Next Level Perks

Probably old suggestion, I just haven’t seen it yet.

How would you feel if BHVR considered all current perks as ‘basic’ and they added new Next Level Perks. They would be perks that BHVR deemed too strong to also be added to three other perks, so Next Level perks take up more then one slot in Perks you can bring.

Effectively graying out one of your perk slots and forcing you to bring less perks, for the exchange of a (what BHVR deems) a stronger perk then usual.

Personally, I have conflicting thoughts on the idea. It’s why I wanted to start a discussion.

I mean, it would suck if Meta builds could be crippled down to 2 perks only, but at the same time, I think BHVR could have more leeway to give us more interesting abilities/perk ideas, if they were allowed to shake the balance just a tiny bit more.