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This rank reset is the worst I've ever had

Don't worry, I'm not here to tell people how to play or calling people bad for playing a certain way

But Holy ######### is this the worst rank reset I've ever played in my 3000+ hours on the game

As I'm writing this the time is 12:36am UTC, and I started playing today at 11pm, and the amount of killers tunnelling, proxy camping, slugging and playing plain unfairly is outstanding. I'm not being a entitled survivor by pointing this out, as I understand these things are game mechanic, but I've played 5 games tonight and have already just been absolutely distraught from playing for the rest of tonight, which sucks because I love playing this game and honestly rarely have anything bad to say about it, other than maybe the connection issues and kill rates for certain characters.

I played a game against a Wraith who tunnelled everyone out of the game, (First two games were SWF but not try-hardy, we just like playing together) and at rank 5, I think it's fair to say that at this rank it's just not a viable strat to camp or tunnel, especially with the amount of Unbreakables and DS's people use. We don't run meta perks because they're not very fun to play and we like testing out different builds.

I had another game with a rank 16 spirit (Yeah I know, Matchmaking in this game is literally so god awful it's insane), tunnelled everyone out of the game, which is fair enough considering when you're that low of a rank, you just play to play, you don't play and actually consider how the other players must feel when you're being toxic and not playing fairly. Bu then in the post game chat I tried to tell them about how tunnelling and proxy camping aren't viable strats if you're trying to rank up, they instead of taking the tip decided to defend their actions, which is to be expected from a brown rank because of what I said before^.

Just incase you're a brown rank and reading this: Tunnelling, Proxy camping, the whole ordeal, they're not viable strategies. Yeah, sure, you might win the occasional game here and there doing them, but most games you'll lose, and you can't argue that if you're good at the game and do them that those players will win, because good killers on this game can win without doing these things (Like I'm a rank 1 hag, and don't ever tunnel, proxy camp or slug, with the exception to the latter being if someone sets of one of my traps, and because I spam the action key I'[m not going to let you off of the hook because you ran over one of my traps), they also understand that this game isn't just about you, you're trying to make the game enjoyable for everyone, which is why good players don't need to tunnel or proxy camp at higher ranks, (With the exception maybe being end-game collapse).

I'm not complaining, just trying to share my experiences during this specific rank reset. This doesn't happen all the time and usually I just accept it, and you can't sit there on your keyboard and say "git gud" when you've probably also had a situation similar to this and wanted to punch a hole into your desk, so lets try and have an actual discussion instead of a bunch of people telling me to "Git gud" or whatever -

So to keep this as an actual discussion, let me know - What was the worst game you played during a rank reset? (Lets keep it civil in the replies!).


  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    I skip the rank reset season generally on survivor and just play killer during that time, but I get what you mean. What do you think made this the worst one exactly? What makes this round of reset so special?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    There isn't such a thing as being unfair in a game where your job is to kill efficiently or the survivor doing what they have to do to escape.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Those tactics are efficient at low ranks because they fall for it and usually don't have perks unlocked to deal with it efficiently. But at high ranks it's going to lead to a de pip or a safety pip if you're lucky.

    But then again there are people out there that don't care about either and just like making the game miserable for everyone else. There's also the smart ones that do it when it's a viable strat but more often it's the other way around.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Basically this is true, but YT toxifies the community and more so than usual. I've heard one say. The way you counter tunneling and camping is not being the first one down. Ok

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    YouTube makes it worse because they have content creators who base their videos off of being toxic and then mocking people for being annoyed by it when they have baited them into it. All the toxic crowd go to those videos for inspiration.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    I think its a bit different, the toxic people learn of the game on YT, and then we get a toxic pool of people that buy the game to be toxic.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Exactly the watch the toxic content creators and then lead by their example.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Damn shame, but hopefully the nice guys don't finish last in the creative end.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Basically in all my time playing (Which is only about a year) I've never experienced the amount of sweat and try-hard killers who care so much about their rank this much ever, and after this post I actually switched to killer, same thing on here.

    Literally just quit because it's now 2:19am and I was just trying to have a nice Hag game, and here comes the 4 man SWF's with flashlights, OoO and keys, as soon as I saw that I tried to establish a 3 gen and I just couldn't, it was basically impossible for me to do so. There really needs to be an actual competitive mode introduced somehow into this game, because the amount of sweat truly makes this game insufferable most of the time and it's a shame.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I would disagree. Myself and a lot of others agree that when you play fairly, it's a better experience for literally everyone in the match. When you actively know you could be ruining someone's game, their entire mood and attitude in real life just because you rely on rubbish tactics that would never ever work in tournaments or against a full team of rank 1s is a shame.

    I think if you can't effeciently get a 3-4k without slugging/camping/tunneling every single person, you're not as good a player as you may think you are. And at red ranks, when you rely on those tactics to win, it's bullshit, because if you're a red rank you're obviously good at the game, so you're basically just throwing yourself under the bus and instead of making the game only fun to yourself and every other player, you're only making it fun for yourself. And that isn't true either, how can you have fun relying on bs tactics if you know you don't need them to win? It just seems like a cheap bs way to win.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said, couldn't have said it better myself. This game is at its Peake amount of fun when EVERYONE is having fun. When you have the choice to make the game fun for everyone, you should make that choice. And if they SWF decides to teabag you at the end, ######### them. At least you're not like 95% of the toxic players on this game, lol.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I think it's deffo a mix of both tbh, some players just see players like N00b3 and JRM being toxic, and although I wouldn't say those guys are purposefully trying to ruin other players days, they definitely so that and their impressionable audiences think that's how you should play the game. The other half just love to be awful, garbage human beings who just wish to ruin everyone's fun.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    @ttvbardberd I prefer to win. I'll do what I need to do to win. It's in my nature. To play a game like this and expect to do anything less for the enjoyment of others when you're putting your skill against others' is like playing COD and letting others' get free kills on you because they aren't as good. I don't actively face camp but I'll camp if I got to and I'll tunnel if I have to. Have you ever just stopped doing gens for a few minutes to help a killer get 2 hooks on everyone? I doubt you would because that wouldn't be beneficiary. If you lost every match to a death because you're being friendly or never killed anyone because you was being nice, you would stop playing. That's just how I view this game. Nothing against you, it's just how I play this game.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Exactly when I'm playing killer if I can tell that it's a bunch of solos that aren't the best then I'll take the opportunity to have a chill match and everyone can get a load of blood points at least even if they lose, that way at least they get to play the game.

    Then if it's a SWF that are flying through gens and I need to pull it back then you can bring out some heavy tactics and see what works. But I try to play every game with a new slate on not just go full try hard mode straight away unless it's needed.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,549

    "Don't worry, I'm not here to tell people how to play or calling people bad for playing a certain way"

    Proceeds to tell people how to play and calling them bad for playing a certain way.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    If tunnelling and camping are not viable strategies, people wouldn't complain about them so much.

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    What are you talking about? Many games are won by chasing the weak link and getting them out of the way quickly, you claim to be hag well I haven't seen a hag that doesn't trap the hook and immediately go for the person who got unhooked. I think you're a liar.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    You can say tunneling isn't nice or tunneling isn't necessary for "good killers" blah-blah-blah...

    But you're just plain wrong if you think tunneling someone out of the game isn't the most optimal strategy. After many, many hundreds of hours of killer I can safely say that reducing the opponent's power by 25% is pretty darn effective.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,846

    Only managed to get 4 games in for Killer tonight, so far not good.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I could tell you how I play Hag and the strategies I use, but I think they're personal to the way I play her. I don't trap hooks, though. If you're a good hag, you don't trap hooks because it's expected. Don't want to advertise my twitch here, but if you want to see proof you're more than likely to check it to see how I play!

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Sure, when queing against solos you could tunnel someone out of the game, eat the DS and so on, but players who tunnel incentives more Anti-Tunnel game mechanics. The whole reason they added DS, Borrowed Time and perks like Unbreakable and Soul Guard were to counter Slugging and Tunnelling because that's not how they want you to win. And to just outright ignore the fact that you don't need to use these strategies to win is cynical.

    It's less about being a good killer or being nice and more about playing efficiently and effectively and using strategies that make you win 100% of the time, rather than 25% of the time.

    A chase (Unless the survivor runs into a wall) can last at 30-45 seconds minimum. When you consider each gen is 80 seconds, which can be reduced by Prove Thyself and Toolboxes, Resilience etc, that's about 480 seconds of gen time you have left, without considering you need to run to other gens, and they will be patrolled, healing and saving hooks. If you have two people on gens at all times because you're tunnelling one survivor, who might have DS, the match will probably only last around 10 minutes.

    For each survivor where a chase at minimum can last 30 seconds, that's 12 hooks for each survivor times that amount which is 360 seconds. That's a whole 6 minutes, which is more than half of the lowest amount of time a game can take without considering perks, but not all chases last 30 seconds, some chases last for a good solid minute and a half but others can last up to 3-4 or even 5 minutes. That's if you don't focus on other players and do other gens.

    So yeah, it's an "effective" way to get the game finished with, but you're always gonna be clutching, rather than potentially winning games with 2 or 1 gens done. Personally I see it as a boring way to play that takes no skill either but that's my opinion. (I mean they're already Injured, can't heal, might not even be at a loop of any kind and they've already been hooked once, might as well get them out of the game instead of patrolling gens or pushing other survivors out).

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Didn't exactly tell anyone that they were bad for playing a certain way, but that it's actually ineffective and potentially could cost the game playing that way.

    The survivors guide for killers is a big meme, but at the end of the day the rules we have put in place for ourselves were made up BY the community. I think it's fair to say that you're not gonna be winning every game by tunneling and slugging, especially at red ranks where practically all the meta perks make gens get done in half the time, Anti-Tunnel and anti-slug and exhaustion perks that let you outplay the killer at any moment.

    I'm not telling people how to play, just informing them that they're not viable strategies and that they can win without using them, so enjoy your 3 upvotes I guess?

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Everyone please listen to this commenter, lmao. We need more players like you in this world sir😔

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Pleas point out where I told people to play a certain way also, because I just read it like 3 times and can't seem to clock what the ######### you're talking about, lmao.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Three thousand hours in this game and you only just now got around to coming to the Forum? :) I haven't noticed a damn thing different about this reset as opposed to any I've gone through before.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,433

    Playing fair can make it a bad experience for killer.

    I had a match where a doctor proxycamped and tunneled. It was a really bad experience and i was the only one who did a gen. I was really pissed and didnt try to unhook myself so he waited one entire minute at the hook and hit me. Then he picked up the other slugged survivor. It was so unnecessary.

    But then i remembered what happenend in the match before that. A wraith played really fair, hooked everyone twice before he killed someone and got two kills. But what was the thank for that? He got teabbaged at the exit gate til he chased the survivor out. Survivor like that teach the killer that he should never show mercy. Thats so stupid.

    Its an endless cycle and i dont think it will ever stop.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    First game after the rank reset was an invisible wraith during all the match until 5 gens were done. Then he goes to a door, hit a survivor when he was opening the door with noed and let him slugging to use blood warden at the end. Thanks God the surv dc. This is how you want this game played devs?

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I mean, you can see I've been on the forum before lmao. Only recently created my account because I read a lot of forum posts anyway and have for a while, just never had the need to share my opinion until now!

    And I'm not you unfortunately, so I can't relate.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I always tell people not to teabag, always. I hate it when I see that #########. Unless the killer has been toxic and clearly is trying to ruin everyone's experience, I won't teabag. But I can relate.

    I don't even get why survivors teabag when the killer got two kills? They're essentially saying "haha you played well and fairly and actually got two of my teammates out of the game so that's technically a draw, but you didn't kill me so you SUCK!" It's so dumb. I pity those survivors who think they're god's, they're the ones who get hit the hardest.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Understood every word you said my friend, probably better at English than I am and I'm from the UK😅

    But you're right, and it sucks that it is this way, but the more we all talk about it, the more likely BHVR are to keep working on this game and perfecting it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,917

    I know whatchu mean. So many proxy campers. They won't leave hook. And on the killer side of this rank reset, some of these survivors are smurfing hardcore. Like, I refuse to believe that yellow ranks (green ranks before the reset) are capable of this kind of gen speed.