Is Demo Strong?
I've seen a lot of people trash on him for being underpowered, but he doesn't feel that way, even with non-meta perks. Is he good?
He is fine but his add-ons aren't exactly Post Office material if you know what I'm saying.
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If you don't miss shred and can get a ton of cheeky shred hits then he is actually decent to good.
problem is you have to be really good at shred in loops and recognizing when you can land shred hits in the open is what separates good and bad demos.
If you don't shred enough and miss too many then it makes him kinda bad.
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Go watch Bronx. He's a Demo main and does very well with him.
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I don't typically have issues doing well with him, but I don't think he's strong. Most of the hits he lands come from survivors not utilizing the correct counterplays to his Shred. He essentially has no chase power against really high level runners. Never play windows and pre-drop pallets. Now his Shred does a whole lot of nothing.
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Demo, unfortunately, is "alright". Like how Myers is "alright". Yes, they aren't bad, but they simply can't compete at higher levels. In terms of red ranks and compared to most other killers, yes, Demo is underpowered. Demo is a jack of all trades but master of none. Freddy is a jack of all trades but master of most.
Not to say you can't do well with Demo - if you learn to master his Shred, run rat liver every game, and play to the best of your ability you'll (probably) do well. However, this is kind of the Pig fallacy - yes, experienced killers can do well with them if played perfectly; but they could do that with any other killer, more easily too since those killers have better powers. It's not that the killer is particularly good, it's that they themselves are very good and their skill as an M1 killer is transferrable.
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Oh yeah, his addons are... interesting. At least his pink addons aren't awful.
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Demo is a more than decent Killer. His Add Ons are underwhelming and his biggest flaw.
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Playing Demo can feel a lot like playing Clown. You FEEL like you're having a great game, making hardly any mistakes and making some really solid plays, but for some reason, the gens seem to get absolutely slammed in the background. He sounds like he would be great on paper, but it just never seems to work out that way. I think part of the reason is his fat feet clip clomping around and all his global noise sounds (just like Clown in chase). Demo gives away so many sounds that as survivor, you can usually feel pretty safe slamming gens because you very frequently know he's far away
He's probably in the bottom 1/3 of the killer roster, unfortunately. Most tier lists put him in C or D tier, which I'd agree with. You can do well with him in the same way you can do well with other weaker killers if you're really really good at the game (and run rat liver every game). But he's never going to compete with better killers in his current state. And he'll get absolutely stomped by competent survivors. It's a shame too because he's otherwise a lot of fun to play
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If you aren't playing spirit or nurse then every killer is bad
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I think he is a little under powered yeah,
He is very telegraphed, and has a jack of all trades master of none kit that is easily dealt with.
Most of his addons are absolutely useless as well. However I think he is still fairly decent once you get good enough with him; but he needs some small changes and to have almost all of his addons re-done.
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He's mid tier, middle of the pack imo. He could use some buffs
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No he's garbage
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He's extremely underrated and I'm not sure why? He has a good mobility tool at his disposal which also offers a small slowdown mechanic as survivors are often forced to cleanse it, or give Demogorgon easy map pressure. And even if you cleanse it, experience Demogorgon's ALWAYS leave two portals together, one active so the survivors cleanse it, and one inactive so it cannot be cleansed and still gives the player an option to teleport.
His shred is insane, really. It destroys the killer shack and other loops which aren't entirely circular or small in nature. It can also be a strong tool to zone survivors out of a pallet or area.
He's not played well, IMO, so people sleep on him, easily a B tier killer, maybe A at his best.
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I use active portals to patrol my totems, very useful surveillance tool. If you wanna clear Ruin / Devour, entirely expose yourself to attack.
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With the right build he can be a good killer. Dowsey a streamer has a YouTube channel where he plays an hour of demo with good builds for him. Worth a look if you want to know what goes well with him and how to use the build to its full potential.
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Demo is a nice killer. Shred is fantastic, portals are useful, perks are strong... If they removed the basekit screeching about everything, and gave it a little taster of basekit rat liver (maybe not the whole buff, demo has a similar zoning potential to PH after all), then I'd say that's all that needs doing.
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Demo is fun and heavily underestimated. IMO he is a solid B+ tier killer. He has a semi-stealth ability with super-duper good mobility. His shred is extremely powerful if you know how to use it, you can do fakes with it easily and screw over safe loops/jungle gyms. Also, STBFL on Demo is INSANE. My only issue with him is the fact that Rat Liver isn't basekit.
Demo needs more love.
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I mean I hate how its made a global sound though
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Dont know whats funny about that. If you think Demo is bad, you are bad.
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Demo is mid. Not awful, not good.
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Many people say he is one of the most fun killers to play but everytime i wanna play him i remember all that times i got bullied or genrushed playing him and switch back to my mains LOL.
No seriously, if you invest some time in his 2 powers (shred and portals), he can be quite good. His shred is more of a zoning tool, actually hitting good survivors with it is quite hard cause you have to time and aim it well. His portals are cool on bigger maps, making you not so much dependent on having a good 3 gen and you can use them to defend totems but i often felt like they are no real game changer comparing to other mobility powers.
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At least with demo he can shred pallets to quickly create deadzones, when i play him it's either you get hit, you use the pallet and get hit, or i shred the pallet and you better be at the next loop. An issue with clown is pallets just stop whatever he is trying to do most of the time while with demo he breaks them faster then most killers and in terms of catching up i would rate him highly but not as high as say blight, nurse, or spirit.
Also unlike clown he has solid gen defense that functions as info/stalling/ and mobility, i never mind survivors destroying portals since they are so quick to replace. In early game you use them mainly as mobility then when 3-4 gens are left you just smack them on gens and play defensively. I wouldn't really use the portals to catch survivors by surprise hopefully that gets changed to do so but as said they are pretty decent for mobile/info.
Lastly so many people underrate his shred, yes it's mediocre if you don't recognize/know when you can use it but if you can it's pretty good and it also makes T L walls and shack in favor of him since he can run it the survivors way and just hold shred and react to whatever they do. An important thing to learn as demo is recognizing spots in the open that makes shred unavoidable as well as the max distance you can shred to fully utilize those spots.
Is he competitive? of course not only like 4 maybe 5 killers are but against good teams not insane ones he can still compete if you are good with his shred.
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From what i saw his survivors are quite dopey to.
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He's allright.
It's biggest issue are all the sound queue's. He globaly anounces so much to survivors that you bassicly turn every solo into swf
Also being a Legion main and being used to Legion being silent and short i find it impossible to mindgame with stompy mcstompenson
Pretty good when you learn to zone with shred though. But be prepared to be destroyed on tiles where you can't use shred.
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Demogorgon is like a weaker Pyramid Head. He has the same "Lol I'm holding my power as you run towards the window or pallet, vault it and I hit you or don't vault it and I cancel and hit you." that he does, except he can't tunnel as well. He's extremely boring to go against
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Yeah, that's a failure of communication on my part - I didn't mean to say Demo is as weak as Clown, just that they can feel similar in how they tend to get gens hit harder than other killers. Plague also has this to a certain degree (survivors choosing not to cleanse and just hammering out gens)
I'm not saying shred is useless. Like you said, it's great for eating pallets quickly without losing much distance, and if you run survivors around a loop the right way, you can get some sneaky hits. But I would argue a lot of the things you mentioned don't work against good survivors. On short loops, shred is borderline useless in that scenario, and survivors can a lot of times just continue to run the loop instead of dropping the pallet unless the timing works out just right for that scenario you described of them either dropping the pallet or taking a hit. Rat liver definitely reduces the weaknesses of it but demo is still gunna have a rough time against survivors that know what they're doing.
Portals are another thing that seem better on paper than they actually are, imo. Like you said, portals getting destroyed eats up some of the survivors' time, so it's helpful in that way. You also get some tracking and mobility. But all the time you spend looking for the spot to place a portal because there's some weird pixel inexplicably blocking it, all the time to actually place, to get the right portal in view, to actually use it etc. It ends up taking A LOT of time over the course of a match, just a few seconds here and there.
I don't know, we might just have to agree to disagree. If the only reason to use him was shred, then PH is better in virtually every way, since the power is very similar but much stronger. If the only reason to use him was portal mobility, there are other killers much better at that. If only for portal tracking, doctor is way better. I kind of agree with the idea that Demo is OK at a lot of things but not particularly good at any of them compared to other killers. Being OK at several things instead of being really good at one thing just doesn't seem to translate to success at high ranks. I feel like he could be really solid with some simple number buffs but imo, with his current state, there are roughly 15 other killers in the game already that are gunna have an easier time in red ranks than demo will
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that's why i said you need to be good at using shred, it can even be used on small loops you can just barely nick them with the edge of shred and i can do this around 50% of the time if i go for it but it is hard to recognize when you can land that. Even if you don't land it if they use the pallet you destroy the pallet very fast so you don't lose that much distance.
I don't think PH is that much better than demo in terms of chases, sure it can hit a little more but demo saves a lot more distance then PH allowing you to follow you with another hit, demo is also better at any vault since you can go into your power so quickly and it's fast enough to react to vaults meaning he is better at zoning. Ending chases sure PH is better but in the long run demo is better since he deals with the loops, doesn't lose nearly as much distance, and is better at zoning vaults.
Still demo isn't as strong as PH since he can tunnel and can land hits easier but in terms of zoning demo is better.
edit: in terms of holding W demo doesn't suffer from it that much but PH definitely does since his power sucks in the open forgot to mention that.
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Demo is actually very well balanced. The key to him, in my opinion, is Shred. You have to get good at it, even if it means playing some games where you pretty much attack with it over and over again, taking your lumps until you get it down. Properly timed, Shred can break a lot of safe, longer loops. It is particularly good at ending loops at the Killer Shack early. The key thing is not to get too enticed by his teleport ability. He isn't the same kind of high mobility Killer as a Freddy, Nurse, or Spirit. He has to be tactical.
I like to do the following:
- At the start of the match I quickly go to the hidden side of one gate (the ones where the Survivor not opening the gate likes to hide) and put one of my portals there. It is for later.
- During the match when I pass the other gate I do the same. I'm setting these up for the end game (if I can't prevent it). The point is being able to traverse the entire map gate to gate.
- I'm a big fan of the Add-On(s) that allow him to remain undetectable when he emerges for longer.
- I'm a big fan of Tinkerer and of Trail of Torment for him.
- In short, I play him as a modified Stealth Killer with one HELL of a lunge (Shred).
All that being said, it took a lot of hard knocks to get Shred down. Now I can switch to shred at will while looping to great effect, destroy the pallet they drop, and so on. An interesting thing about Shred is if you hit someone with a basic attack, and then start trailing to make up the ground, you can very shortly Shred and make it all up with a hit.
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I'd rank Demo a C tier for the fact that his shred is easy to dodge and his portals can be taken out by survivors.
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He's underrated, imo - I'm biased, though...I always have fun as Demo :D
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I will concede that you are a much better Demo player than I am if you can make those small loop hits roughly half the time. I can get those once in a blue moon but most of the time, I end up either missing by a hair or demo starts squeaking because I hit the tiniest edge of the wall. Car tech is really fun when you get it to work though
Yeah, I might just have to agree to disagree about chase. I guess for me, I can do start to finish chases with PH in a fraction of the time and effort it would take for me to do the same with demo. I definitely agree demo is a bit better at zoning now since he can instantly stop faking a shred and get an M1 hit out of it, although you can still sometimes zone a bit with PH by just dragging the sword and body blocking pallets/windows. And I also agree shred is, in general, much better than PH's ranged attack out in the open. Demo definitely doesn't lose as much distance from a missed attack
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There are some exceptional Demo’s out there that are on point with Shred, and exert HUGE pressure by aggressively using portals as traps and traversal at every opportunity.
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If your dodging his shred that demo is doing something wrong, in the first place you shouldn't use shred in the open unless a survivor runs through two objects where shred becomes almost undodgable. Also at max distance shreds those are also hard to dodge and the demo can hit you right after most of the time, This is especially effective when used to a vault/pallet or when trying to hit a survivor going between objects as said before.
At vaults unless at max shred range demo can simply react to you vaulting and then hit you with shred this is always true at shack unless you simply entered it too late and the survivor already vaulted, if you are dodging shreds by faking vaults the demo is simply bad since there shouldn't be a reason for them to miss when you can just react to the animation or if they are holding an item you can see the item disappear.
Like the only time a survivor should ever dodge a shred is in the open like along the wall of shack if they decided to run the long way and even then it's a 50/50 due to the width of shred. the only other time i can think of is if they shred at you towards a pallet but that also serves to try to bodyblock or m1 after the shred i do this a lot with recovery addons.
Then again a good demo is as rare as nurse from what i read around so i can see people underrating him since a good demo is so rare, many people just don't look too much into learning shred and the timing for using it at loops so you never shred past the survivor. Like faking vaults shouldn't work because demo can just react to it but it does against most of them.