Strongest Killer Lorewise

Who Is the strongest killer Lorewise Without Including licensed killer? Who Is the strongest killer Lorewise including licensed killer?
For me:
with Licensed killer: pyramid head, because he can mori without mori or Add-ons (like Michael)
Without licensed killer: oni, because he killed intere army
Lorewise? Probably plague.
She could kill everyone on an entire continent if she was let loose into the modern world.
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I think Oni is canonically the strongest killer considering the Entity turned him from an ordinary skilled samurai into an actual Oni, a demon.
If all killers were pitted against each other in a battle royale type setting, It would probably come down to Pyramid Head vs Oni. Demo's also a close contender considering he's a inhuman monster as well
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Licensed: Michael Myers
Unlicensed: Either Oni due to his strength and dedication or Blight due to his mutations and serum compounds
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Oni has it all
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Not to nitpick, but why do you say lorewise, then say Executioner because he can kill with base Killer Power?
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I think he says "lore wise" to basically say "this isn't about gameplay"
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Yes, but "being able to kill without additional gear" is a gameplay feature.
Unless i missed something and all Killers were required to have Add-ons in their backstories to kill people.
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Id say pyramid head since he was invited to join by the entity and didn't have to submit to the entity. The entity didn't even bother trying to control him because it knew it couldn't control him. Thats some serious power imo. Michael would likely be a close second for similar reasons (although the entity did make him come and the entity has at least tried to control him)
Non licensed I would guess oni. Even before becoming a demon he was super powerful as a human and even then could take on a number of the killers as a human. As a demon (especially beefed up) would crush most of the killers easily.
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Blight is the most powerful, even surpassing Oni and Demogorgon. In his lore it was hinted that he has killed killers before.
With licensed killers it'd probably be Pyramid head.
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Probably come down to a 4-way at the end.
Demogorgon, since he has been shown to survive being burned alive and was light up by 20+ soldiers using what seemed to be MP5K's.
Michael Myers, since he is the physical manifestation of Evil. He's been burned alive, shot by a S&W Model 15 Revolver, which is basically the .357 Magnum's younger brother and he took two of those rounds to the forehead.
Oni, since he appears to be incredibly physically resilient.
Pyramid Head, since he is similar to Myers as a manifestation of guilt.
I think it'd end up being a tie between Myers and Pyramid Head, since they are both more ideas than anything else. Coincidentally, they are also the only two Killers that can simply say "Nah fam" to the Entity and there isn't much the Entity can do about it.
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What would Oni make of Trickster if they crossed paths lol. Potatoes and dip I reckon.
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Even before being a demon lol
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Couldn't say for sure but in all likelihood it's probably somewhere between Freddy, Pyramid Head, and Oni.
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Demogorgon, Oni, and maayyybe Pyramid head are at the top of the list. My money's on demo since he can traverse through the upside-down.
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I mean that he can overcome the Entity's control as it requires sacrifices and does not allow killers to do so without mori
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Aha, thank you for that clarification.
Wasn't he also invited by the Entity instead of abducted?
I think that also says many things for how insane this guy is.
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I think both he and Myers were invited.
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Oh yeah, a quote on the wiki says: "He does not strike me as someone who even went unwillingly to this place." - Unknown
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Not licensed: Plague could kill millions without lifting a finger, so I think this is kind of obvious.
Licensed: This might not be a popular opinion, but I'd say Demo. Pyramid Head can't just appear and cause havoc, that's not how he works. Demo, however, is an almost unkillable beast. Even if Demo couldn't slaughter a massive amount of humans, he would damage the ecosystem to an irreparable degree and nobody would be able to stop him.
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That's why I think it comes down to a tie between Pyramid Head and Myers, as both are manifestations of guilt and Evil respectively.
Although, I'd like to see a matchup between the Mind Flayer from Stranger Things and The Entity.