Any of you all watch their gameplays?
They have both helped me alot with gameplay videos since I started this game couple months back. They seem to be more top level mature players with a really chill attitude and with lot and lot of experience and knowledge on this game. I just recently watched a video where they both had a talk about a few things together, was pretty nice. Would love to have them both combine their knowledge and share their opinions more and honestly the Devs should reach out to them respectfully for their take on how to fix something's about this game. I mean they both put in serious time to this game to help explain many things to the DBD audience. Respect to both guys for their awesome videos , info , and takes on the issues about this game. I feel they should both together be the spokespersons for this game and DEVS should hear them out or reach out to them on opinions before releasing updates. Props to both guys.
Can you link this video?
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Body is 1 character too short.
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I mean, it would be simply so much better if DBD started listening to the Fog Whisperers more often for balancing idea's. A lot of them end up coming to the same conclusions anyway.
They are Fog Whisperers for a reason, right? Or are they just Fog Whisperers so they can deal out codes every once in a while?
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I think we should make an important distinction, I think when you say fog whislerers you mean high play level/massive amounts of time involved streamers, like otz. Guys that play all day every day basically. Most of the fog whisperers do not do this at all, and aren't even very good, I've watched some of the smaller whisperers (1-300 viewers) and no joke I'm twice as good as most of them.
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Sometimes I wonder why the developers don't invite them to be future survivors.
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Otz I agree with.
Truetalent being top level and mature? Lol sorry no chance
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from what I understand, being a fog whisperer is pure marketing for DBD. it's meant to get the game out there they're not QA or testers
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The debate especially from true is that the game should be more balanced for top tier players, and ways to make the game reward more skill.
The company itself still insists it's a casual party game. It's more akin to Mario Kart than anything else. Funny enough people wanted the same for mario kart yet everytime nintendo leaves that damn blue shell in the game.
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While I disagree with some things they have to say, in general the game would be in a much better place overall if they listened to them. At the bare minimum the devs should watch their conversation they had, a lot of good things were said.
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This is a terrible take to have. People don't "cry about every problem the game has" because they are complaining. People talk about those things because they like the game and want to see it get better for everyone.
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*for them. Not everyone.
Fog Whisperers are Marketing, nothing more. However, the Devs know that some Fog Whisperers put out videos and watch them. E.g. I know that Tofus Videos get watched and Otzdarvas as well (so probably some more as well).
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the hate on true is funny. more than half the time it's so unwarranted lol. he has a lot of great ideas. Otz is also a great streamer and fun to watch
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I think those FWs are just as important because the game can't be balanced solely around the top level of play. There need to be solutions that scale to the skill of the players.
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It's gonna be mind boggling if the devs don't acknowledge the debate the two had, these are two guys voicing their opinions on the game and what they want to see get better. They given loads of ideas, but it's all up to BHVR to do the right thing. If this debate doesn't help anything, then it shows who BHVR really is.