An Experiment.

I want to do an experiment, really just for my own curiosity. You guys are encouraged to chip in.
Her we go. Name, in your opinion, the most attractive killer and survivor, then the least attractive, and provide a reason. I'll go first.
Most Attractive:
Kate -My country girl. I love her because she has musical talent, a nice, pleasant to look at face, and because those small town girl's really tug at my heart strings.
Oni -The physical embodiment of power, Kazan not only wears his armor with style but downs survivor's with equal flair. Though he might look like a blue Fallout Supermutant under the mask, his badassery gravitates me towards him. -I didn't chose Shirtless Myers because there needs to be SOME contest right?
Least attractive:
Jane: I'm gonna say it. I don't find Jane attractive, unlike most of the community, on the grounds that she looks like my 3rd grade Catholic School teacher did.
Hag: I don't date raisins.
I was about to ask why Jane, but once you explained... Oh, that's why. she is attractive, because... well do I need to explain?
For the killer, it's Susie, she actually is probably the sanest out of every other killer, plus I like her hoodie.
least attractive
Nea, she just looks so... eh I don't like it...
for killer it's hag I mean LOOK AT HER!!! Damn, she puts this old lady at my school to shame!
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For Killer, obviously Myers. For female Killer, probably Susie.
For Survivor, easily Steve. Female Survivor? Nancy.
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Most attractive:
Jeff – he's a metalhead bear and that's the quickest way to my heart. Plus he's the only male survivor with a bit of belly and that's valid. All around huggable man.
Oni – similar to Jeff but bigger, buffer, and menacing. Nothing's better than a 9' demon man who can crush you with his pinky. And he's got outfits with his tiddies out which is 👌👀
Least attractive:
Dwight – nebbish basic dweeb. Looks like he simps and would buy Feng's Gamer Girl Water. Looks 1000 times worse with no hair and beard
Hag – to quote Brenda Meeks, "Cindy, this is bones!"
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Most attractive survivor: Megan (Thee Stallion cuz that BODY ODY ODY BBY) Thomas. She's so pretty to me and seems like a nice girl. I also like her outfits compared to my super pink and frilly wardrobe lol! Her orange hair is cute, and I also adore her attitude ;w;
Most attractive killer: I'm gonna get flamed for this but Charlotte minus the gremlin is very pretty to me. She has an enchanting face, I don't know how to explain it. She also seems to be in desperate need of love and positivity, so I would 100% bake a pie or something with her to show her good things in life <3
Least attractive survivor: I'm not a fan of Jake, but he is handsome in his own ways. He's just too quiet to be my type, and is also probably an alpha in conversations by either not saying anything or being super sarcastic and I would be horrified to say something stupid around him :0
Least attractive killer: Clown!!! Not because of his stature either, he just spooks me and also hurt animals. I'm not saying any of the other killers are better, but he really creeps me out
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Survivor + tie between Kate and Zarina.
Killer + plague (in outfits that don't accent her decomposition too much) I guess.
Survivor - tie between Meg (looks like permanent resting b face) and Elodie (ONLY because she sounds like what I can only imagine is an Elf when kicked).
Killer - Nea... The Neaity is not fooling anybody 🧐
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Best looking survivor is kate - good looking, nice curves, the only survivor with a tattoo. Best looking killer is Myers - gotta love those legs.
Worst looking are Nea (for obvious reasons) and Plague - that Two-Face thing is just nasty
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Most Attractive Survivors:
Female- I want to say its Claudette because she's just the best, but as far as looks go, she's just really cute. I would have to give the most attractive to Cheryl. She just needs to get some more sleep and a long hot shower to really glow.
Male- Felix, no contest. David has a nice body, but his face looks like it was smashed against a speeding train.
Least Attractive Survivors:
David - Sorry David fans, muscles aren't everything. He'd look better with a paper bag over his head.
Nea- Her face, it haunts me.
Most Attractive Killers:
Female- Huntress. She has some really nice facial features under her mask and she doesn't suffer from the decay or corrosion that the other killers get.
Male- Ghostface. I know that we don't know what his face looks like, but thats what our imagination is for and I imagine him to look like Ed Skrein.
Least Attractive Killers:
Female - It has to be Hag. No contest.
Male- Blight, I mean just look at his face. I'd rather go to "happy town" with the Demogorgon. Hill Billy is a close second runner to the Blight tho.
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(Obviously all imo)
Demo... dogs are super cute, he reminds me of a big floofless frolicky fren😍🦮
Doc... although I’m sure he’s totally electrifying at parties, he’s just a li’l too animated and energized for my taste an probz tosses and turns all night in bed keeping you up all night🙄
Least: Jane and Ace
Not because Jane’s all about that bass, no treble; rather due to her being uppity like a diva and way too self centered to maintain a healthy relationship and ever settle down with anyone.
Ace because of the sleazy lingering casino stench and matching attire dominating his wardrobe, coupled with his gambling lifestyle... never makes for good father/ role-model material.
Zarina and Jeff are my personal appealing faves🥰
Zarina is mature and sexy and would make a great mother to a little one☺️
Jeff is like Keanu Reeves with a beard, and Keanu’s gorgeous and a great guy❣️
I mean look at them!
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For the Killers
1. Pyramid Head, literal peak male performance
2. Susie, definitely the most sane and human female killer so obv
3. Ghostface, the film Ghostfaces tend to be pretty damn attractive (except maybe Mrs. Loomis), so if Danny is anything like them he must also be atleast somewhat of a hottie
For the Survivors
1. Cheryl, If we're talkin Silent Hill 3 Cheryl then 100% she beats out second place by a mile, I'd say the dbd model is still first but by alot less
2. Felix, need I say more?
3. For 3rd I'm kinda stuck between Zarina and Elodie
For the killers
1. Hag, honestly who else could possibly take this spot?
2. Freddy, atleast the movie appearance had charm, the 2010 remake just sucks
3. Hillbilly, he may not be very attractive but he's still lovable
For the Survivors
1. Quentin, same story as Hag
2. Meg, something about her really throws me off, maybe it's that constant, unchanging ######### expression she always has
3. Nea, BHVR really needs to update the older character models
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I took a really good look at Ghostface's Driver's liscence id. He kinda looks asian.
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Most attractive: Jane she’s got a cute face and body. She also seems like a very caring person
Least attractive: I just don’t like yui at all. Her clothes and style just don’t suit me
Most attractive: I find none attractive but slinger is the closest
Least attractive: Twins for pretty obvious reasons
Post edited by Phasmamain on0 -
Most Attractive Survivor: Feng. She's just cute and has some awesome cosmetics which makes her look even better
Least Attractive Survivor: Quentin. Until he gets that face rework he's ugly af
Most Attractive Killer: Probably Susie. She just looks the most attractive, second most attractive maybe Huntress?
Least Attractive Killer: I'd probably go with Hag too
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Jeff has tattoos
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Most attractice survivors:
1. Elodie Rakoto
2. Kate Denson
3. Cheryl Mason
Most attractive killers:
1. The Huntress
2. Adiris
3. Susie
Least attractive survivors:
1. Claudette Morel
2. Yun-Jin Lee
3. Nea Karlsson
Least attractive killer:
1. The Hag
2. Sally Smithson
3. Charlotte Deshayes
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You guys/girls are really weird......
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In his alternative skin, but not original
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He still has them on his hands if you look closely
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David's got one on the back of his neck.
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Dwight and Demo could form a boyband
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Kate for Survivors.
*She is just designed and drawn pretty in the classic sense.
Myers for Killers.
*Myers under the mask is not deformed. He is actually described and almost angelic. Bear in mind I'm talking about him from the first movie when his mask is briefly removed. He is uncomfortable having his human face shown, and covers it up immediately.
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Jake- He’s seemingly quiet, loves animals and nature. Just peaceful to be around. I’m also a fan of his unkempt hair and he looks good with a beard.
Yui- Strong women ftw, she’ll definitely try to bring you up on the days that you’re down.
Killers: The Trickster, he just looks great. Can’t wait for his cosmetics.
Conclusion: I have a thing for Asians.
As for least attractive: Clown because his murderous finger obsession is revolting. (Ironic because I main Plague.)
I’m not exactly sure for Survivors. Personality wise, I’d probably choose Ace because I used to be with someone who liked to gamble his pockets dry. Not fun.
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So Survivor I would say Jane. She is a really beautiful woman who does not serve the standard beauty ideal. Her new skin is awesome!
As a killer I would take the Trickster: Cool design and an androgynous look that I like.
The least attractive I actually find the Raisin, ehm Hag.
For the survivors, it's Quentin and Nea, unfortunately, because the faces really don't look good. That's a shame, because I really like Nea's style.
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Most: Kate & Nurse.
Least: Élodie & Twins.
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Male killer tie between ph and trickster
Female killer julie
Male surivor probably felix
Female survivor Kate
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most attractive:
Kate - do i really need to explain this one?
Trapper - ignoring away the iron hooks in his back, he do be looking fine. kinda sucks he lost all his hair tho...
least attractive:
Nea - eugh...
Blight - i mean, seriously, at least Hag still HAS a body! this man is just goo charging at you with a stick!
not counting licensed characters btw, as BHVR didnt design them.