Wiggle mechanics...

Saw another post about this. Started adding my 2 cents, but seemed kinda long and brought up other topics, so I figured I'd make it my own post.
People have noticed that wiggling free seems to never happen. And, while it should never be a free escape, you should at least be able to do things in game to increase your chances if you're smart. The problem isn't entirely the wiggling. It's mostly due to the number of hooks.
Back before the toolbox/sabo change, there was an update that reworked hook spawns and also reworked the hook spawn offerings (making them useless IMO). They did this because of sabo being considered too strong with there being so few hooks.
Problem is... after they reworked sabo/toolboxes, they never reverted the hook changes. So there's still a ton of hooks in each map. So many where using sabo doesn't work unless either the killer makes a mistake, or you're running a full sabo squad. Which is very uncommon, let alone time consuming.
Aside from hooks, there are perks that are specifically geared to wiggling. Breakout let's people wiggle faster if you're near them. Boil Over is supposed to be a reverse Iron Grasp, causing you to jostle the killer around more while they're carrying you. Flip-Flop can almost combat slugging unless the killer leaves you to bleed out.
Breakout is honestly perfect as is. It does it's job and isn't OP. It even forces another survivor to be occupied doing something other than gens.
Boil Over on the other hand, is practically worthless. The most you're going to get out of it is maybe half a second more of wiggle time if the killer is going through a doorway. The problem there is that killers can very easily negate the effects of wiggling without Iron Grasp. Start being forced in a direction you don't wanna go? Turn your camera. And on PC, it's even easier on console. Pressing buttons to move is more fine tuned than using a control stick. Boil Over should definitely have it's numbers increased, or straight up have some kind of rework. Maybe while jostling the killer, it also slightly lowers the killers movement speed, like a reverse Agitation.
Flip-Flop though is too situational to bother using. Really only useful at all when you get downed, and have a teammate nearby to distract the killer long enough for your recovery bar to go up. If a killer is going to slug, usually they don't even bother hooking people. They just let them bleed. Plus... There's hooks everywhere within 15 feet of each other. Usually, when you're being carried, you're lucky to make the bar 1/4 of the way full by the time you get hooked.
That's just my take on it. Again, I want to reiterate for the killer mains wishing to lynch me for suggesting anything good happen for survivors, you should never have a high chance at wiggling free. But you have to admit, even when using game mechanics geared to wiggling, it's impossible. Especially with the direction the devs seem to be going with the game (adding a trickster perk that punishes people for body blocking, which will just force people to stay on gens btw).
Wiggling isn't meant to give you a GOOD shot at escaping, it's meant to force the killer into beelining straight to a hook, instead of carrying you about while they do other things.
It's like the 4% for unhooking. Your goal is to not get caught in the first place, not have a decent chance at fighting back when you are.
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Figures... I can't even put two disclaimers without people neglecting them. That's what I get for posting here.
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Wiggling is not meant to help you escape its to stop the killer from always hooking hte the basement.
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I get consistently wiggle free with breakout and sabo when i play solo.
I know you said breakout is fine and boil over should be buffed, but you always need to watch out for synergy. While killer can combine four perks, survivor have 16 slots available. It doesnt hurt as much to waste some perk slots.
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As a Killer main, not really big on having less hooks, but I get the point that Sabo is a dead technique and perks that focus on fighting against the wiggle mechanic are weak.
I like my hooks, but I’m not against buffing some perks or trying to make Sabo more useful the (real) problem, just like always, is whatever you try to make viable for Solo Survivors becomes god like in the hands of survivors.
Id rather not get a repeat of a game where every1 kept running to a corner of the map (when injured) and others would pop hooks if I ever picked anyone else up.
In this case, I think it’s more important to let killers keep hooks and not trust BHVR to find a balanced solution. Survivors gotta bite the bullet on this one :/
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Wiggle is fine leave it alone
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No one's missing your point, it's just that you don't have a good one to begin with.
Like Seraphor said, the mechanic is in place to prevent the Killer from taking you to the basement every single hook. it's not there to give you an escape every time, or even one in ten times.
The perks you mentioned like Breakout and Boil Over are meant to assist in escaping, and is in no way meant to be a guarantee of doing so.
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Me: explains TWICE that a wiggle change should NOT be a free escape
DBD Forums: avoids reading that entirely and only views it as a "toxic survivor buff"
Aight guys... you win. Enjoy your circle jerk.
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if they removed hook vacuum i would be so happy. that's the only change i think that's needed.
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Wiggling is meant to help you get a second chance at life IF your teammates help. They did forget to remove the extra hooks. I would like for it to be reverted but I doubt it ever will be.
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I wouldnt say there are too many hooks, but rather the placement is a problem. More often that not, there are 2 hooks right besides each other.
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I know how you feel. So many times you get massivley missunderstood. Just look at some of my discussions. .-.
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You can say it's a circle jerk as much as you want, but that doesn't make it true. There's nothing to discuss about the mechanic. It works 100% as intended. It is by no means meant to be a free escape even 10% of the time, and it doesn't need to be looked at.
and I say this as a complete Survivor main, so I'm not speaking out of bias. It's simply something that doesn't need to be changed.
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Lol. Of course it isn’t true. He was saying it was “literally” a circle jerk. That would be gross.