Killer tier list based off of how much they can beat my ass in a fight

S tier being killers that could beat the ######### out of me and D tier being killers that I will tear their limbs off.
I digress. everyone is in S tier against me.
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Give me a baseball bat, covered with barbed wire and nails and I'll give you my answer.
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the chainsaw killers are a joke gasoline dseprivation and id use a gun
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That might work unless it’s Oni. His armor might be enough to protect him.
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Well #########
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why is piggy not in D? she is just a woman with a pig mask on, you cannot be more disadvantaged than that
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Hag and Legion make her look tough
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Like Indiana Jones said, ' never bring a knife, to a gun fight'
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Clown is in D tier. He'd probably be able to best me in combat due to his sheer size but I'd like to see that fat bastard catch me as I calmly walk away.
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Why the hell is spirit so high? Yeah she has a katana but she seems very inexperienced in fighting and is pretty skinny.
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It might be part of the reason that she’s me waifu and I would never hurt her. I would let her kick my ass.
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guns never stopped michael. Lol
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Yea, I was about to comment this too. Do you know how many times Michael got shot? Or stabbed? Or hit with cars?
I can imagine this would happen with some of the other Killers as well
I know Pyramid Head is immortal for instance
That and Deathslinger has his own gun
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Guns don't stop Demo
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Ph would be one of the best contendors to fight Jason as they both have similar feats but pyramid has full immortality while jason has ressurect. But yeah pyramid can only be killed by whats his name forgiving himself.
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I am so weak that everyone would be S Tier against me.
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okay you're not winning against four armed teens, no matter how much you'd like to think so, unless you're a trained martial artist
trickster kills a ton of people
plague probably wouldn't want to fight you anyways if she's herself, but you'd just die of sickness by being near her
twins is a 2v1
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Depends on the gun:
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What about legion is easy to beat? It's 4 teenagers with knives. You arent winning that
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Isn't Blight lore wise one of the, if not the strongest killer in the game? It was mentioned in his lore that he has killed killers before.
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That works
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Heres mine
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Lol at so many people putting hag at the bottom. I wouldn't like my chances against a creature that can rip out your liver with her bare hands
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Dude She is skinny and bony as hell. I think a good strike on the head with Lucille would probably bust heard head open
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I think you don't know what a wendigo is. A flimsy basebal bat would do you little good I'm afraid.
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It depends on the person and what weapons they have, but I doubt any killer would lose a fight because they've all been given strength by The Entity.
Unless of course you send them to Haddonfuck before the fight starts. That'll be an ez clap.
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I wouldn't say she's a full blown wendigo if she was, she would be called the Wendigo not, the Hag, don't confuse her from the one in Until Dawn. Wendigos in actual mythology are similar in terms of werewolves, they require silver to kill it, or fire. But you'll suffer mentally, I could apply alchol to the bat, light it, maybe add silver to then boom. Shes dead
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I like your resourcefulness. I'll allow it.
Kick her ass
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I'll give it a go
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I like how as much as everyone debates we all agree almost everyone, including a bunch of the survivors in this game, could probably kick Legion's ass.
It's just an edgy teenager/young adult.
He even runs slower than I do and gets tired faster than I do, dude has like NO stamina. He practically blacks out if he runs for 5 seconds.
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I doubt you could take all four members of the legion at once, And the hag is strong enough to rip through skin effortlessly, if her mori is any indication
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I'd say this is mine, with Clown being in a generous spot.
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Any ranged killer would still be a threat. I'd like to see you try to out-aim Deathslinger :]