If you're playing Spirit

If you're playing Spirit against me then congratulations - you can have the game.
I actually can't fathom what they were thinking with this killer. Can phase so regularly, pop out of thin air, has no hard counter and to top it all off - the skill threshold is incredibly low.
I'm not entertaining Spirit games any more. Any time I see a Spirit I'm refusing to play.
That's ok, I'll refuse to play against Flashlights and Keys then, and I can lobby hop without consequence.
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She also can completely counter iron will making me a 3 perk survivor against her
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All these survivors complain about little counterplay, have you ever taken a low/mid tier killer with no kind of anti-loop mechanics against good survivors stacking second chance perks through maps full of safe pallets, god pallets, god windows and spaced between hold W zones?
Survivors have no counterplay too in many scenarios yet people act like it doesn’t exist. Its why people dont enjoy using those killers at high rank.
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Totally - I'd invite anyone to protest where they feel the game is unreasonable in its game design/mechanics.
I don't get what your deal is with flashlights though but by all means it's your prerogative.
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I mean, the game has been out a long time. If you are going into games as a loopable killer you should know what can happen if you don’t take enough chase perks.
Back when god windows truly existed I literally never took bamboozle off my M1 killers. I still rarely play M1 killers without at least 2 chase perks.
It still doesn’t justify spirit though. I probably have less than 20-30 hours on her and I was consistently landing perfect phases and getting 4ks at rank 1. I can’t imagine if I spammed her all day. She’s just that easy.
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Bad experience with hitting higher ranks too early really.
I've farmed BP with Spirit and Freddy, which has catapulted me to purple ranks far quicker than I should have got there. (and I mean farming, I will let some people go if I'm getting 10 hooks, everyone gets out with 25k+ BP, everyone wins)
But this means that now I'm trying out new killers, that I have little experience with and few perks, I'm constantly facing the rank 1 clicky flashlight elite commando teabag lynch mob.
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Try to use Spine Chille and Iron Will. Great counters to Spirit. It will not make you of course unkillable but it will help you a LOT. I usualy use Spine Chille in my normal build and it helped me many times from not just stealth, tinkerer players but also Spirits.
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You're not the only one, everytime I go against spirit survivors just run at her and point at the hook to suicide and move onto the next match.
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I do run Iron Will, but don't run Spine Chill any more. From my experience, they both hardly make a difference. Either the Spirit still phases perfectly, or, in the chance that I do evade her, I run to capitalize on my distance but she just phases again and she's back again.
That's the thing about Spirit. Even if she does make a mistake, which to most killers would be pretty punishing, she always has the fall-back option of phasing again to make up the distance. Hence the massive snowball effect.
Even if I did bring Spine Chill and Iron Will, and managed to use them both 100% effectively to "counter" her, there would STILL likely be the issue that my teammates would be having problems against Spirit due to her OP abilities. Hence I still indirectly am affected by the fact I then have to unhook them, heal them etc more regularly than the norm.
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"That's the thing about Spirit. Even if she does make a mistake, which to most killers would be pretty punishing, she always has the fall-back option of phasing again to make up the distance. Hence the massive snowball effect."
So does the Nurse...
Or Blight, or Oni. They can all quickly recover from any mistake, that's the strength of high mobility killers.
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That’s very true but at least killers can mindgame a lot of pallets and jungle gyms.
There are some maps like meat plant and haddonfield that are garbage but on your average auto haven Macmillan map you can cut chases pretty short regardless of your choice of killer
Also what god windows? Any examples because I don’t remember any that don’t have breakable walls next to them
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Chase perks only help so much, since survivors can drop early to avoid spirit fury and some games Bamboozle never comes into play but thats still 2 perk slots you’ve had to sacrifice whereas the meta now is picking strong killers and stacking all the slowdown perks.
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The average spirit player is easily counterable you really need to think outside of the box. It's not that difficult. I actually find her to be one of the easier killers to counter.
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Fair enough with keys but flashlights? A 4 man flashlight squad might aswell be a free win
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How is that unique to Spirit? Any killer can take Stridor. The only killer that can counter iron will is Nurse since she has an add on for louder sounds.
Also its kind of a moot point. Look at Hex perks, any survivor can counter Ruin making me a 3 perk killer against them etc
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Its not like chase perks really help that much. You will never ever come close to a killer with a strong chase power. And you have the problem that you cant use other perks.
Spirit is annoying bc her counterplay is rare, but you need really fast downs without relying on loops to win against good survivor.
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I rarely use spirit fury, I’m typically doing enduring bamboozle or enduring brutal.
And that’s always been the “meta” which doesn’t exist anymore since the maps and survivors have been nerfed enough you can win with any killer. You don’t really need to spam nurse anymore like you did in 2017.
And all the slowdown perks are pretty mediocre at this point. Pretty much all you need is pop. Ruin is a trash RNG totem, Corrupt barely helps against a really sweaty team, and Sloppy is hard countered by good medkits.
I still run chase perks even on strong killers. Pyramid head people love to just chuck the pallets if they realize you are good with his M2; so I do brutal on him often. Same with Oni. It’s not like even the strongest killers get to ignore it.
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If I may, why don't you play as her instead of against her?
Trust me, it will be a good experience. You get to have fun and understand her better.
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There’s really no other perks to use anymore. Maybe whispers, I don’t need BBQ anymore. All the other killer perks are typically so mediocre I feel it’s more worth it to pump up your chase potential even on strong killers. And yes do they do help, or at least I think so.
Cutting off shacks and jungle gyms early can save more time than any regression perk available. Good survivors will loop M1 killers so tight you literally have to eat the pallet to get rid of it, or risk extra loops
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I have played as her. Admittedly not a massive sample (maybe 15-20 games)?
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What do you do normally then?
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The new Chapel can have a god window. There are some breakable walls, but they were useless with the rng i got. I hope they fix that like they did with other windows.
There are still enough bad maps. And it doesnt help that good survivor who know them can use map offerings. I dont mind even playing the Game against the average red rank bc they apparently dont know where the pallets are, but winning bc of the huge mistakes of others is not great.
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True maps are probably the biggest issue in the game right now. Maps like coal tower or old chapel show how the game can be pretty balanced
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Yh i know that i need to eat some pallets but i think gen regression gives me better the time for that then enduring and brutal. I did run Spirit Fury on some killer but then i had some matches where they just predropped.
I use only bamboozle on Bubba, STBFL on some other killer and brutal on Clown and Huntress. What builds do you use?
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Run around in circles like a maniac and eventually double back. I just walk away if she's fake phasing, and just start running around like a maniac. Works pretty much every time. I don't run iron will, but I do play kate, so she is a bit on the quiet side. This strategy is effective, because most spirit players don't expect it. It's kind of like retracing your steps to double back in a sense while running around like a maniac. Also crouching in strange places does work too.
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Against bad spirits this will work but even okay spirits will pick up on this. Especially if you don’t have iron will (I play Jane so I’m not exactly quiet:)
of I am using iron will I just stand still works like 60% of the time
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You switch it up though too. I mean realistically there is not much you can do against a god tier spirit. Just like there isn't much counterplay if someone is really good with a certain killer. I've gone against some pretty good spirits doing this strategy and it works pretty consistently.
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The only killers who have less counterplay than spirit are nurse hag or deathslinger in my opinion anyway
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For some of my most played killers:
Pyramid: Corrupt, pop, brutal, monitor
Bubba: Corrupt, pop, bamboozle, monitor
Pig: Corrupt, enduring, bamboozle, monitor
Clown: Corrupt, enduring, brutal, monitor
Ghost: Corrupt, pop, sloppy, enduring
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Yeah but Stridor is amazing for spirit and spirit only. She's only supposed to track you by sound and scratch marks but if you bring a perk designed to stop you from making noise and a Spirit brings Stridor it's literally only to stop Iron Will and that's not cool and takes the challenge out of it.
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Oh, I see. It is a not a massive sample, but not that bad either. Which killer is your main?
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Another victim of the participation trophy Era!
Let me just quit and not play because I don't like something, that I agreed to face the moment I readied up.
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I run Stridor on Blight. Stridor is good on most killers, since it negates iron will and allows you to track people based off sounds. No more injured people hiding in bushes or lockers will escape my detection!
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You're welcome to play stuff you don't like, I personally am not up for it.
I didn't explicitly agree to play a Spirit because I didn't know it was one prior to readying up. And even if I did, that "agreement" (as you interpret it) can be revoked.
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Yeah I frequently play Wraith, still think Spirit desperately needs a change.
Just because one aspect of the game doesn't mean everything else is fine. There can be multiple broken things simultaneously.
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You will never win if you give up.
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Ok well just know that you’re hurting your other three teammates and the Spirit player by quitting. I understand Spirit is unfair but just make the best of it.
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Never win against another Spirit, correct. I'm not that fussed on winning anyway; winning is not a prerequisite for having fun
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I acknowledge that. However, I only feel tangentially responsible for that. If BHVR do a rework on Spirit and I feel it is sufficiently balanced I'll certainly play versus her but until then I refuse.
If enough people refuse, hopefully it sends more of a message as well on the need for reform.
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Yes, lets just all refuse to play against killers we don't like, until we can teabag all of them equally.
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Can't really blame you, often ppl just go afk or suicide when vsing a spirit, everyone maining spirit does so because they know how broken nd easy to be good with her is, if you don't mind goind deaf from 11/10 volume with stridor on.
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yes please punish your teammates for what the killer chose to play
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or you could...
Take some time to observe the killer and predict them more accurately.
Playing a little more cautiously and stealthily, switching up tactics in response to what you find in game rather than expecting the same thing to work all the time, ie mindless looping.
Indulge in the increased tension of facing a spirit that is often lacking when playing other more easily countered killer powers.
Realise that its only good spirits who tend to wreck face and that can be said of any killer.
Keep a keen ear for her phasing and be more cautious about leaving a gen sooner to avoid her rather than pushing to the last minute into chase.
Understand that its just a game and doesn't matter and try to have fun anyway. (I realise this last one is hard and we all fail at it sometimes but its better than throwing the game away for your team by rage quitting).
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If you readied up, you agreed to play a round with the understanding that Spirit may be the killer.
Frankly, this attitude is what destroys the solo q experience.
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And the whole point of my original post was that I am not willing to play with Spirit. Accepting the risk that I may go up against a Spirit does not mean I am forced to participate in the match when it happens.
Given there are 20+ other killers I can play against, I will just move on to other matches and continue to, on the whole, enjoy the game. Since I started this policy of refusing Spirit matches, my enjoyment overall has gone up.
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How nice for you, I guess.
I am sure the enjoyment of your teammates has gone down.
But, screw them I guess. Least you didn't play against spirit.
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Waaaah, jumpscare killer isn't easy to run from, waaaaah.
If Killers threw every match where they felt it was pointless to go up against impossible odds, then there would be no DbD.
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No-one is crying here. All I've said is that I'm not willing to participate, and want to move onto the next game. And, as I've commented earlier, I've had a lot more enjoyment out of the game not going against an outrageously OP opponent.
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And what about your team? What if they have a chance to win and then you just decide to throw because you don't like the Killer?
Fact is, every Killer in every match is outnumbered and ill-equipped, especially when going against sweaty swf teams, and yet this incredibly stressful role is responsible for providing the game's challenge.
Just because you can't counter play spirit doesnt mean other people can't. Maybe play a bit of her yourself, get good as her, and then formulate outside-the-box strategies to deal with her instead of killing yourself and screwing over your teammates.
Its attitudes like that that are slowly killing this game.
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All this crying about Spirit and yet most players still want to play survivor. Think about that. Maybe instead of demanding nerfs for more and more killers you should actually try enticing more people to play killer.