A Strategy i call: Reverse Tunneling

So, taking inspiration from streamers and the like, i fell in love with Save The Best For Last. Whilst using it, i obviously would try to avoid hitting the obsession, and instead work around that with pig dashes, demo lunges etc. But i then realised, i could just ignore them entirely
So i started to do what i call "Reverse Tunneling". I would ignore a survivor the entire match, only hitting them or hooking them if it was super convenient, like they jump into a locker in my face, or run into my chainsaw. But i would actively not enter chases with them, or respond if they clicked flashlights at me and all that jazz
This works alot better than i thought, even without STBFL. See, when there's one survivor left, it doesnt matter if its their 1st hook or their 3rd, they'll still die, and getting 10 hooks is alot easier than 12. I dont have to play around there DS, or there unbreakable, or care if they run iron will, have a medkit, can bench 400lbs etc.
Most of the time, I'll pick the obsession to ignore (if i have STBFL), or if i dont have that, it'll probably be that survivor who wants to be chased, following me with a flashlight. Theyre my favorites to ignore, since i know they won't be on a generator, and playing around flashlight saves is pretty easy
Is this the most wholesome of strats, probably not, but its also not that big of a dick move. You can't really get angry that a killer isn't trying to kill you, and im not advocating to tunnel the other 3 survivor (which, if you juggle them, isn't really tunneling is it). The only downside to the strat, sometimes that 4th guy gets the hatch, but big whoop, i stopped running BBQ on half my killers anyways, and its still a win in my book
I do recommend you guys try this out, its been working wonders for me, and its fixed my mindset of "i have to get a 4k or im trash". Plus, you can see that alot of survivors won't try to take aggro, even if they haven't been hooked and the others are a meathook away from entity feed
So you tunnel the other three to make up for it.
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Its not really tunneling if its 3 people. Hook one, hook another, hook the 3rd. Hooking the first guy again afterwards isn't tunneling in my books
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You may find obsession usually block u for other 3. Losing stack.
Man, I love to use STBFL with Rancor.
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We'll see about that.
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I like this idea, but I would also be afraid that, if I walked away from a chase with the one I'm ignoring, I wouldn't find another chase fast enough.
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You'd be surprised how few people I've encountered who try to bodyblock as the obsession. And hey, i value an injure over 2 stacks of STBFL if i already have high stacks
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I thought tunneling was when you go after only 1 person.
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Common mistake
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People always find something to complain about
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I am almost certain they meant that in jest, since they then made a comment about "survivor rules"
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I’m dense I though someone else did the survivor rule book . Oops
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That's breaking the rules
You are clearly tunneling the other 3 while ignoring the one! And you are obligated to go after them if they T-Bag and click their flashlight.
It's like, basic rulez man.
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Whenever I get into games with a designated "runner" then yea, I ignore them until the end pretty much. Usually a team will have a runner because the rest of them are not that good at chases, so ignoring the runner will make their team fall apart pretty quickly. It's like instead of trying to break down this locked door I'm just going to go through the open window on the side
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Flashlight clicking obession in the post-game: "WHY DIDN'T YOU TUNNEL ME BABY KILLER"
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How does one tunnel 3 separate survivors all at once?
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Its even more effective when you ignore two survivor. When only two survivor are alive it doesnt matter how often they got hooked, too.
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I’ll do this often, particularly with a survivor that’s constantly trying to bait me into a chase with them.
If I have anyone that pretty much takes me to one the super strong loops, and makes it impossible to hit them, I’ll ignore them for the remainder of the match until everyone else is dead. Because then it doesn’t matter how long they attempt to loop me for.
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By applying too much pressure that it feels like the killer is always on you and targeting you on purpose
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That's not tunneling though.
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Aye. But some survivors mistake it for tunneling. I was just saying how it's possible.
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And the book goes up in flames by a fireball.
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What? The killer dared to touch me, Zarina, after only touching Kate and Tapp? They didn't touch Dwight? Tunneling, camping good for nothing...!
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It pleases me that this screenshot I took makes the rounds through other people's posts. :)
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For maximum evil run this strategy with Rancor.
It's actually pretty disgusting when you just straight up mori the obsession at the end of the match after not going for them at ALL
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Yeah... you're just letting 1 person not play the game and tunneling everyone else lol.
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The word tunneling officially lost all meaning
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Yeah telling yourself that this behaviour is ok, will make it ok legally. I bet you think it's not stealing or bad if there is a purse on the street that someone lost and you take it.
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Always ignore survivors who want to be chased. I actually had one straight-up DC because I wouldn't chase him. It was hilarious.