Is the Devout Emblem bugged?

I swear its bugged. If you get a 4k you're supposed to get at least Gold, with 9 or more hooks granting iridescent. Yet I keep getting silver despite getting multiple 4K's


  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    Because of this stupid bug I can't get the "Spilling Blood" challenge done that requires 3 Gold Devout Emblems. And since its the first killer challenge I can't do any of the other ones which SUPER frustrating.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, it's bugged.

    You'll have to keep trying until it counts the kills.

  • taimea
    taimea Member Posts: 84

    yep, i hope its gets hot fixed soon.