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Killers debate: hooks or kills

I don't know if this is even brought up yet, but the whole "It is never clarified what counts as a win" thing is a bit of a wrong statement to make, as the "tutorial" basically says what counts to win as killer. Sure the thing is outdated, but "canonically" sacrificing survivors is still winning, assuming all 4 of course.

Here's a screenie of the tutorial:

This is a screenie of when you hover over the "Play as killer" button:

I do wanna say: Please don't hate or try to argue with me what really winning is, I know it is an opinion to everyone how winning really is to them, just saying that there is actual written stuff about winning as killer, so yeah just thought I'd share it with y'all, sorry if this is an accidental repost!


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  • Member Posts: 666

    So 3 hooks on one survivor is a sacrifice. A survivor left on a hook for too long is a sacrifice. Tru3 brings up good , my only issue is working out hook suicide and survivors that are abonded on the hook to die.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    The best solution would be to reward hooking different survivor. The win condition should be still 3-4 kills, but the best way to achieve it should be not tunneling.

    So suicide or bad teammates wouldnt affect the killer score.

  • Member Posts: 666

    That is going to lead to slugging. That is why hooks is better than kills. It promoted a style of hooking multiple people instead of hook and wait till they die or slug then hook them

  • Member Posts: 918

    Kills have always been the win. Since camping isn't fun though they made an emblem system to encourage you to go for hooks. You're meant to kill them but do it via multiple hooks.

    At some point though you become burnt out like the rest of us and you no longer care about any of that, you've been rank 1 many times over, you've got all the perks unlocked, now you just want to kill by any means necessary.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Pretty much what i have had as my goal ever since i tried Killer for the first time in beta.

    I don't need 4 kills every match to be satisfied, but you can bet killing all 4 is what i go for every match.

    If the game had instead said that getting all 4 Iridescent Emblems is what i need to win, then i wouldn't go for wins. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Unfortunately, even tho I agree, it doesn't really prove your point since, as you mentioned, the tutorial is outdated.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    No? Why should someone slug more when he gets a reward for hooking?

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    That makes no sense. Then it would be the same as now. Killer would tunnel so someone dies and the other survivor get a debuff.

    When somebody is dead, the killer has a big advantage. He doesnt need any gen debuff.

  • Member Posts: 666

    Maybe I miss understand what you where saying I thought you where saying kills are better than hooks

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    I don't think survivors should be able to deny you score by suiciding on hook

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    I didnt mean that. The score is not different whether you hook someone three times or he suicides. But you would get a gameplay boost when you hook him three times (like a debuff for survivor for example). So it would be more effective to hook many people then killing one. A suiciding survivor could deny you this gameplay mechanic, but it wouldnt affect your score.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Do you mean that survivors should be forced to save someone who gets facecamped or generally that they dont leave someone on the hook?

  • Member Posts: 399

    In my opinion, kills.

    I would rather end a game in 3 minutes and get 4 kills than get 8 hooks and everyone escape.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Funny enough I had a game where I double hooked everyone. I wanted to avoid tunneling and be the survivor definition of a good killer. Despite this though they were toxic to me so I went back to kill by any means. Much more satisfaction so I agree!

  • Member Posts: 97


  • Member Posts: 4,458

    The objective is to kill. All the points and advancement on the side are just icing on the cake. You can work it for more min/max style or not. The win or loss is in how many Survivors escape or end up dead.

  • Member Posts: 2,677


  • Member Posts: 100

    In my book, pipping is winning for me. I know a lot of people say ranks don't matter and I agree, but I still feel pride in getting to rank 1 as both roles.

    I also agree with Sandwich_Jesus. If I've already reached rank 1 then my goal is a 3-4k, which I consider wins. 2 deaths and 2 escapes is a draw anything less is a loss.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Its always good when you have something that survivors unhook. But i dont know whether this will have a effect. Right now you get the most bloodpoints when you unhook (gens are giving a lot less for example) and when somebody dies survivor have a hard time bc 3vs1 is a lot harder.

    So there are strong incentives to unhook in the game. So i think people who dont unhook will still not unhook even with this new incentives.

    I personally dont have the unhook problem often.

  • Member Posts: 399


  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Yh that would be good. I think something similar to kindred as basekit would be helpful. So that solo survivor know that nobody goes for the rescue.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Apparently tru3talent and almost everyone was getting a lot of 4ks. The narrative was that even tho they 4k'd they wouldn't get the pip. Now they're getting 4k and a pip so they desperately need something to backup their 2017 dbd narrative in which killers are weak and survivors op.

    What's better than getting 4k a pip and still complaining about the game being survivor sided because you got 10 hook instead of 12?

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    A win is determined by how many fail to escape. Hooks/kills are the same. Killers job has the word KILL in it, it's all they have to do.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I posted this already so I'm just gonna leave this here.

    Technically you need all of these things to rank up or "win" as killer. 8 hooks but no kills is not enough emblem points to get a decent medal. 4 kills but only 4 hooks is the same thing (I also assume only 4 chases and 4 hits which I will get to in a bit). You also need to get roughly gold in each category in order to 1 pip depending on your rank at this point in time. So ergo by the rules presented in the game, no matter how many kills or hooks you get, unless you pip you lose. Irregardless of your own personal victories which there is nothing wrong with having. But when it comes to the ingame criteria they are abysmal and need to be changed when it comes to the killer side of things.

    As stated above I can one hook every survivor and instant down them all but still not rank up. Because I:

    A) didn't get enough hooks to meet the threshold of 9 total hooks with 3 kills for a gold rank that is one lost gold emblem. So this whole thing of them saying that 2 kills and 2 escapes is balanced, is in fact nonsense when the system requires me to get 9 hooks with 3 kills to get gold.

    B) didn't get enough hits to meet the Malicious emblem requirement of which you need 30 to get gold, losing those points (1 per hit) if you do not hook said survivor before they are healed, so any survivor that body blocks and then gets healed is actually denying you those points if they are healed. And instant down killers are skipping a whole health state. Meaning you are cutting your potential points for both Chaser and Malicious emblems in half.

    C) Malicious requires me to get into chases and end them as quickly as possible by getting a hit before a certain amount of time expires (to term it at the moment we'll refer to it as a perfect hit). That time is 15 seconds (worth 90 pts and less for each consecutive 15 second interval afterwards) to get the most amount of points for that chase. Which you need to do twice, one for each health state omitting instant downs for the time being. Each hit gives you 55 and you need a total of 1,800 pts to get gold. I don't care what anyone says no killer can chase 2 survivors at the same time. Any survivor worth their salt (as they should) will just jump back on a gen while the killer is busy. And even if a protection hit is taken, which they get a point for, they will run away and heal thus preventing you from banking that point.

    D) You got a good gatekeeper emblem by killing them quickly and preventing gens from popping. Good. Still not ranking up cause you don't have enough medals in the other categories. Now if you decide to be a killer that is not a dick (aka. "tunneller") then you have to let them complete 1 of their objectives of getting gens done. You need 25 points in gate keeper to gold that emblem. with each unfinished gen granting 1 point per minute (up to 9 min) that it can give you a point towards this emblem. Regressing/kicking gens does pretty much nothing and actually benefits survivors to a point. They get points for fixing gens, so if you kick it they are actually getting more points for fixing that gen again towards their emblem. While you get nothing but a stall that unless you are using PGTW is trivial and undone in no time.

    E) Sure ya killed em all but how many hooks did you get? 4. You need 8 pts to get gold here. 1 point per hook, 2 for each sacrifice, 2 for each kill and plus 1 for hooking every survivor at least once. Better find that slug too cause they are worth nothing if they bleed out. Looking to secure that kill? better not be too close or you are gonna start to loose chaser points so long as you are within 16 metres of that hook. They have even added a UI element that tells you how many total hooks you have gotten now. Meaning they are trying to push you to get more hooks to let the survivors play longer. I mean let's face it getting facecamped and tunneled sucks (though if you use BT/DS to try and body block and not run away from the killer like you should be, I have no sympathy for you).

    In essence this whole system needs to be looked at for the killer side of things. The survivors Emblem's are fine and work as they should. Killers is a hot mess and this needs to be looked at to give a solid "win condition that killers can look at and have a good metric to see how they did in a match. With more things added they can do to sway the match their way for a victory. Am I kicking gens to regress them? Give me points toward an emblem to steal hope from the survivors. Same with pallets. I'm kicking them shouldn't the hope of survivors be drained cause I'm robbing them of their safety net?

    They want to implement an MMR system right? How the hell are they going to matchmake me with the right skill level when the system is this bad? There isn't even a system that tells you you have won, going by everybody else's personal victory conditions they just ignore the emblems and substitute their own in. Make an easy to understand and easy to know "win" so we can talk about hard facts and balance around that. If we are gonna use just kills as a metric for victory, then The Nurse is the worst killer in the game and needs to be buffed. While Freddy is hands down the best killer in the game cause he has an overwhelming amount of kills that dwarves ever other killer in the game, and thus should be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    Kill = Win

    I don't support the emblem system.

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