Bubba easily has a tantrum

Anyone else having issues with Bubba hitting objects he cant see when using his ability causing him to have a tantrum? I never used to have this issue until the recent patch but now it seems like it is easy to get to close to a desk or some debris that is out of you POV and go into a tantrum. Is anyone else noticing this or having this issue?


  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I hit something the other day apparently but I was nowhere near it. I think it was a tree on sheltered woods.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,382

    Some objects have larger hitboxes than what the object appears to be. Autohaven is one of the biggest offenders in my experience.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I don't know why he even has it. If he's holding the chainsaw for a long period of time, fine keep it. But just regularly hitting an object sending you into a tantrum?

    Sure some stun/delay to punish you for missing, but it's like 8-10 seconds of being unable to do anything, that's dumb.

  • _Pun1sh3r_
    _Pun1sh3r_ Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2021


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Thats normal in this game. Sometimes you get stuck on invisible shite while in chase as killer and survivor

  • Cake141
    Cake141 Member Posts: 7

    Bubbas chainsaw hitbox is larger than his normal hitbox.

    For example on shelter woods there are some branches you will hit with chainsaw, but you can chainsaw while walking backwards trough them fine or walk wthout chainsawing fine.

    The skill with bubba is timing chainsaw tokens while maneuvering trough areas and often deceptively large tantrum hitboxes.

    TLDR bubba suffers from similar issues as blight where you gotta learn the colissions on all surfaces to master him.