wears pink as the color of her women's empowerment group (the colour of feminism), beats up a deadly stalker (another real women's issue), and if even painted as brave and determined even without a partner (she's a strong, independent woman). Also remember, Yui is Japanese and up until recently, Japan was easily a conservative country; like all around, so in real time it was likely that a lot of people wouldn't like her because she goes against the norms. But with her story is portrayed, it doesn't really feel forced, hers is like an artist splotching circles to make a custom picture, what people here SEEM to want though, is the devs going out to the store to buy a picture themselves because they don't want a custom picture.
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I think for many, when dealing with certain social issues, there is a militerization against differing opinions that people resent.
You can't disagree with certain things anymore without fear of losing family, friends, jobs etc.
Until recently, gender has been decided by 2 chromosomes. Either XX or xy. And i have seen many social media accounts removed for conversations about that.
Me personally, im all for the you do you way of living, as long as no one is getting hurt.
Yes there are those who see it as wrong. But pick any subject and find someone who doesn't think the opposite of you.
Ultimately, if you are creating a character, that character should be more than one specific trait. I think many just don't want an lgbt character who's only lgbt.
I hope i explained without being offensive.
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That is what people are asking for. This claim that "oh, maybe they're not actually straight" is absurd and you know it. Nobody assumes those characters are not heterosexual if they have had explicitly heterosexual relationships.
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Alas, someone finally acknowledges the fandom, yes please just let the fans decide!
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That's not what I meant. Fact is, the devs have only been using heterosexual relationships in lore. It feels forced not to have non-heterosexual relationships.
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Okay, but adding a character part of the LGBTQ doesn’t introduce politics in to the game.
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Who cares? If it bothers you that much don't buy the chapter, it's not like a gay character is gonna ruin the game or have actual catch phrases to insult your beliefs while in the game , it's honestly nonsense that people are upset about this when there is so much more to be upset about with the game
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Being LGBTQ+ isn't political. If you think it is, you need to change your worldview, and quickly.
Maybe, just maybe, there's a reason that you're noticing others being labeled as homophobic or transphobic but not seeing things wrong with what they're saying/doing? Maybe you're the problem here, making things political when they shouldn't be.
Next you're gonna tell me that black people existing and being a human being is political
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on7 -
Wait so a person cant like something or be apart of something unless it represents them? Ok so why are any of the people complaining about lack of representation playing the game at all? Why did they even start playing the game in the first place if it lacks this representation thats now so important and must be added to the game or else? If this representation isnt added in enough (or good enough) then that means BE is discriminating? I dont know I just thought this was a game about iconic killers and survivors in a deadly game of hide seek.
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Many people just ask for any LGBT representation, no explicit one. Just making it like the heterosexual stuff already present.
or they are asking for just not getting explicitly excluded.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on7 -
Who said any of these things? It just feels forced not to have LGBT relationships when heterosexual relationships are already in the game.
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Did you mean to quote someone else? Because not sure what my comment about not even having the new characters lore yet has to do with a drag queen skin.
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The very fact that people consider LGBT characters 'political' (just as many consider female characters who's breasts aren't the size of watermelons 'political') is exactly why we need better representation in media. They'll cry about it being "SJW" as if that actually means anything. It's basically saying "Don't include a minority group because I'm uncomfortable with that minority group."