Nurse change!

- Increase nurses movement speed from 3.85 m/s to 4.4 m/s
- Nurse only has 1 blink, equivalent to her chain blink
- Nurses fatigue from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- A blink takes 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds to fully charge
Nurse will still be the hardest killer to play, even harden now cause she only now has 1 blink. I think this change would be fun, she now has a little pressure when looping, she will still be really strong.
You walking Nurse.
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What? God no, please.
Having 2 blinks is a core of Nurse gameplay.
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Nurse is already the most unique Killer in the game, and very powerful at that. She doesn't need to be "standardised" to match other Killers, because that would be boring.
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This is without a doubt the most soulcrushing insult i have heard in this game.
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Honestly. I felt that. I feel personally attacked and I only played nurse maybe twice
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Nurse takes skill if you want to play like that use her ultra rare addon or the green one it does the same thing.
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Omg Nurse is fine
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The most unfun Nurse change I've heard in a long time and I've been playing this game since before Nurse was added.
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It was just a suggestion, I didn't expect every killer main to flood the page. The developers won't change nurse again, I'm just trying to think of fun changes for killers, I guess cause how serious this community is, fun isn't an option.
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I like all of these changes.
Except making the Matchbox basekit. That would further ruin the whole point of the nurse.
I want to be able to blink spam like you could before I started playing. That would be awesome.
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this idea sucks but nice try
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Lmao for a second I thought they had changed nurse to this and I died a little.
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A 110 killer that can go through walls. Lmao ok that's definitely way more balanced than the Nurse we have now. And Idk why you're implying this change would now give her pressure when looping, considering the fact that she already has the single best anti-looping chase power in the game and nothing will ever come close unless BHVR intentionally made a killer like that.
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No, Nurse is not fine.
Her power is so broken that it needs to be removed from the game entirely.
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Ok why though? If someone takes the time and effort to learn Nurse they should be rewarded.
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Why you want to float around with a 4.4 m/s speed? 😂
What i think is that she needs a proper addon rework, most of them suck.
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And just why would a nurse player have at most have ONE 8 meter blink while moving at 110%? I don't think you thought this through at all since you are giving her fatigue if she uses a chain blink... but you aren't giving her any chain blink to use in the first place.
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Nope. her power is fine. you just needa learn how to dodge her better with Practice my guy <3
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Because a good Nurse is an instant 4k, literally minutes into the game. Her power is beyond broken. Her power needs a rework so that it's not a teleport. A teleport has no counter play.
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Buff Nurse? God please no.
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I will agree her power is broken, but when is the last time you went against a nurse who plowed right through you? There are other more important things to deal with.
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I feel attacked.
But seriously no. She's fine, she just needs her bugs fixed.
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Just because players don't play Nurse much, doesn't make her any less overpowered. I'd much rather have a nice balanced killer that everyone can play and can play against rather than a killer that is a waste of matchmaking time for both the player and survivors because she's a guaranteed 4k.
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Sir I used to be like you. I thought it was impossible but it's very well possible to do good enough to help your team.
If you want help against nurse some of the people on this very post have given me tips to play against her.
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I don't think anyone is against fun, but these changes aren't fun. They're just not well thought-out at all.
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Nurse is OP, but she takes the most skill to play. The odds of you running into a nurse in general is very low. There are also more pressing problems than a killer that few people play.
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Againts potatoes every killer can do 4k.. games in high ranks or againts decent teams its a sweat as a nurse or any killer. But with nurse It demands so much concentration and nerves of steel that you cannot play her endlessly. I need to rest for a bit after playing 4 or 5 games for example. And im a very decent nurse, im being playing her since dbd release..
In any case, dodging or avoiding her is far more easy than playing her. She have counterplay.. by perks and by your survivor skills. If you say shes broken then you need to take a look at your skills and probably practice more.
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Imagine get beten so hard that you can't endure a killer that's not a "ring-around-the-rosie" simulator wich you need to really do more than running to a window or pallet? My dear lord.
Besides, how many good Nurses are on DBD? And how many good Nurses can easily 4k against a optimal 4 men swf?
Yeah I know that there's not that many optimall 4 men SWF but there's more of them than really good nurses.
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defensive much?
it is a bad idea, people are calling you out on it. simple as that
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Who are these people saying Nurse is fine? Her core gameplay needs to change to make her weaker and more accessible. I like this change
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Absolutely not.
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That's fine, it's still fun to come up with new combination, even if they are pretty stupid :)
(The post was no meme, I generally had that idea)
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No, thank you lol... I would get ######### hard by dead hard even more, the second blink is to correct my first missed blink. Also, if someone on the tile would double back or just get distance, i get fatigue evvery single time and waste even more time, good survivors will just get their time to gain big distance, good luck guessing your blinks at tiles and shack xd.
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Trying to make Nurse even more unfun, huh?