Is it me or there is a cheater plague atm ?
I notice more and more killers knowing all the time where survivors are without BBQ, Stridor or any perks/add ons that could help them find the survivors.
I mean, being hidden next to a pile of crap without anything next to you, no totem, no gen, no hook, no mark left well nothing and the killer comes exactly to look for you where you are while you are sure he haven't seen you.
This happened to me many many many times the last month. That almost never happened to me before.
Of course, when this happens, half the time the player has a VAC ban history or the profile is private or the player has only one or two hundred hours of gameplay on DbD.
Could be, but until we see a clip we can't know for certain.
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Normally I'd say a lucky guess, but if they have a VAC ban I'd probably be more suspicious
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Sometimes people accuse me of wallhacking but the truth is that a good killer watches everything from: birds, grass, generators, generator sparks, etc. On the other hand I often see a survivor and ignore him for a while while using Pop or breaking a pallet then I go to the survivor and they think I WH them eventhough I knew they are there for 2 min now.
Sometimes I fish survivors out of lockers with Doc or with help of BBQ because they seem to not understand that a lack of response of Docs AOE shock or BBQ is also a response.
Try playing Killer on a really high level and you will learn to pay attention and mindgame people so hard you will get reported every match for skill.
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When i say plague it's not 50% of the game but like out of 20 or 30 games i see one guy acting weird.
When i duoQ, on discord we are like (i have kindred equipped) : "he comes on you or on the random, he has BBQ" or "sure he has Stridor i didn't move for 15 seconds, i'm behind this thing where there is nothing and he founds me directly without even looking around, he has Stridor."
Then end game and he doesn't have those perks nor aura addons or anything... and we are like ok bullshit xD
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Ye s but someone with a VAC ban and 100 hours on dbd is less likely to fit the profile you describe
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Also i'm curious about the effectiveness of EAC... we have never had any stats about it, how many bans per day etc... We don't know, maybe it's just here to make the game prettier xD.
In other games we have ban numbers (R6S, Valorant, Warzone etc...).
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More likely then a person plays only with cheaters. If people see cheaters everywhere it usualy means they cant admit that they are not as skillfull as other people and rather have the illusion everyone is cheating then get better.
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Good headphones
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Well I don't know for sure because I haven't gone against a cheater that I know of, but I have seen it happen multiple times on streams. Usually pretty easy to tell BC it's something ridiculous like infinite firecrackers that blind you for 30 seconds each - but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that there are also cheaters who are smarter or with more self-preservation who use their extra features in a more subtle way.
Babe a new patch dropped time to verify your files again! Also you didn't happen to see a ghostface just fly past, did you?
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But for the plague you know she has an add-on that allows her to see you wherever you are when you are vomiting ?
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Not plague the killer, a "cheater plague" 😂
Like a wave of cheaters. But by wave i mean 1 cheater (not obvious cheater, just a wallhack for exemple) every 30 games or something.
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I have Iron Will equipped in every trials i play.
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It's 100% your own cognitive biases.
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1. You don't know how many hours the Killer has until end game chat. Maybe he knows the in and outs of this game and knows how Survivors tick.
2. Maybe the Killer already found a lot of Survivors hiding at similar hiding spots, so checking there might be a good idea.
3. Maybe they hide there sometimes as well as Survivor so they try to counter that with their own knowledge.
4. With a bit of game sense you'll probably know Survivors locations even without Perks.
I got accused of cheating even with BBQ, Whispers and game sense while they sometimes even hid in my plain sight. Some poeple don't know what it feels like to have a brain. They think they play against bots and not against human beings.