Epilepsy and Flashlights

I have epilepsy and i don't want to use lightborn all time. It is not fair and this need rework.
it would be great if they added an option to fade to black. I usualy try to dodge game with flashlight because it hurts my eyes.
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I mean it used to be just bright white so it could be worse?
It yeah this needs a change ASAP add options for fade to black or something
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Yeah your seizures could be worse, so just shut up and deal with a mild seizure LOL
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It’s true though even someone without epilepsy it really strained my eyes the old effect
Still needs to be changed again though
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Just wow JUST WOW. What kind of delusional you are ?
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You can get alcohol free versions of drinks you know so your own argument doesn't even make sense
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I think that there should be a setting for that. Even I dont have any problems with my eye the flaslight color hurts my eyes too. Other than that sadly there are many cases like yours. For example, color blinded person can get problems at some certain maps.
I think that you should write a report for this and hope that Devs of the game will respond. However it will take a time but my only hope is they will make it viable for you and any others :)
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With all due respect, the world unfortunately can't be designed around every disability. As someone who has her own share of disabilities, I personally don't expect to be catered to. I'm usually just grateful to have an option that I can take, even if it's not always as good. In your case, having to give up a perk slot to always bring Lightborn is unfortunate and not ideal for you, but it IS good that you DO have that option so that the game is still accessible to you, rather than you being completely forced to stay away from the game for your own health. I know that there are many games that are completely unplayable for those with epilepsy, which is sad.
The suggestion that there be an option to have a darker flashlight blind screen isn't a bad idea, though, even if it technically makes very little sense for a flashlight shining in your eyes making your sight go dark. It doesn't offer an unfair advantage to anyone and therefore isn't really unreasonable to ask for as an accessibility option.
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Yeah I suffer from recurrent ocular migraine and often barf after a session of optical overload/visual distortion. (A lot of games induce this but I love gaming so I put up with it and temper my game time as needed to avoid adverse side effects).
The repeated flashlight blind is a big culprit in DBD and I run lightborn a lot.
Doom and Cyber Punk 2077 have been the biggest trigger culprits gaming wise though. I've just stopped playing them altogether.
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i mean maybe just play with that perk ? games give warnings on the start