The Most Helpful Killer?

Clown - Who had the Antidote bottles, can Invigorate survivors with a buff of 10% speed over 5 seconds.


  • Hoarder - So you can give the Survivors 2 more chests
  • Trial of Torment - So, given the chance, you can help guide survivors back to a neglected generator
  • Dying Light - So the obsession can unhook and, more importantly, HEAL 33% faster.
  • Nemesis - So that you can share the Dying Light bonus with everybody.

Now proceed to start chases and let them escape by boosting them with your bottles (if obsession), or damage them and leave, so they can heal (possibly by the obsession) and if you find a solo on gen, be sure to kick the gen before you chase, so his teammates can finish it (The gen glows yellow). Go ahead and let them pallet stun you occasionally and transfer that sick Obsession power and let others get a taste of that 33% goodness.

No hooking allowed, I’d hate for anybody to get those nasty penalties.


All kidding aside, this thought/build popped up in my heart today and I needed to vent it out of my soul. I’m going to go play a few rounds of NOED/Blood Warden to get me back on track. I’m truly sorry for sharing this xD
