Fan Chapter: Parasite Eve

KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

The Parasite

"When she was twelve years old, Melissa Pearce received a Kidney Transplant due to Kidney Failure. This kidney belonged to Maya Brea. Years later, Melissa Pearce would get sick. Believing her body to be rejecting the transplant, she began to take immunosuppressants which allowed Mitochodnria Eve to take control of her body. Her goal became clear: Eradicate Humanity and replace them with a species capable of manipulating and controlling their own DNA."


Survival of the Fittest

  • Only the Strong Survive. When a survivor rescues another survivor from a hook at least 32 meters from you, the rescued survivor will receive a 50% penalty to generator repair for 35/40/45 seconds


  • Your ability to adapt allows you to thrive. Every time you are stunned, gain a token. Next time you kick a generator, spend a token and the generator will lose 6/7/8% of its progression.

Hex: Organikoskinesis

  • This Hex makes all totems appear as Hex Totems. As long as this totem is standing, any hex effects after a hex totem is broken will endure for 40/50/60 seconds.

Power: Spontaneous Combustion

The Parasite has the ability to throw balls of fire at Survivors. Holding M2 will send a ball of fire at the survivor. Survivors who are set on fire, will continue burning brightly until they put the fire out (Takes 10 seconds) or until they are put in the dying state. Survivors on fire cannot work on generators. If Eve throws a fireball through a window, survivors who vault through the window for the next 3 seconds will lose a health state. Pallets hit by a flame will also burn up.


Speed: 4.4 m/s

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: American

Terror Radius: 24 Meters

Height: Average

Aya Brea


Gene Heal

  • After being unhooked, your health bar will regenerate up to 50% on its own at a rate of 1/1.5/2% per second.

Protect And Serve

  • Every time you take a protection hit, gain a token. The next time you stun the killer with a pallet, a token will be spent and the stun will last 40/45/50% longer.


  • While within 12 meters of a Hooked Survivor, this perk will activate. Hit the action button, and you will blind the killer for two seconds if they are also within 12 meters of the hooked survivor. This ability has a cooldown of 120/110/100 seconds.


Basically the map is Carnegie Hall from the first game.


-Decisive Strike and Head On Count as a Stun for Evolution.

-Evolution tokens do not stack. Kicking a gen will simply expend one token.

-Haunted Grounds effects can only be extended by Hex: Organikoskinesis if Haunted Grounds is Tier 1 or Tier 2, and it is tier 3.

-Hex: Undying is unaffected by Organikoskinesis

-Hex: Retribution only continues to inflict the oblivious status effect for 60 seconds after cleansing a dull totem. Any totems that do not have hexes but appear as hexes will still count as dull totems.

-LIBERATE will not blind a killer with lightborn. Any other flashlight effects that occur due to add-ons (such as Black Grease) are in effect during the duration.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    A classic, I like the idea.

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    Very good idea! However, I think it is a little bit weird that Haunted Grounds needs to be tier 1 or 2 for organikoskinesis to extend it. I think it should extend all tiers of haunted grounds.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's mostly because I'm not sure how that'd even work. Haunted Ground is already active for 60 seconds after being cleansed. So I'm not sure it'd have any effect.

    Like right now, if Ruin is cleansed all gens start regressing.

    With Organikoskinesis, if Ruin is cleansed, Gens would still regress for another 60 seconds.

    With Devour Hope, if you have 3 stacks, Survivors would remain exposed for another 60 seconds after being cleansed. (Moriable with 5 stacks)

    But with Haunted Ground the exposed status effect occurs after cleansing and in tier 3 lasts 60 seconds already. (After which point, Organikoskinesis wouldn't do anything).

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Would love that. Wish it didn't die it had potential. First game is the best I think. Aya is a cutie.

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    Haunted Grounds could just be extended to like 70 or 80 seconds with Organikoskinesis.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Question about the power. If you ignite a healthy survivor, how long does it take to become injured? If its anything shorter than 30 seconds per health state, its pretty broken. Just gotta keep chase to get a guaranteed down.

    I like the perks

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    I remember this game series, sad that the game didn't continue further. Also the hex for this killer would be somewhat tricky and slightly OP but I guess if the survivors do each totem I guess it would help.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Good question. Not sure how the power would work. She'd either need some sort of cooldown, or maybe she'd have to go around recharging her power somehow. Couldn't just throw infinite fireballs. That'd definitely be OP.

    The timer might need some reduction. But I think it'd be cool to turn every totem into a hex totem. You could even run it without any hex perks, and survivors would think "DEVOUR" or something like that, and they might actually cleanse totems for fear of what it might be.