Arguments against giving Killers the same hook UI as Survivor?

madminer95 Member Posts: 151
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

I made the suggestion here:

But I've yet to hear a good reason against providing Killers the same hook information as Survivors.

for the sake of preventing repeat responses please fully read the suggestion post and i'll put points and counterpoints I've seen so far below.

Killers would use the information to tunnel.

A Killer inclined to tunnel is already told the Survivor they are hooking is dead on they're next hook by them beginning to struggle and the "entity summoned" score event.

Even if it wouldn't encourage tunneling it would encourage better target prioritization.

Giving Survivors the hook state information allows them to effectively prioritize preventing the killer getting kills by body blocking and not wasting time hanging around for a save if the person being hooked is on death hook.

If memory of hook states is going to be lorded as part of a killer's general skill ceiling why shouldn't that also apply to survivors?

The hook counter was only made to bring solo Survivor communication more in line with SWF.

It's generally accepted that SWF communication imbalances the game. As quality of life adjustments are made to improve solo Survivor communication, logical corresponding counterbalances need to be made for killers to prevent killers experience being made miserable, further increasing Survivor queue times as less killers play.

X community collected statistics show killers get 4K's more often than not so should be nerfed

While i wouldn't trust stats from small sample sizes since even the Dev's stats often are meaningless like the ones that showed nurse was the worst killer in the game with pig being fourth best.

This is a horror franchise 1v4 game, The killers are supposed to feel powerful and even if they're power needs toning down over all this particular feature is not the place to be doing that.

Post edited by madminer95 on


  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    i'll add to the main post if any new points are raised.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I suspect a part of the plan was also to start helping soloq in the form of giving more information. As to why not give the Killers the same information, that, I would think is a balance question. Information, how to get it, etc is a big part of this game. Giving one 'side' too much information use tilts the game balance in their favor and there's already a lot of information that Killers get without perks that survivors don't.

    So, it's probably a small step in trying to improve soloq without giving away too much either to survivors or buffing the information Killers already have. If the impact is small but positive over a course of time, then it would be logical to consider whether or not to add it to Killers.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    What’s wrong with the UI now?

    Like, does it affect your gameplay because you can’t remember who is on death hook and who’s not?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited March 2021

    To your last question. Simple, because it is meant to bring solo survivors closer to swf informationwise.

    Currently, the game can never be balanced because there is a wide gap between random solo survivors without communication and swf with it.

    Currently, if a killer is strong enough to handle swf, he is unfairly overpowered for solos, or if solos have a fair shoot at winning, leaving most killers at a disadvantage vs swf.

    Closing that gap informationwise (and seeing how it plays out) might then allow better adjustment of power level between killers and survivor. Thats why it shouldnt apply to survivors.

    Also, if i am not wrong, tunneling has nothing to do with "of the hook", but is exactly about going after the same survivor to kill him as fast as you can. Going for him after an unhook is just even easier.

    And while you can do that of course, at the moment you dont know if you are against the claudette that has been hooked twice or if the claudette in front of you is the one you ddint see all game.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I know you're poo-pooing the "it would encourage killers to tunnel" argument, but I think your reasoning is flawed.

    Not all killers have learned the skills needed to remember which survivor is on death hook.

    For less experienced killers, being given extra knowledge on which survivor is nearly dead and which hasn't been hooked at all is going to explicitly encourage them to chase just a single survivor and ignore everyone else.

    Yes, some killers do that anyways, but most don't at the higher ranks because it's more fun for everyone (not to mention it's a better strategy to split pressure). It's better not to encourage newer killers to fall into bad habits.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    Yup, it's embarrasing to see killers asking for even more information while they can see gens, exit gate switches AND items in the lobby. 🤷‍♀️

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    Same can be said about your last 2 comments 👍️

    Have a good day sir.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I've seen players with over 5k hours forget who they have hooked. It can be rare but it happens.

    I can understand there reasoning on not wanting to do it but as I said I don't understand the reasoning for giving it to survivors.

    Imo neither side should have it. I don't think hand feeding info is needed even or new players as once they become more experienced then they ultimately won't need it.

    I also feel less experienced players could be those who would use it to tunnel more which i don't think the devs would want to set that precedent.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Again, it's not about killers, it's about solo queue players and evening the disparities between solo play and SWFs so the game is easier to balance.

    Let's narrow the gap between solo play and SWF play so the game can start being balanced better.

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    The UI now doesn't provide any useful information, at best its a pat on the back, at worst its a waste of screen space.

    And it does actually affect game play, the more useful UI would:

    • help with target prioritization in the end game where chasing the wrong survivor can easily result in not getting any kills.
    • help prevent accidental tunneling (possibly caused by survivors using the exact same skin) so you could avoid eating a decisive strike.
    • help prevent wasting Killer resources like The Pig's reverse bear traps on Survivors that are on death hook.
    • while also taking up less of the killers FOV.
  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    I mean, if the names of survivors are gonna be present, you could always keep track of which you have hooked and how long. Having the marks next to survivor's icons would just stream line the process of information the killer would have to try to remember all in their head without the marks. Just put the marks in for killer.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    1) It is very easy to miss information about hook state while playing killer. There's a lot to focus on and I'm sure most people aren't focusing closely on that. Plus, if you're going to argue that things like "Entity Summoned" BPs are enough for killers to track hook states, why are you also complaining about the HUD not doing it for them? At least killers chase and hook every single survivor that ends up on a hook. Survivors, especially when solo, would have to get the information entirely from the HUD. It's doable, but it's certainly harder to keep straight.

    2) Tunneling is frustrating and unfun for survivors, so it is something the game tries to discourage. That's one reason why perks like BT and DS are so strong. Since survivors have every incentive to stop tunneling, because it keeps the whole team alive longer, providing them this hook state information allows them to proactively work to avoid it, which in turn results in better gameplay. Killers have the opposite incentive, though; if you kill one survivor early it's a massive advantage for the killer. So, providing them this same information just increases the likelihood of an average killer saying "oh damn that Dwight's on death hook, he's dead next time I see him". That can certainly still happen if the killer is paying attention, but not having that information on the HUD will also clearly discourage it. Meanwhile, the overall hook counter is useful for encouraging hooking survivors (as opposed to slugging), so it also manages to push killers towards more engaging gameplay.

    3) SWF communication does not make the game imbalanced. It's specifically the gap between SWF and solo. If SWF couldn't gain much of an advantage from their communication, perhaps because solo already had the information that would normally be communicated, then the communication itself wouldn't be an issue. Adding hook state information to the HUD does close the gap between SWF and solo because hook state information is something that SWFs commonly share with each other. Pretty much anything that shrinks that information gap is a good thing for game balance and this is no exception.

    I don't feel that killer strength has much to do with queue times at the moment, as I have said at length in other posts, in large part because there isn't any good evidence that killers are underperforming. I think it's much more likely that things like console performance, which is worse for killers and time of day (survivors who play with their friends are more likely to log on in the evenings when everyone is free) are to blame for the bad queue times in prime time. I'm sure there are other factors as well, like some people being turned off from killer by toxic post-game chats. Plus, think about it logically - who says that a perfectly balanced asymmetric game will always have a perfect ratio of players on either side? One side might just be disproportionately more interesting for the general public. Like lets say killers had to race to roll a boulder up a hill before survivors could drink a pina colada in a hot tub. The killers might finish pushing their boulder first 68% of the time but that doesn't mean anyone's going to choose that over the pina coladas.

    Regardless, though, let's assume that giving solo survivors this added information is enough to hurt game balance to the point where the killer side is underperforming. This is still a good thing. In this case we would require some buffs for the killer side, but the newly-shrunk gap between SWF and solo means that when the game is rebalanced SWF will have less of an advantage and solo will have less of a disadvantage. That results in better experiences for everyone: SWF gets more competitive matches, solo gets stomped less, and killer doesn't need to dread those elusive four-man depip squads as much as before.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    The thing is that soloq info will likely have to be raised incrementally and then killer info adjusted accordingly. Killers already get, by default, more map info than survivors. Just to be clear, I am not making a statement on whether that is right or wrong, just the objective fact that the difference exists. So, giving Killers even more information that is just being opened up to soloq is very much an advantage to Killers.

    Right now there is a marked difference between the information solo q has and what SWF can have. A difference that BHVR has noted and has said they'd like to address. Likely, that will mean changes for Killer information too in order to compensate, but changes like that are legit going to require time and experimentation because at the end of the day, it's the balance that matters.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Really, I think that it's just unnecessary. The accumulative sum hook counter is enough for me, and I think that keeping track of survivors' hook states should be an obligation of the killer. That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to giving them an analogous hook counter, since it really doesn't change much when you can mentally tally hooks for individual survivors, but I wouldn't be jumping to add one.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    I agree with you if I as a killer have to remember the hook states for each survivor then each of the survivors do

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    realistically the Dev's aren't going to take away the hook information from the Survivors now they've given it, with they're goal of bring solo play up to SWF level, so if they're going to as you say hand over the information to Survivors they should be doing the same to killers.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited March 2021

    Not really as one is to try and close the gap by your words which is something the community is asking for while the other can help promote a play style which I don't think the devs want to be more of go to strat than it already is.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I would use the information to spread out hooks if I am having an average or above game or tunnel someone out if the gens are popping all over far too quickly such as only 3 or 4 hooks, spread out, and 4 gens done. That's my honest opinion but think killers should have the information.

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    It's generally accepted that SWF communication imbalances the game. As quality of life adjustments are made to improve solo Survivor communication, logical corresponding counterbalances need to be made for killers to prevent killers experience being made miserable, further increasing Survivor queue times as less killers play.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The Non-Tier 1 killers are already getting around a 70% 4ks a game. If anything, killers need to be nerfed.

    This is what I've seen in patch 4.5.1

    Here's 4.5.2

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    While i wouldn't trust stats from small sample sizes (especially since yours are just based around who you specifically are matched against and how you play), since even the Dev's stats often are meaningless like the ones that showed nurse was the worst killer in the game with pig being forth best.

    This is a horror franchise 1v4 game, The killers are supposed to feel powerful and even if they're power needs toning down over all this particular feature is not the place to be doing that.

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    the separated hook counter docent explicitly encourage tunneling. certainly not any more than currently provided information does, If a less experienced Killer is of the mindset to tunnel one Survivor and ignore all the others, the addition of the separated hook counter wont make any difference they are already told the Survivor they are hooking is dead on they're next hook by them beginning to struggle and the "entity summoned" score event.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    For the same reason hook and generator aura aren't shown to survivor. Different role, different information.

    It's one of the way to balance the game bringing solo closer to swf.