Current Killer Meta?

I want to push for rank 1 Killer before the end of this season. But I'll be real with you I'm no Zubatlel

What is currently the best Killer build out there? When I play survivor it seems most killers are playing what ever build with Random perks. As long as they've got ruin. So that's one perk what about the rest?

Or even if you have any builds you consider underrated, I'd love to hear them:)


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,651

    Honestly if you wanna hit red ranks and stay competitive you are most likely gonna have to use gen regression perks unless you are a very strong killer like nurse where it isn't a necessity

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Honestly ruin is a bit inconsistent. My best build for consistency is discordance/bbq, pop, sloppy/tinker (depending on killer), and corrupt intervention

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    You'll need gen perks, if you want to have a chance.

    Corrupt, protect the Four gens early.

    Discordance, tells you where to go,

    Pop, obvious.

    4th perk? Whatever you want

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    One tracking perk, two chase perks, and one gen regression perk is the meta.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    If you're playing a killer with built-in slowdown you don't need as many gen defense perks. Still, gen defense will be vital to almost any killer, even the best.

    Pop - Killers who can get fast, reliable downs / if you're just a good killer player and are confident in your abilities you can't go wrong with this one.

    Ruin - More inconsistent but can be potentially very powerful. Shines on killers who can apply a lot of pressure. May need to run a build focused around keeping it up so like, Undying and Thrill of the Hunt etc. Or even an all Hex build with things like Haunted Grounds and or Retribution.

    Corrupt Intervention - Absolutely amazing on setup killers like Hag and Trapper who greatly appreciate some borrowed time at the beginning of the match. All killers can utilize Corrupt however as it will push survivors into you from the gens they spawn in on.

    While gen defense is important I would also stress the importance of information perks like Tinkerer, Discordance and or Surveillance to help you with managing the gens and personally I encourage trying to mix up your build so it isn't 100% Meta perks. There are some underrated killer perks that are really great when used properly and help counter certain things just don't forget to have fun while trying to become better because when you try too hard it can make the game less enjoyable, at least ive noticed that from my experience.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,300

    Just pick whatever killer you're best with and 4 gen regression perks.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    What killer(s) are you playing with? Either way, you'll probably need 2-3 perks minimum dedicated to slowdown at red ranks. Those will depend on the killer a bit but what everyone else has said here is really solid advice. Don't sleep on sloppy butcher either as another slowdown perk

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2021

    I'm going to dissent and say that getting to rank 1 is not as hard as one might think because the queues are filled with potatoes (something that is not helped by matchmaking). If I can get to rank 1 using nothing but my meme taxi build, it's pretty telling as to the competition you're likely to face on average along the way.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I appreciate it :D

    I play variety, as in every killer, if I had to pick a main Slinger or Billy.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Just play Freddy with Pop/Thrilling. Opressive as hell, gets really good pips, simple and easy. Another option is Spirit with Stridor and some slowdown perks, or if you're on PC Blight is a good one because you don't have to use his power in chases in order to be dangerous. Legion is also a really good option, as is Wraith, though they aren't as strong.

    If you want to challenge yourself, then play whatever, but stay away from Plague, Myers, Oni, Billy and Bubba. They get terrible pips because of instadowns.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I'll keep those tips in mind when I'm trying to climb, thank you Jack

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825


    pop is as good as ruin in alot of instances,

    sloppy butcher can be great as well,

    currupt intervention is great for killers with awful early game: oni and myers in particular.


    if you asked the average red rank killer what the best perk for intel is they would probably say whispers and not without reason. late game its the best perk by a mile and it helps early game as well but its trash mid game.

    discordance is criminally imo over looked it is one of the best out there.

    bbq is relatively weak (except on huntress and doc) but the bp bonus might make it too much to pass up.

    there are other good ones like nurse's calling but not as general use as these."im all ears" and strider are pretty good too


    infectious fright on one hitting killers can be a game changer.

    "save the best for last" if you play around it can be amazing especially on killers like demo, trapper, wraith and ghost face as it will give you 2 hits when you should've only gotten one every time you find survivors together.


    some perks are only usable/good on certain killers ie. unrelenting is only good if you installed 30 min ago or are playing killers that are lunging at players they cant see yet: hag and spirit. zanshin tactics is awful unless your playing as doc, M&A liely isnt worth running unless u already have a reduced terror radius.

    nurse's calling + sloppy on a stealth killer is a winning combo

    "make your choice" is the most overrated perk in the game

    thanatophoia has changed dont run it unless you are playing plague or legion

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, some good general pip advice is to stay away from anything that will give you instadowns, either through powers (chainsaws), perks with the exposed status, or by applying the Broken status effect. You get terrible chaser emblem and, in the case of instadown powers, terrible deviousness. It's a flawed as hell system in that respect, which is why playing strong, fast double-hit killers is the best way to rank up.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I thought the meta for climbing ranks was Legion? If all you care about is getting rank 1 Killer, just use him. He pips like crazy easy.

    If not, the others have explained it quite well.