Free trial week

A week where new players can try out maxed base kit on killers they don't own. That way they can see if they like them and want to grow into them. New survivors could also get to know them and have a sense what they are up against. Increased BP or small amount of Shards for players going against them. Idea being to help increase the player base. Good idea? Bad?
They used to have something like that for the Licensed Killers, it was an iri offering that let you try out that killer with no perks or add-ons. They eventually discontinued those offerings, for reasons I don't know.
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Most likely money or licensing issues.
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it was also kind of buggy.
Sometimes you could unlock the killer until you closed the game, and that way you could just rush them all to 40 and get the teachables without spending a dime.
or it simply did nothing. you would spawn as the killer you equip the offering on.