Blight changes


i'v done some digging around and iv found that the only way to really get a hit with blight while rushing is basically by cheating with dpi on mouse and keyboard. I play on controller and I can safely say that when rushing with blight I will get around 1 hit every 50 rushes becuase it's insanely hard with the slow turn rate, I think the blight should be able to turn 90 degrees like oni becuase then when I line up a perfect blight hit I won't get beaten by them doing a slight spin.


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,276

    It seems like they should just increase the max sensitivity level on consoles. I play on PC so I don't have this problem, but I've seen many posts on here about console sensitivity being trash. Not sure why BHVR doesn't increase it

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    your post got moved to the abyss.

    Aka the Feedback & Suggestions section.

    Impressive amount of data, respect.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,276

    AHH, that seems like a much more complicated problem. It's almost as if they didn't really test it on controller then

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Not even close I play console blight and I say he is probably the 2sd most complex killer in dbd

    1 you need to know basic geometry example blight is x speed when In rush for x time so i need to hit x object at this time to be able to catch up to the surivor in time

    2 you need to predict and adjust for the survivors actions,

    lets say there is a long wall you would have to slam into an object and choose an angle that can cover as many options as possible is you go slightly to the left of said survivor you can cover the w and a option to dodge the attack .

    so if they run back at you you can hit them but it's not easy. This is the dpi thing your taking about that some people use to land that hit more consistently.

    Now I would go on but I will leave it at this

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    I cant imagine trying to play controller blight. On m&k though I dont change my dpi to anything crazy and do just fine. Just make better adjustments when you rush