Message for last survivor slugged

If you want to get hooked to get it over faster, don't go to a corner of the map were there are no hooks available. It's fine if you don't want to but then don't complain at end game that you got slugged to death, of course the killer won't let you wiggle off.
Slugging for the 4k is petty. Who really cares, you won and you'd get more points for time invested by moving on to the next game, but you want to sweat for the 4k. In this same situation I try to hide as well, because you wasted my time, so I'm going to waste yours and try to deny you some points. Don't be a time waster and then cry that others are wasting your time.
25 - Survivors not try to complete all the gens?
That's what going for the 4K is comparable to.
Stop knocking people for trying to win.
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Did you even read the post?
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I'm responding to him, not to you.
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I can't speak for all Killers, but if I'm having trouble finding someone I just give up and do other things for BP (use power, break walls/pallets, etc.). Die on the ground for all I care.
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The game is already over. The equivalent is if the gates are open and you could still finish the last 2 gens for bloodpoints and you're complaining that the killer isn't letting you dp it. Who the hell cares if half the time the 4th guy gets the hatch? I've watched killers spend over 4 minutes doing this and then I bleed out. It's sorry.
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You get over 3K BP from getting the last Survivor.
Don't tell people how to play and stop shaming people for trying to win.
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Tell it to the op he's the one telling survivors what to do when he's wasted a bunch of their time.
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If someone slugs me for the 4k you bet I'm going to the furthest corner of the map, I'd rather you get no points for the bleed out. Like someone said, slugging for the 4k is petty, and so am I.
Also yes I slug for the 4k as killer I'm a petty ass mf
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Just go make a snack or something and don't move. Game will be over faster if you don't move, Survivors waste their own time at that point.
Stop attacking people.
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Because it's annoying when the killer has so little regard for his own time and the time of others that he slugs for the 4k. Why should the slugged survivor not try to annoy the killer in the same way?
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How is this so hard for you people? The op wants the slugged third dead person to not make it hard to be found after they've wasted who knows how long hunting for the 4th person. I said screw that if you slug me to sweat for the 4k I'm going to make it hard to find me, waste your time like you wasted mine, and hopefully cost you some bps. Can I explain it in any more simple terms?
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No worries, no I just hate when they slug for the 4k, and this guy actually had the balls to come here and make a post that the 3rd survivor on the ground shouldn't make it hard to be found when hes off sweating for a 4k.
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You know that sometimes slugging can still be annoying regardless right?
I mean, for all you know they were probably looking for hatch. Does that mean they should just stick around to give YOU what you want?
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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Why shouldn't people try to get a 4K?
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Survivors whining about being slugged for the 4k.
Killers whining about survivors not leaving right away (99ing gates/ waiting at exit gates/ most recently can't pick up a survivor that's downed if they're being healed).
I see a lot of similar responses and rebuttals on both sides lol.
Post edited by Terro on3 -
If 3 are dead, and the last one gets the hatch, guess what, the killer won.
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You're just mad because you think you're entitled to the hatch
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This is all subjective to what you consider "winning." As people will have different interpretations, there will be differing opinions. Y'all don't really think y'all are going to change anyone's mind with this, right?
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Just keep destroying people, no need to "leave messages". I doubt they really care anyway.
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i quite like hiding when i'm the last slugged and wasting the killers time
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Lol. Man I couldn't care less. I want out of the match once it's over, don't want to watch the killer make an idiot of themselves for 4 minutes. I'm also not a survivor main. Only time I'll slug the third guy is if I know for sure where #4 is (scratch marks usually). It's not worth the time.
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The OP is not telling survivors not to crawl away.
What OP said is "If you want to get hooked to get it over faster, don't go to a corner of the map were there are no hooks available. It's fine if you don't want to but then don't complain at end game that you got slugged to death, of course the killer won't let you wiggle off."
Breaking that down, he's saying that if you want the game to end quickly, then don't go to a corner. If you don't want to end the game quickly, he doesn't care, but don't complain you got slugged to death after.
OP does not care if survivors crawl into a corner. He is not saying "stop wasting my time." What he is saying is, "If you crawl to a corner, don't complain about bleeding out." The post is about survivors doing something to themselves but blaming the killer for it.
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The point of his post was to try and tell survivors not to waste his time, I don't care how he put it or what phrases he used, that's the entire point of him posting. Everyone gets that if you don't hide he can kill you faster. And pretty much everyone says screw that.
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If you say so. I didn't get that from his post at all, it seemed more of a "don't complain when you do this to yourself" post.
Though, he wasn't talking about survivors hiding.
He specifically mentioned a survivor who ran to a dead area on a map where there were no hooks available. The survivor wasn't hiding. Personally, if a survivor goes down too far away from a hook and the only thing I can do is stand and stare at them while they bleed out, I really don't care about time spent waiting around. That's their choice. But since it is their choice, I'd find it really pathetic if the survivor then complained about bleeding out.
edit: I actually somewhat recently had that happen, but the survivor didn't do it on purpose. They actually crawled to a hook for me when they realized the problem.
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Unless I'm a complete idiot, the op deleted like half his original post. It doesn't resemble what I responded to initially lol.
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Maybe the forum glitched or something, but OP's post is not marked as having ever been edited. (Just in case you're not used to these forums yet, I'll point out that you can tell if someone's post has been edited. My comment that you just responded to has a second timestamp after the original timestamp, "edited 9:54PM", because I added my pointless anecdote to the end. 😁)
The number of times I've referred back to a comment that turned out to say something different than what I remembered is many, so you're in good company here.
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Your just as guilty as the killer when it comes to wasting time. If the killer is slugging for the 4k why not just come out and let them kill you? You said it yourself, the killer already won. What makes you any more deserving of a pity escape than the killer getting their deserved 4k? No time would be wasted if you just came out of hiding let the killer down you and end the game.
Imagine you're playing survivor, you finish all the gens and are going to open the exit gates. Now imagine you have a 50% chance of dying after opening. That's the hatch mechanic, its annoying and not only that but even if a killer closes hatch the survivor may even get a third chance to escape through stupid door spawns. Personally I don't slug for the 4k because I don't care enough about it but you cant fault killers for trying to play around these mechanics.
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If you want to slug all 4 at 5 gens and not hook, that's fine. It's part of the game.
If you want to slug all 4 at any other point in the match, that's fine. It's part of the game.
I will still try to hide from you and not allow the hook. That is part of the game. Hiding from the Killer.
The only way to stop this is to not slug, but I do agree that at some points it is necessary to pressure Survivors. Just be ready with a Perk or something because most Survivors I see will try to hide somewhere so you can't get the kill. It's just part of the game.
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in my opinion killers that slug for the 4k are more selfish than killers that camper or tunnel. If I could I would remove them for the game forever. Not good people
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Thank god at least somebody understood my point. Sometimes i'm not sure if i can't get points across because my grammar sucks or because people intentionally misinterpret them or maybe both.
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As a killer you want to kill survivors, if you don't slug the 4th kill it's a gamble wether you will get it or not. As a survivor you want to escape, you never let the killer kill you when 4 survivors are about to escape just because "it's fair". If you don't like getting slugged for the 4k ask devs to remove the hatch so we won't have to get robbed of a 4th kill for no reason.
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op is not saying "do not hide"
op is saying "if you want the game to end, don't hide"
op understands that hiding is part of the game, they just want people to stop getting annoyed that they bleed out on the ground when they hide and/or go to a dead zone.
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No... There isn't an edited by on the OP.
you either misread it or are lying to save face.
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Yeah when my post starts with "either I'm a complete idiot," I'm really concerned about saving face to you, random forum troll.
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He's saying if you'd rather be hooked to get to your next match faster then don't crawl away trying to hide.
If others are dead and you you don't have unbreakable and are hiding that's fine... But don't blame the killer for you bleeding out.
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That's fine. Just don't send me hate for you bleeding out.
You knew you would. You knew it would take more time. You are trying to punish me (and you as well but idc) for slugging.
So. Don't. Cry. Afterwards. About . Bleeding. Out.
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Okay dude, congrats then you are "a complete idiot".
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Survivors sweat for the 4man escape often. You will have someone on hook at EGC and they'll all bump rush the hook. You won the game,why you sweating so hard?
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Yup thanks for not disappointing troll