New DBD Chapter Concept - Dead Ringer
[Go easy on me please, any feedback will be taken constructively :)]
THE KILLER - The Specimen
The year is 2044, and the Earth, against all odds, had turned the tides of what was once seen as an inevitable self-destruction. Ten years earlier, in an unforeseen change of events, the worlds most powerful political leaders finally came together to review and dispute the imminent threats to the planet. Countless summits were held with the greatest scientific minds from around the globe. Over a span of the next seven to eight years, the effects of global warming were being reversed, laws passed to reduce the ever-ongoing population crisis, animal and insect habitats replanted, and an array of technological advancements creating a far more sustainable future. However, this state of Euphoria was short lived, as good and evil are two sides of the same coin.
Medical research had progressed in such a way, treatments once seen as an impossible feat, were now accessible universally. Life threatening illnesses and diseases cured with a single antidote, disabilities healed; brain chemistry manipulated, bones and limbs regrown. Nothing, though, can escape the sins of humankind. With all the success, comes greed. A large private company based in London England, GreyTech, who were primarily involved in experimental science, were breaking barriers in their fields. Julius Grey, the founder of GreyTech, regularly held press conferences to announce the company’s latest achievement, some of which included the ability to slow ageing and increased brain capacity. However, their latest experiment had been leaked to local news channels from an inside source. The whistle blower stated that he had witnessed unethical and dangerous behavior from GreyTech, using human patients as specimens, to test a new bio-fluid. The fluid was supposed to bond seamlessly with the human DNA, increasing intelligence, strength and reactions, unlocking instantaneous healing, as well as other unnatural abilities. A weapon designed for war.
The anonymous source revealed several test subjects had passed away and been disposed of; thus, increasing the amount of unwanted attention from news channels and worse, the authorities. Fearing the worst, Julius Grey ordered for all altered fluid samples to be tested. Patient after patient passed away, until two, a man named Stuart Lock and a woman named Gretel Black, had a horrifying reaction to it. Both, who laid not but six feet apart on bedspreads, were being pulled towards one another by an unforeseen force. Their wrist and ankle restraints snapped under the pressure and within an instant they were side by side. Curdling screams echoed the buildings halls, as their skin and body features were being fused together in a terrifying sight. Lights flickered in the room, and test tubes and sample jars shattered. The shouts and howls were now combined, as even the protection glass began to crack. Julius and the scientists observed worryingly, but then suddenly nothing, dead silence, and not a sign of movement.
The room was dark, as Julius cupped his hands to the window. As he peered in, his very last glimpse of life caught sight of a barbed tentacle, as it pierced his eye socket and through the back of his skull, covering the scientist directly behind in blood and brain tissue. With screams and shouts, the scientists raised the alarm and ran for the nearest exit. The abomination looked mutant, with fused muscle tissue, multiple limbs, two heads with stretched mouths and eyes, barely resembling the humans they once were. The veins of the creature glowed the same illuminous blue as the fluid.
Within what seemed only seconds police ransacked the building in riot gear, but Gretel and Stuart were nowhere to be seen, somehow escaping the perimeter and remaining undetected. As two lab technicians finally made it to safety on an isolated road, two to three hundred feet from the perimeter, one asked the other ‘Are you OK?’, the other smiled with a hollow look in his eyes, as his right arm mutated into a tentacle and pierced the abdomen of the white coat. Whilst still alive and in shock, blood dripping from his chin, he witnessed before his very eyes, the person who he thought was his friend and colleague, was in fact the Specimen, returning to its original form. The fluid had somehow granted a power far beyond comprehension, a power to imitate and replicate, which it used in order to escape the building.
As the Specimen once again transformed, this time into its latest victim, not but a mile down the road a thick fog shrouded the area, to then disperse as quickly as it appeared, however it was now standing in unfamiliar land, but it somehow seemed strangely welcoming. A new home, an accepting one. The Entity has found another prized possession for its collection.
SPEED: 4.6m/s
Tap the Power Ability button to scroll through the survivor portraits. Holding the Power Ability button allows you to replicate the chosen survivor. Whilst replicating a survivor you are granted the oblivious status effect; it also allows you to imitate specific survivor actions with special results, however the Specimens base speed is reduced to 4.4m/s whilst in this form. The Specimen can return to its original form at any point by holding the Power Ability button. This results in a cooldown before the Specimen can reuse its power.
Tap the power ability button to imitate a survivor crouching, tap again to stand. Whilst crouching, the Specimens base speed is reduced to 2.2m/s.
Hold the secondary Power Ability button for one second to imitate the Injury pose. Whilst imitating this pose the Specimen does not leave behind blood stains. Hold the same button for a further second to return to the fully healed pose.
IMITATION – Generator Repairs
Whilst in Replicant form, the Specimen will receive visual notifications when standing next to a generator. Hold the secondary Power Ability button whilst standing next to a generator to imitate generator repairs. Whilst doing so, the generator regresses at 100% speed. The Specimens field of view is limited whilst imitating generator repairs, however survivor auras can be seen when within 16 meters of the Specimen. The Specimen cannot imitate generator repairs on an unworked generator.
Whilst in Replicant form, the Specimen can only perform basic attacks, and cannot perform lunges, special attacks or grabs. Once a normal attack successfully hits, the Specimen reverts to its original form, with a cooldown of 2.5 seconds. The Replication ability then has a cooldown before the Specimen can use its power again.
Whilst the Specimen is in its original form, holding the secondary Power Ability button down will perform a long-ranged tentacle attack. Based on the length of time the button is held, the attack can range between three and ten meters. The Specimens movement speed is restricted whilst holding the secondary Power Ability button.
Whilst not the intended result, it is an undeniable ascension of human ability.
Whilst this hex totem is active, all other hex totems on the map appear as dull totems. If this hex totem is destroyed, all remaining hex totems will re-appear in their hex state. This hex totem takes an additional 6/8/10 seconds to cleanse.
‘Our goal is to create the next stage of mankind’ – Julius Grey
Rumors of your ability instils fear into even the bravest souls.
When a survivor is unhooked, the unhooked survivor has the Broken status effect applied for 10/20/30 seconds. This effect stacks with any other Broken status effects.
‘In this world, there is no place for the weak’ – Julius Grey
Success isn’t measured in beauty, its measured in pain.
When the end-game collapse begins, the time is decreased by 10/20/30%.
‘You’ll all pay for the pain you’ve caused’ – Stuart Black
MORI – (2 Available)
1) Replicant form – The right arm begins to mutate back into tentacle form, as the Specimen pins the survivor on the ground, left hand around the throat. In short sharp jabbing motions, the tentacle pierces the chest and abdomen several times, all whilst the Specimen is screaming. The final jab is to the survivor’s throat as they gurgle blood. The Specimen then stands up, with the hand reverting to Replicant form.
2) Specimen form – The survivor on their knees, facing the camera. The angle pans, backwards to reveal the Specimen standing behind the survivor. The tentacle suddenly pierces the abdomen, before sharply being pulled back through, and then a further one through the chest, again removed. A final and third tentacle strike pierces through the back of the neck as the survivor slowly gets picked up and then dropped to the ground. The Specimen screams as the third strike penetrates the body.
Toxic Barbs – The Specimen continues to evolve, manipulating the very toxins within its barbs.
· If a survivor is hit with a tentacle attack between 9-10 meters, it inflicts the dying state. The tentacle charging speed is moderately decreased.
Makeshift Tools – Through careful observation, the Specimen can mimic survivor’s actions in an unparalleled way.
· Whilst imitating generator repairs, the generator regresses at 200% speed.
GreyTech Fluid – An additional syringe of the unknown GreyTech fluid.
· The cooldown time between changing from Specimen form and Replicant form, and vice versa, is significantly increased.
Julius Grey’s Eye – Julius Grey’s eyeball, the stark reminder of who caused the Specimen its unfortunate fate.
· The tentacle charging speed is moderately increased.
Lost Polaroid – A photograph showing Stuart Lock and Gretel Black in the Laboratory, anesthetized on bedspreads.
· The charge up time for the Specimen to regain its power is significantly increased.
Fingerless Glove – Found in a storage cabinet in a sealed plastic bag, labelled Stuart Black.
· When the Specimen changes back from Replicant form into Specimen form, the oblivious status effect remains for a further 5 seconds and the transformation is silent.
Family Keyring – Found in a storage cabinet in a sealed plastic bag, labelled Gretel Lock. The keyring has a picture of a family, with two young children.
· Whilst imitating generator repairs, the Specimen can see survivors auras up to 24 meters.
Bloodied Lab Coat – A laboratory technicians coat covered in blood stains. It was found in the streets far from the GreyTech building.
· The charge up time for the Specimen to regain its power is moderately increased.
Torn Bedspread – Two ripped bedspreads from GreyTech laboratory, taken into evidence by the local authorities.
· The base speed whilst in Replicant form is increased to 4.6m/s.
Loaded Revolver – A loaded revolver found in Julius Greys desk, with an accompanying box of bullets.
· The tentacle charging speed is slightly increased.
Conference Microphone – A wireless microphone atop a pedestal in the GreyTech conference room.
· The charge up time for the Specimen to regain its power is slightly increased.
Snapped Restraints – Steel wrist and ankle restraints, warped in shape under extreme pressure.
· The transformation process from Replicant to Specimen form is silent.
Bloody Toolbox - Through monitoring survivor’s actions, the Specimen can burden generator progress more effectively.
· Whilst imitating generator repairs, the generator regresses at 125% speed.
Nail and Tooth – Nails and teeth on the floor throughout the GreyTech building. It appears these were discharged when the Specimen bodies were fused together.
· When hit with a tentacle gouge, the survivor suffers the mangled status effect.
Broken Test Tube – An empty cracked test tube on the Laboratory floor, with a label ‘Sample 49’, keeping it from completely shattering.
· The Specimen starts in Replicant form as a random survivor at the beginning of the trial.
Dinner Tray – A basic dinner tray used to serve the Laboratory patients their meals.
· The cooldown time between changing from Specimen form to Replicant form, and vice versa, is slightly increased.
Skull Shard – A bone fragment from the skull of Julius Grey; the aftermath of the Specimens piercing blow.
· The Specimens terror radius is reduced by 8m.
Congealed Blood Pool – Puddles of clotting blood within the GreyTech Laboratory. The blood is mixed with an illuminous blue fluid.
· When the Specimen imitates the survivors injured state, the Specimen leaves behind blood trails.
The Specimen is a tall and horrifying creature. Its skin sheens as it resembles pure muscle tissue. Bulbous tumors appear all over the body, as well as illuminous blue veins. The Specimen wears torn pale blue hospital pants, the only remaining clothing from Stuart Black and Gretel Lock. The Specimen also has redundant limbs hanging from its body; an extra arm protruding from the abdomen, almost human looking, and an additional foot growing from the side of one of its legs. The Specimen has two faces (to represent both victims who lost their lives to the experiment). One lower on the right-hand side of the chest, and the other sprouting from near the left shoulder in an almost head shape. The expressions are gaunt with an almost melting appearance (similar to the Ghostface cosmetic), and the orifices glow the same bright blue as the veins. The head near the shoulder has a few silver/grey strands of hair dangling over the face. The back of the creature is muscular and bulbous, with tumor like lumps over the body, and a mass of veins. The bones of the rib cage are also very visible, with one penetrating the skin, dripping a blue fluid.
The Specimen Audio Cues –
Whenever the Specimen (unless an add-on is used) transforms from its Replicant form back into Specimen form it lets out a blood curdling scream. The scream is almost zombie like and contains both the sound of a man and woman (two screams in one), representing the two victims.
Whenever the Specimen hits a basic or special attack a smaller moan or groan can be heard (unless it is a basic attack in Replicant form, however if this attack is successful it triggers the transformation process).
Basic cosmetics could include –
· Changes to the color of the hospital pants.
· Changes to the color of the veins and orifices from the illuminous blue.
· Changes to the tentacle color, as well as the size and shape of the barbs.
More advanced cosmetics could include –
· Additional torn clothing, such as a torn GreyTech hospital gown.
· The metal restraints around the wrists and ankles.
· Further redundant limbs hanging from the body.
· Change of style and color of the strands of hair (the grey is that of Stuart Black – Blonde could be used to represent Gretel Lock)
· Changes of expressions on the faces.
Bob Archie grew up in a middle-class family within London City Centre. Through the years, despite his potential, Bob did not reach the greatest heights he could have. Although he did not fail academically, he did not pass with flying colors. Bob was neither popular, nor un-popular and managed to drift through most of his young and teenage life as a shadow, far away from the spotlight.
Later in life, when further education was an option, Bob remained indecisive and decided his best approach was to take a gap year and re-evaluate his options over the coming months. This was an opportunity to save some money and perhaps open a few more doorways for him in the future. Although Bobs passions were few and far between, ever since he was a young boy, he had a fascination for old fashioned photography and polaroid pictures. He was always excited to see a real-life scenario develop into a frozen moment in front of his very eyes, a potential piece of history captured forever. His interests with photography were broad, as he saw the beauty in people, animals, old and new architecture, history, time and space, technology; the list was endless. Bob created countless social media pages to advertise and sell polaroid’s, although the market was that of a dying one. The technological advancements in this market meant that the quality was unmatched, however it didn’t hinder Bob in any way. He believed there was something incredibly unique about polaroid’s, something undeniably elegant.
One evening, whilst browsing the internet upstairs in his bedroom, Bob caught sight of a social media event. An event from a company called GreyTech, an experimental science company, who, as quoted, were helping change the course of history. The advertisement stated that there were limited spaces for a public tour, to show and display all current fields they are working on. Excited to capture these amazing moments on his camera, Bob applied for a spot. The very next day, an e-mail arrived in Bobs mailbox ‘You have been successful, congratulations. Please ensure you bring your identification. We look forward to seeing you on 1st June 2044, 19:00’. A week from today.
With the anticipation and excitement in the air, the week disappeared as quickly as it started. Bob grabbed his long coat, beanie cap and camera and got on the very next bus to GreyTech. Bobs excitement was very short lived, however, as when he was granted access, he was quickly told that no photography was permitted. Determined, and against all his own thoughts, he sneaked and deterred from the tour around halfway through it. He entered a stairwell and walked down to the bottom floor. As bob pushed the door ajar, he could not believe his eyes, Lab technicians all in white coats and bio-hazard suits, peering at motionless humans behind giant glass screens, staring, like they were animals in a zoo. Bodies under sheets were being transported out of the room, patients being injected with fluids which looked bizarre and almost alien. Bob suddenly felt uneasy about the whole situation. He carefully poked his camera through the gap in the door, clicking his camera as he tried to capture these inhumane acts, when suddenly it looked as if one of the technicians made eye contact with him. Bob, in a panic, dropped one of the polaroid photos by mistake and ran out of the building in haste. When he was a safe distance from the building, Bob immediately reported what he witnessed to the local news stations. Within only a few days, GreyTech was shut down, and the boss of the company, Julius Grey, was dead. News reports stated it was suicide. Regardless of all the unethical behavior Bob had seen, he blamed himself for Julius’ death. The night after the statement was released, Bob went for a walk late at night to clear his head. The usually busy city streets were quiet, as a strange fog encompassed him. Bob found himself in a strange and daunting place, with both familiar and unfamiliar feelings attached to it.
Bob Archie's Perks –
Picture Perfect – A keen eye has made you extremely observant to the finest details.
When you enter a locker within the killer’s terror radius, you can see the killer’s aura for 2/4/6 seconds whilst within the locker. Picture Perfect has a cooldown of 80/60/40 seconds after it has been activated.
‘A photograph can help you live hundreds of lifetimes’ – Bob Archie
Butterfly Effect – A constant fear of small mistakes has made you intuitive with decision making.
When unhooking a survivor, the killer receives no audio or visual cue. Butterfly Effect has a cooldown of 80/60/40 seconds after it has been activated.
‘Was Julius’ death really my fault, am I to blame?’ – Bob Archie
Drifter – Never knowing what the right path is, sometimes you must take a leap of faith.
When performing a fast vault, the killer will receive a further visual and noise notification at the same location 7/5/3 seconds later. The next fast vault you perform within this time period will be silent. Drifter has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds once it has been activated.
‘Sometimes you have to close your eyes, guess, and walk’ – Bob Archie
Bob is an average sized man (Caucasian) with blue eyes and hard stubble. He wears a blue beanie hat, with a long brown smart coat (open). He has a pale grey woolen jumper underneath, and slate grey jeans. His polaroid camera hangs from his neck. He wears brown boots; a similar color to that of his coat.
Basic cosmetics could include –
· Changes to the color of the coat, jumper, trousers, boots, beanie.
· Changes to the color of the camera.
More advanced cosmetics could include –
· Different styles of polaroid camera.
· Further additions to the beanie I.E. versions with pom poms.
· Changes in facial hair, I.E. clean shaven, mutton chops (it is England after all 😊), a full beard.
· Changing the style of coat to another design I.E a puffer jacket for example.
· Since Bob is somewhat from the future, perhaps LED shoes.
It could include the labs, as well as parts of the main building and car park, which have all been abandoned after the company was shut down. It might be interesting to include a modern style map with a larger inside/outside areas, but I haven't put too much focus in this area.