What is one perk you can't live without?

I have to have Spine Chill equipped at all times. That extra bit of information has gotten me out of many problems. It helps increase my survival rate just slightly as it isn't that powerful of a perk. The other (3) perk slots are interchangeable to my needs.
I didn't always use to use it until a few years ago when my friend taught me how useful it was. I feel so naked without it.
As a survivor, Kindred. Don't care if I'm in a 4 stack, Kindred is on. It's just too useful information wise and lets me shot call without needing to hear where everyone is.
As killer...the one I think I run on most of my killers nowadays is Surge, actually. Have it on PHead, Wraith, Legion, Slinger, and Demo, and that's most of who I play nowadays...only don't on Blight because you get so many power hits. It's just such a nice time saver.
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killer side pop goes the weasel it has to be there all games honestly
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For survivor: 'We'll make it'. Doubling your healing speed for 90 seconds is amazing and it helps keep the pressure on the killer because if they decide to return to the hook, now both people are healthy. Tunnelling often occurs when killers see the injured person as being the easier target so We'll make it is a massive thorn in that.
It also counters sloppy butcher. Who doesn't love that
For killer: The obvious answer is BBQ for obvious reasons. Whispers is also a close contender because it's constantly feeding your information where people are and more importantly are not.
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survivor - kindred and inner strength
killer - bbq. I need those blood points
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WGLF and BBQ I need points and the difference between having and not having these perks is so crazy.
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Devour Hope.
If that ever gets deleted, i think i'm done.
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It would be BBQ for me. I can do without if I have other tracking perks but it's just a very nice bonus with BPs.
Survivor wise it would be bond if anything but I've learned to do without as well. Any information perk is nice and it sure feels bad to not have any.
It also feels pretty bad to not have anything while being injured. Makes you feel pretty vulnerable. By that I mean resilience, an exhaustion, iron will, a medkit.. etc.
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WGLF and BBQ. I have characters to level up, which tends to work best when I get lots of bloodpoints.
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Kindred. Gotta have Kindred.
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BBQ. Not so much for the tracking, but rather the Bloodpoints. I live for the farm.
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You'll never see me without Kindred and Windows of Opportunity
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When I started, I assumed Whispers was supposed to give you an auditory warning about the location of survivors, which it KIND OF does. But it's so faint as to inaudible most of the time, and especially so on extremely heavy-stomping killers like Demogorgon. It wasn't until I discovered that the ACTUAL way it works is by lighting up and turning off that I began to understand just how useful it is. Don't get me wrong: being looped ad nauseum is terrible, but the WORST part of playing a killer is trying to find super stealthy survivors. I can't stand wandering around the map blindly as gens pop all around without so much as a chase to my name. Whispers helps zone in on where they're hiding and when it's fine to take a more detailed look.
Certainly, there are other perks that achieve similar ends. Tinkerer and Discordance, for instance. But those depend on conditions outside of your control and stealthy survivors can play around them, especially once they've identified that you're using 'em. You can't escape Whispers. And that's to say nothing of how friggin great Whispers is on the final stand-off, flushing out survivors who are waiting for you to patrol away from an exit gate. I don't doubt that there are better perks and that better players don't need Whispers, but for my money, it's the best quality of life perk around.
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Easily Iron Will and BBQ.
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Kindred. It's just so good.
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Survivor: I am a tithing member of the Church of Spine Chill. I also like Borrowed Time.
KIller: BBQ and Pop.
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I can live without it but I'd really rather not: Spine Chill. There are just too many stealth killers, killers with very low TR, or killers who are on top of you in 3 seconds flat. Getting a couple extra second head start is invaluable
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I'm a solo queue survivor, so, Kindred.
As a killer, BBQ or Thrilling for info.
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Survivor: Spine Chill. My eyes miss things way too often. Spine Chill is a life saver.
Killer: Depends on the killer, but most M1 Killers it's Save the Best for Last. The Cooldown on hits is just SO BAD. On M2 Killers, it's probably Whispers. Like I said, my eyes miss things way too often. Whispers is a life taker.
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Kindred is the holy grail of solo survivors. Without it, everyone drops 20 IQ for some reason.
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Dead hard
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Iron Will. And not even to try and be stealthy, although I do like that. I just prefer survivors to stfu. Especially the newer survivors who are all roughly louder than the other survivors put together. I can't stand the constant noise anymore!
Secondary: Distortion. I just really love all the information it gives me and miss it when I'm not running it. But I'll drop it before IW.
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Enduring as a Killer.. Can't live without this perk, Never respecting them pallets.
Any exhausting perk as survivor.