What's Next on the Chopping Block?

People are crying for Noed nerfs so hard since Undying was changed. After Noed gets nerfed what do you think will be the next terrible game breaking perk that already exists?


  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited March 2021

    I don't think there's anything wrong Noed but it's obviously going to be nerfed. Thought it would be fun to figure out what other things will be called for a nerf later.

    Maybe stridor? Or Pop.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    NOED is not gonna be nerfed.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Noed has been complained about since the release and already has seen several changes. I don't think they will change it again.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited March 2021

    What killer cares about NOED getting nerfed? Does anyone actually use it regularly past 20+ hours?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I'm still pretty skeptical that anything's really going to happen with NOED. It already got a massive nerf a few years ago and it was an actual nerf too (not a nerf-turned-buff like with DS). I can't remember seeing any comments on it from the Devs (though that conversation was probably being drowned out by the outcries against DS, OoO, and Undying).

    But as for the next "game-breaking" perk that will be seeing changes, it's almost certainly going to be Object of Obsession. They showed us a proposed solution, got mostly positive feedback on the proposal, and will probably be implementing it in a future content update after they've had time to make it happen (kinda hoping to get this rework with the next Mid-chapter patch, but we'll see).

    Beyond NOED and OoO, I'm not really sure what else still constitutes as a game-breaking perk at this point. I guess maybe Borrowed Time or Devour Hope? Not that either of those perks actually need or deserve nerfs, at least not in my opinion.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Will you be kind to remind us how long it took for these perks to get their changes announced and how much did it take for undying to get killed.

    Bonus points if you tell how much Noed was nerfed in the past and how much time ago did it happen.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    NOED doesn't need a nerf, but solo queue could get a totem counter to help out with the lack of communication.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    And ds hasn’t been nerfed either in the past. Okay then

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Monstrous Shrine should be reworked into affecting ALL hooks on the map. I think then it would finally serve a proper purpose. No more kobes due to reduced luck and overall faster hook progress.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    It was nerfed once (not much really, just like how many other survivor things get nerfed with a few exceptions - from OP to strong) then it got reworked into an even more abusable version that remained what it is for more than two years until devs finally announced that they are changing it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well, after the reveal of Fast Track, i wouldn´t be surprised if they nerf gen speed. 80 seconds seems to much. Maybe they aim for a round 60 seconds or something like that.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    E to outplay hopefully.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Ace in the hole. Seriously 100% chance of a very rare or lower add on will be attached to any item you find?!?! Wayyyy too OP no counter play nerf immediately

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    All of the exhaustion perks and BT are constantly complained about so probably those. I hope not though.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Good, then DS is next. OoO may take some time and there will probably be other nerfs in between.. I don’t think Noed is among those though.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    How long did Ruin last before the nerf?

    Also how long since Noed didn’t get any changes/nerfs announced?

    also can’t talk about previous Noed nerfs, i know it got changed once Totems and Hexes were introduced but I didn’t play the game then.

    Also Undying didn’t perform as it was intended from the beginning. It was basically only playable with Ruin, it got changed to have better synergy with other Hexes and got overall nerfed but not obliterated with that.

    overall, I didn’t mean to say the devs nerf more survivor stuff than killer stuff. But there are definitely nerfs and buffs on both sides. Almost all of them -including Undying change- were needed, and there are still many things on both sides that need changing/nerf. I just wanted to point out that DS and OoO are literally confirmed to be next on the chopping block (well, we don’t know when OoO will get it)

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    >How long did Ruin last before the nerf?

    I guess we're going to ignore addition of multiple perks and mechanics that made dealing with ruin easier and easier which means the perk was indirectly nerfed. Not to mention that when the perk was finally changed, it basically was barely usable until devs added undying.

    Nothing like that was really added for DS for years. Undetectable mechanic was an indirect nerf for OoO, I'll give you that, however this came only a few months later after Ghostface release, when devs realised that something is very wrong.

    >Also how long since Noed didn’t get any changes/nerfs announced?

    Maybe because it's already not in need of any changes? Nerfs of 2016&2017 severely weakened the perk already. Devs have confirmed multiple times that they are fine with noed in it's current state.

    >also can’t talk about previous Noed nerfs, i know it got changed once Totems and Hexes were introduced but I didn’t play the game then.

    Well let me give you a little history lesson about noed nerfs:

    Patch 1.0.5

    • Nerf: added a timer of 120 seconds
    • Nerf: decreased the Movement Speed bonus to 3/4/4 %.

    That's nerf number one. Before that Noed gave 5% movement bonus and lasted infinitely.

    Patch 1.5.0

    • Nerf: No One Escapes Death changed to a Hex Perk.
    • Buff: removed the timer, now lasts indefinitely until the associated Hex Totem 
    •  is cleansed.

    That's nerf number two, or better say, slight rework, that created the noed we know now which had a working counterplay in 2017 and got more and more ways to counterplay it until now.

    I'm not mentioning a lot of changes affecting particular killers like huntress, which removed their ability to instadown survivors with their powers with noed, although it technically counts as nerf.

    >Also Undying didn’t perform as it was intended from the beginning. It was basically only playable with Ruin, it got changed to have better synergy with other Hexes and got overall nerfed but not obliterated with that.

    It was killed. Brutally and mercilessly killed. It no longer has that "if hex gets broken, it gets another chance to live", it just makes your hex have an additional totem, you'd have to protect as well and which can be located and broken simultaneously. Its effect isn't impactful or effective enough. The entire glorified undying rework is just to make it so that your undying is always broken first. I don't think it's necessary to explain how useless undying was when it was destroyed fist.

    >overall, I didn’t mean to say the devs nerf more survivor stuff than killer stuff.

    No, survivor's stuff gets nerfed much more often than killer's stuff, I can admit it. However, there's one little catch that people tend to miss. One little difference between survivor and killer nerfs.

    The only difference is that 90% of survivor nerfs are making the OP thing slightly less OP, while 90% of killer stuff nerfs are synonymous to making nerfed stuff useless, unplayable or unenjoyable to use. Almost all survivor nerfs in 2016-2020 are fixed of completely broken, overpowered and abusable bullshit: infinites, flashlights, brand new parts, pallet vacuum, 30+ pallets on one map, 150% perks that could be stacked and had separate cooldowns of 20 seconds (nerfed to 40 later), instaheals, gen speeds, stacked healing speed, self-healing midchase, etc, etc (there's much more). By the way, fun fact, some of these things devs REFUSED to change, saying they were fine (I'm talking about flashlight, insta blinding ones), until one of devs (Matt Cote) played a "fun" match against 4 man SWF where he got midschool experience of being bullying victim.

    I can barely remember less than a dozen of things on killer side that were just as ridiculous and that got rightfully changed: noed before 1.5.0&1.0.5; old brutal strength (even though in current game 40% braking speed wouldn't be OP really); Omega blink&5 blink nurse, Frank's mixtape legion; mories (before 1 hook requirement); facecamping (before changes you could stand right in front of survivor preventing others from unhooking them at all) and that's it maybe. I didn't mention some minor tweaks or perk changes that were just number tweaks, but otherwise the most hitting nerfs came after another week or month of SURVIVOR whining (remember freddy in 2017?) leading to disastrous nerfs.

    Otherwise, most other "OP" killer stuff got either indirect nerfs or people simply adapted to them so well, that nerfs weren't needed. Until another "op killer thing" got nerfed and they changed their target, of course.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Nerf Cruel Limits, such a very OP perk.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    *Squints* Killer hours or overall? Asking for a friend.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    If you think NOED is game breaking then Devour Hope is next.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,055

    Well according to some it should be DH for others it should be NOED. I personally prefer buffs over nerfs though