Survivor's don't care about killers having fun at all
Past 3 days it's been nothing but haddonsfield, corn maps, gideon meat plant, and 2nd chance perks. How are killers supposed to have fun when the survivors want full control at all times? Let me pick freddy and slap on a dead dawg saloon offering, I'll get called trash and boring.
You are supposed to care for their fun but they don't need to care for theirs.
Rule# 2 on the survivor bible.
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And you are calling survivors boring right now, it's the same deal. If you are complaining about survivors using their best tools to try to win a game then you don't understand the concept of a competitive game. You are allowed to do the same thing and they are allowed to complain just like you are right now. If you have a problem not with the players, but with the mechanics, complain to the developers who made them instead.
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I never let a killer get 0k, and I let them kill me if they play fair. But I face a lot of campers and tunnelers and slugging people. So sorry, but for me are killers the selfish people
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A SWF told me once my fun isnt that important because i am only one and they are 4.
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Okay? If they keep doing that then throw on a map offering of your own. Sweating and trying to gain a favourable advantage for yourself isn't a survivor exclusive thing in this game. You can do the same thing they're doing if you're tired of being on the receiving end.
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I'm a survivor main but I care about killers fun. I never teabag or do anything that's toxic to others because I know thats completely unfun. I also only take one meta perk to be more fair.
Me personally if i see other people happy I'm happy.
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It is a double standard that's quite rampant in the community and an entitlement that needs to stop.
Survivors can do anything they want, gameplay wise or fun wise, but as a Killer, you're not allowed to tunnel, slug, camp, bring certain killers, etc.
It's why I always play to win, which means tunnelling, camping, or slugging unless the survivors are performing poorly or are playing nice so the 10-12 hooks is a realistic option given to me.
If the survivors rush generators, then the killer has every right to rush kills.
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It's not anyones job as the player to assure the fun of their opponents. It's the games job to provide the fun.
Furthermore, some peoples idea of fun is sweating so hard they need to stack sandbags around their computer to stop the rest of their room from getting flooded. Fun is subjective.
This game doesn't have a casual and ranked mode to separate the try-hards from the fun... hards (nailed it), so it's always a matter of chance what version of "fun" you will be subjected to match to match.
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And killers don't care about the survivors' fun.
Or, a better answer is, you sometimes get dickheads and the few times you get the worst of the worst, they occupy 90% of your memory when it comes to this overly repetitive game. I've gotten wholesome people on both ends. Just recently, I've been learning plague, clutched a 4K in cowshed when I wasn't doing too good in my attempts to learn her corrupt purge. At the endgame, it came down to picking off the remaining guys and got my kills. The Claudette that enjoyed t-bagging me at every pallet (note this is cowshed) called me an 'ez camper', but the Ace replied with 'I had kindred, I did not see any camping, maybe don't loop near the killer' went on to say gg fun game.
I have a feeling people just let these cancerous individuals occupy their head rent free instead of realizing most of the time it's just blokes playing the game for fun. Ideally, don't try to care too much about another person's fun, but try to not make their time miserable. We're all here to enjoy some recreation, and a few are here to make it suck. But just a few.
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you dont need to care anything else than your own game, enyoj the game and play it your way thats all..
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The thing is that people do talk to the devs about things in the game that are unfair and unbalanced but they just ignore them. Freddy is getting nerfed because he's apparently too op and boring to play against. All people can do is try and make the game balanced by not running all the open stuff until they balance them out.
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This. But I think I have three meta perks–Adrenaline, BT and IW. I feel dropping two for fun perks will be a good idea.
I love Fixated for instance.
Killer's fun is important to me too. If I feel they wanna give up, I don't have fun myself. I'm selfish: I care for others having fun so I can have fun, and everyone has fun.
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I don't know if I'm alone on this, but @MadLordJack can attest to me sacrificing myself to a Charlotte and Billy who were struggling super hard and I wanted them to have fun too ;w; I clipped me giving Charlotte hatch and then leading her to hook me after everyone escaped because after hitting me she just nodded her head yes and I fell in love lol <3!!!
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My fun is 12 hooking which survivors like killers to do instead of camping and slugging whole game. I can't do that if the game is so unbalanced and survivors are stronger then killers by default.
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It still won't do anything to complain to other people for using these things because most people won't limit themselves just for you and the people who would, already do. You can either complain or give feedback to the developers, just accept that "it is what it is" or stop playing. Sadly we got no other choice.
Also I believe Freddy only needs a higher skill cap, not a nerf. His only problem is how easy he is, his actual strength isn't even close to S tier killers.
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As a survivor, I must disagree. Not every survivor is like that. Now, be aware this is coming from the perspective of someone who has only ever played single player games (Bioware fangirl), and this is the only multiplayer I play. My thing is - if everyone isn't having fun - why play? It will NEVER be my intent to hurt someone or ruin someone's day. That's just messed up.
I refuse to engage in any type of toxic behavior. When I can see the killer is having a bad time (bad at chases, hasn't hooked anyone, etc...) I will go out of my way to start a chase, fail that chase, half-heartedly wiggle (so it's no obvious that I'm letting them hook me), and let myself get hooked. When I play against a killer that made it fun, I'll leave an item behind in thanks at the gate.
It also requires both sides to want both sides to have fun for that kind of magic to happen. When everyone cares about fun, those are the best matches ever and the most memorable.
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You play to have fun why care about what random people on the internet tell you what you can and cant do. Both sides have very unfun mechanics but its the devs job to figure out what to change or limit.
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To be honest, I used to care. I used to do everything I could to give killers a good amount of BP and play nice, including self sacrificing myself. Sometimes it was appreciated and the rest of the times I'd have EZ thrown in my face.. eventually I got tired of it.
I used to care.. until killer mains repeatedly told me "Your fun isn't my responsibility." So I learned from them. Granted sometimes I'll still be nice when it looks like they're struggling... but the same is never returned when I'm struggling. Instead they use it to their advantage and I kick myself for being such a schmuck.
I used to care until I came to the realization that killers don't see me as person behind the screen, so I've been trying to do the same.
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I don't care about your fun at all, I have zero reason to play "nice". I bought this game and I am going to play it however I want.
And I am speaking about both sides. Stop bitching and moaning all the time and play the game for once, if you are not enjoying it simply don't play it.
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I generally try to keep things fun for the opposing side. If I'm a survivor I won't use ds and will rarely use flashlights for example. As killer I won't facecamp, camp, or use noed very often. I still try to win but I don't want to win in such a way that makes the other side not want to play anymore. You can't have a game where no one wants to play one side.
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Yeah, they don't. I've stopped caring for survivors' fun when playing killer. If they meme around me then I'll meme with them, not the other way around.
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Most of the stuff on the forums is just people complaining about random things in the game just like me. Doesn't mean I should stop sharing my experiences with the game just because in the end it won't change anything.
Freddy is fine right now. Not all killers should take a lot of skills to use ( take a look at wrath and bubba). There's a clear difference between a bad freddy and a good freddy so clearly he takes some sort of skill.
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queen sh!t omg 💖 I do the same thing and sometimes leave gifts for them if I need to pip up or just really enjoyed the match before leaving! I want everyone to enjoy the match-- I pack kindred for myself AND the person on hook, that way they can get a chance to play rather than sit and possibly die on first/second hook :)! Also, when I see someone bully the killer for no reason I usually wait to save them or teabag them on hook before saving out of spite! I'm not perfect, if I get hardcore tunneled or bullied by the killer I might teabag with the vigor of a very thirsty tea drinker, but I would never go out of my way to make their game a nightmare.
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I've just gotten back from the Survivor Main Council, and my god, you're right.
Survivors don't care about killer fun.
They also steal people's lunch money in secret and don't tip.
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ok understandable, have a nice day
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Where have you survivors that care about killers fun been for the past 3 days? I have loads of screenshots of survivors using keys map offerings and all metal perks rushing gens
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Being slaughtered, I think. :D These past few days have been brutal.
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SWF burning haddonfield is annoying but in fairness I think it's likely due to the "fall from a great height" challenge and Haddonfield is the best map for it. That damn challenge makes it in to every rift I wish they would stop recycling it.
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It's not their job to babysit you. There will always be teabagging Neas on Haddonfield, but it is equally the case that there will be baby Dwights on Dead Dawg Saloon. Plus, the equal criticism is that killers don't care about survivors' fun.
Don't be so narrow-minded so as to pigeonhole all survivors as this or that. Survivors are all different; for every toxic Chernobyl salt mine tea bagging at the gates, there is an item-donating angel with compliments and well-wishes in the endgame chat, and for every item-donating angel with compliments and well-wishes in the endgame chat, there is a facecamping Bubba who BM's on hook, and for every facecamping Bubba who BM's on hook, there is a very skilled Billy that gives the last survivor the hatch.
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Past 3 days has been survivors not caring about killers having fun. It's more survivors then killers so it's pretty easy to see that most survivors only care about themselves. I play survivor and get a killer every now and again who will slug at 5 gens with a ebony mori on bubba
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That's your experienc. We all have different experiences on this game. Don't you think it's a bit arrogant to think that your experience reflects everybody's?
And again, it's not their job to babysit you. It's not their job to fulfill your sense of entitlement. It's their goal to have fun, and whether or not that fun is at the detriment of yours isn't their concern. Plus, it could still be the case that matchmaking is just giving you survivors who are beyond your skill level. Fun in DBD is directly correlated with skill (which is why nobody likes going against SWF), and if you're playing at a level that's too high, it's not going to be fun (especially since rank reset just happened).
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What's item-donating? Do killers get something out of items left behind?
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The exact same thing can be said about killers. Both sides have people like that.
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No, it's when the baby Dwight walks up to you, drops an item, and then either crouch walks away or does unspeakable things to your pelvic area. You can't get the offerings, since what the hell is a trapper supposed to do with a flashlight, but it's a peace offering, since they could have escaped with the item but gave it up as a gift to you. It's the thought that counts.
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No, killers get nothing out of it. Leaving an item is basically just a way for the survivor to tell the killer thanks for a good game in case you won't be able to tell them so in end game chat.
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How is it a double standard lol. As survivor you're not allowed to play with friends because that's cheating, don't try and use DS or Unbreakable, don't body-block for your teammates that's not fun and denies a killer a down, don't use dead hard because it corrects mistakes, don't use keys or map offerings, don't save survivors quickly, don't hide from the killer well because that's boring etc.
Oh wait sorry what am I thinking, I should just say "survivor bad!" and move on.
Both sides have equal amounts of entitled BS 'rules' for the other, and both have tactics available to them that aren't fun to go against but have every right to use those tactics to gain an advantage to win.
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But then you'll go up against a chill swf that's just wanting to have fun, then you'll get them aggravated and make them want to be toxic and sweat their balls off.
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With exception to playing as a SWF or using DS when the killer isn't tunnelling , there are far less people saying that survivors can't do X Y or Z in comparison to what the average killer player is told.
I call it a double standard, because a lot of people have one rule for the other side, but won't play to that rule themselves. Like I've said, as a killer main I've been told to not play to win, to not slug, camp or tunnel despite the survivors bringing stuff like DS/UB/Object/DH, keys, map offerings, gen rushing, etc.
I'm basically saying, if you expect the other side to play ''nice'' then you need to play nice yourself, except they almost never do, and as a killer main, its usually survivors mains not playing ''nice'' and then expect me to do so.
But yes, overall both sides have BS rules for the other and it can just be summed up with either side being entitled.
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No, not in-game anyway, although I feel bad when I've given a killer a hard time and it turns out they're a rank 13.
You can chill more if you're a killer and you've got the upper hand though, even if most don't. What can you do as survivor though? Let yourself get downed? Not save people? It's not fair on your team, even if they're a bunch of genrushing, clicky clicky lil' sweatlords they're still at the moment your team
Edit: I don't abuse broken loops and didn't when there was more of them unless the killer has made it clear that they're quite anti-fun themselves, I guess that's caring to a degree?
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But what does 'not playing nice' constitute?
Because aside from the SWiFr and DS you mentioned, there's also plenty of complaints about Dead Hard, keys, and even just doing generators. It's actually really hard to tell what killers actually expect from their survivors in terms of 'playing nice'.
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I know what you mean. Im a survivor main and I'm not very good as killer. I get t bagged and people set up toxic plays on me. So when I play survivor I don't do those things.
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Ill take lies for 500 alex
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Well this is the ancient old argument now isn't it? Perspective is everything. You've seen things like this but others might have experienced differently. It's almost the same as racism in every other problem in the world. Certain people have been treated certain ways and that shapes their perspective
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Exactly. My contention is that that his perspective is incredibly narrow-sighted.
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Well, generally playing ''nice'' is often doing something that isn't the most efficient way of progressing the game forward. For survivors, this would mean not doing generators whenever the killer isn't pressuring them and deciding to go plunder or cleanse totems when there is no hex's in the game.
For killers, this would mean actively trying to avoid tunnelling, camping, or slugging survivors, or ignoring those who've been given a bad game (e.g back teammates, hooked twice in a row, etc).
It's probably different, but to me, survivors who play ''nice'' would be plundering, breaking totems, doing generators rather slowly, deciding to meme or play a bit friendly to the killer all whilst still somewhat wanting to win the game. But of course, the average match is never like this, its survivors sitting on generators all day and ending the game in under 5 minutes sometimes, which is why people sometimes complain about that.
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Can confirm. Absolutely the sweetest survivor ever.
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Whenever a Survivor complains here, Killers jump on him, stating that they are not the fun provider. But Survivors should care for the Killers fun?
And I dont even see any problem in that Screenshot, they ran Meta-Perks - and? Its not like you ran Meme-Perks. They did not bring any Items, they did not burn any Map Offering...
And you even killed 3 of them. So, whats the point?
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Some survivors don't care about killers fun and the same the other way around with killers not caring either. There are some of us on both sides that do though, sometimes you just have a run of bad matches. I usually take a break at that point tbh.
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How are survivors supposed to have fun when every killer runs bbq, noed, and Mori while also camping and hard tunneling. It goes both ways.
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Thats explain, as Trapper main without using Gen slowdown. I slap in super end game build so they have the choice between finding totems, or eat Noed,BW.
My ideal of fun for survivors when I play as Killer is not extend Gen time, while not tunnel,camp. So Noed BW is a must to let me have some hook
As for me playing Survivor, deal with Noed is more fun than Ruin,pop