Any tips for adept deathslinger?
One of the last killer adepts I need and I'm really struggling. Even if I 4k I get so close to getting merciless killer but it seems like I can't pressure the gens well enough.
Anyone got any tips? would be very grateful <3
Send yourself to a good map
Dead Dawg Saloon or Hawkins are good choices. There's others as well
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It's simple they don't see their teammate as teammates they see them as free points so slug until there's only one left hook 2 let one escape your grasp then draw out the chase until at least one is unhooked then down rinse and repeat until there is one left slug them to almost death then finally hook them
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I dunno if it will work now, but when I got mine, I used an Anti-healing build + pop.
- Thana
- nurses
- sloppy
- pop
At the time, the casual survivor tactic with Deathslinger was to stay healthy, because his shot only really counts when your injured.
Not sure what the meta against him is right now, I don’t play him as much as I use to.
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Same for the other killers : hard tunnel 2 survivors out of game ASAP and farm with the remaining 2
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Thanks for the tips guys <3