Would y'all say this video showcases the top % MMR?

Botiz Member Posts: 483
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Tru3 just uploaded a video to his YouTube and the title is "What Top % MMR Looks Like In Europe", I wanted to know whether y'all feel like these survivors were top % or not.

As someone who also plays on EU servers, I personally think Tru3 made a lot of mistakes this game and that this didn't feel like top % to me. I played my main (Blight) and had games which were super stressful, involving multiple people in games using the DS + Unbreakable combo, Object of Obsession, and more. Here's two examples of what I ran into which I personally feel were much worse than the game Tru3 showed:


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Not really. IMHO this is what top% MMR (especially Europe) looks like:

    should be timestamped to the start of the whole Twins fiasco.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited March 2021

    The survivors were good, the ace and meg especially.

    However I wanna point out something about this match that bothers me a bit:

    • Tru3 made a couple of misplays that could've netted him easy hits/downs. When he whiffed at the ace after dropping down, that mistake alone allowed the ace to make it to the pallet. Even with DH I'm pretty sure tru3 could've downed him before he made it to the pallet
    • Losing the Downed Quentin. Could've got him out of the game which might've helped turn the tides. Not his fault due to sound bug (?)
    • He talked about 'wasted pallets' but I don't think he realised there was a survivor who went around resetting good pallets that weren't broken, more specifically that one car loop pallet. It was dropped THREE TIMES. The ambulance pallet as well
    • He was sent to Badham. (Notoriously bad for killer & not his fault)
    • Latency screwed him out of several hits from the look of it, this is why docs always run the discipline addons
    • He's using a meme addon (not his fault, viewer build request)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    If you are playing someone besides like spirit, nurse or hag and killing people....it's probably not the top %.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I gotta be that guy, but this is specifically what mmr is designed for. Not the game's fault not alot of people play as seriously as they do.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Oh I definitely agree, I'm just saying that the 2nd game in that video is a much more accurate representation of top% MMR

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    I think it showcases how bullshit Badham Preschool can be, but that's about it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Also didn't he say he like never loses ever. I mean, that's not exactly fun for the other side being in a match they can never win.

    He's only waiting that long because it's trying to find the only people it thinks can hold a candle to him.

    Don't get me wrong, it means the MMR system is not working we can't have people not being able to play because they are "Too good".....but I don't know how to solve this problem, but at the same time MMR solves so many other problems and makes things better too....it's really a tough problem.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I’m no fan of tru3, but when he hopped on nurse, everything was fine. The game just needs a roster with more killers that can play at the upper levels. If tru3 played nurse every match he’d be just fine, but who wants to play the same killer over and over

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    To be honest I think a lot of the damage was done by the map (which they picked). Badham is terrible and somehow somebody signed off on this garbage 3 times since 2017.

    But yeah this is reflective of what top MMR will be like. They all used the map fairly well for the most part, 4 dead hards as expected. Comparing this to the dowsey vid, sure a competitive team is top, top MMR but thats after a 2 hour queue and with a very unique situation given his Twins streak. For the majority of people reaching the upper limit this is kind of what MMR will be like.

    Also lmfao at that Dowsey video. "SWF doesn't provide much of an advantage" - The DBD developers. Sure it doesn't, I'm sure 4 solos, or even a 2swf+2swf would pull off the same tactics. Sure they would. Totally not them making excuses to avoid balancing the game.

    I did notice all the incredibly good survivors in tru3's stream today. I also noticed how almost every single one of them used Dead Hard. Totally a bad perk though, the survivors on here have assured me it's not that good. The high level players only use it for the memes.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437
    edited March 2021

    i can't get over tru3 unironically thinking he's in the top % in this game

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    He also slugged which he doesn't like doing.

    I noticed that Tru3 wasn't having fun at high MMR vs good survivors, bad maps, and your regular killers.

    Then he switches to slugging Nurse, and you can tell the survivors didn't have fun.

    I think that's how it's going to be. Fun for one side only depending on the killer.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Liking to play that way or not liking to play that was is a personal choice. THIS is the game the devs have given all of us that play killer. When I first started playing on PS4 release I didn’t even know what a slug is..... We had old ruin, we had brand new ps4 survivors that weren’t optimal so we could just play the game.

    things have changed over the years on both sides and killers were backed into a corner and told to “get gud” when gen times were brought up. As a direct result the best slowdown a killer has is to slug. It’s unfortunate and not terribly fun, but the devs design the game perks/balance etc.

    I say all this to emphasize that if slugging isn’t appealing to “you” then don’t do it, but understand that versus better players it’s just not advantageous to go for 10-12 hooks with how the devs have made the game atm.

    we all know this so anyone that choses to play for hooks can’t really complain too much because it’s not the most efficient way atm. Not taking shots, just pointing it out.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Well now I can say I watched Tru3 play. Not sure why he has so many fanbois, but it is what it is. Meh.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27

    Tru3 has used clickbait sounding youtube titles for a long time so there's that. But there's no doubt he made mistakes in that game and is reluctant to admit it. Lately he's way off his game and just seems extra tilted even though his ego is at an all time high. Personally I think he spends way too much time reading his chat looking for people to argue with that he's just distracted.

    Tru3's undoubtedly a good player, but he's been having more and more trouble keeping track of the game lately. He can't keep track of who was hooked and constantly gets caught out by DS when he used to be so anal about it. On survivor he'll just criticize his teammates for not doing things he's not doing either. His awareness just seems completely shot and he's not playing his best. He seems really frustrated with the game right now and that he's not enjoying it.

    I say this as someone who has always kind of enjoyed watching Tru3 as a guilty pleasure even though I do recognize why a lot of people dislike him. I tend to turn him off when he gets to be too much and starts arguing heavily with chat. He acts like he's the most logical being on earth and nobody understands the game as well as he does. Many of his criticisms of the game are valid, but he has this crazy victim complex and just can't let it go when anyone says the smallest thing that disagrees with him. He gets damn near insufferable and just can't stop. Lately it's just all the time and he seems like he's on a crazy downward spiral and desperately needs to take some vacation or something.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2021

    Tru3 made some mistakes but that's completely irrelevant to the topic of the post.

    The topic was referencing the caliber of survivors of which they did seem quite good. Top % could mean top 1% and it could mean top 5% etc etc.

    The only time they get much better is when it's a SWF and they have added coordination from mics and info. IE when we look at Dowseys match that someone posted for example, the only real significantly noticeable difference was the SWF coordination component, not necessarily the individual survivor skill (top %).

    There's also of course the component that content creators in general post exaggerated titles for clicks so taking any of them too literally is already not quite accurate.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    They keep nerfing slugging and it letting survivors heal up, or not getting 12 hooks only hurts your score anyway. If you slugged all 4 then 1 hooked it's brutal killer tops.

    Basically the scoring system doesn't work with how the game balance works at a high level. The game expects you to chase-hit-hit-hook-chase-hit-hit-hook-chase-hit-hit-hook but this isn't feasible at the high level. You also lose points for using instadowns etc

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Not to mention he also recently last week was acting toxic to a couple of random survivors, and got tilted cause they were body blocking for each other. If he isn't having fun playing the game then just play something else, it's unreal how much he can complain about stuff and still sit there every single day on his stream playing a game he struggles to have fun with. If he's such a know it all on fighting games then he should go back to doing fighting games, but all he does is simp for a game that he tries to like. Everyone that used to be a fan that are no longer a fan of him knows he needs to take a break because he is getting burnt out on the game, hell I get burned out a lot on DBD as well and it would be unbearable of being a Fog Whisperer having to be forced to play a game that I can't bear to play every day just to keep a partnership.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    The actual top % of dbd is almost unheard of.

    A) Nobody actually knows what top % really is because MMR doesn't tell you

    B) The highest potential for killer and survivor has not been seen yet, this game doesn't really have a competitive scene and the scene that it does have isn't the highest potential you could reach. People are still discovering new techniques in popular fighting games like Super Smash Bros. Melee after 20 years. This game is only almost 5 years old and it has very few tournaments.