First day thoughts on new killer

I think they seem solid for the most part I don't know how I feel about all the perks but I feel like for once in awhile we might actually get a decently strong killer who can be used consistently like huntress or ghost face, and honestly I think that would be nice to get a solid killer just because it's been a bit since we got a killer with a simple easy to grasp ability that is also actually decent but I have no doubt if the some people start complaining they'll probably nerf his power in some dumb way by maybe giving him less knives so he has to reload more or I dread to imagine giving him a cool down/stun animation like legion after throwing a certain number of blades or after a certain amount of time has passed but overall they don't seem too weak and their perks don't seem too bad aside from you know the hex which I guess it's required ever new killer has one ######### hex perk now.


  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    I like him but why play him when you have huntress and slinger? You have to hit survivors 8 times just for 1 health state where slinger and huntress just need 1 shot. What bugs me is that when you hit someone 7 times and leave them, the meter goes back to zero so you can't catch them later and do a m2 into m1 combo. I'll probably still p3 him even with all that though tbh