Remove the timeout for disconnects
The timeout is stupid and punishes people that just want to get away from a match that shouldn't be happening in the first place. Killers that refuse to chase someone that is 10 feet from them because they want to hard focus on someone they hooked. Farming killers that make for boring matches. Killers that run "strategies" that have them camping a handful of generators for 40+ minutes refusing to leave them for any length of time because heaven forbid that someone MIGHT escape. These are just a few of the many examples of matches that are a complete waste of time.
If you don't want to remove the timeout because you want to punish the people that leave without due cause give us a button on the escape menu to vote to abort the match. When 1 person clicks the button everyone gets a notification that a vote to abort has been started. If the majority of players remaining in the match agree to abort then the match ends then and there. No escape points granted to survivors still alive and everyone gets the points they earned to that moment. Everyone gets a vote, survivors and the killer. Dead survivors can't vote though because they can stop spectating and go find another lobby whenever they please. That way we have a way to get out of a match that the majority of players in the match agree is a waste of time match.
21 -
The DC-Penalty is good and should stay. Yes, it might be boring to play a Farm-Match (I get them rarely, so I dont mind some Farming, if it would happen frequently I would be annoyed). And honestly, I would also like to DC in some instances, e.g. if a Survivor kills themselves on their first Hook or if a Survivor DCs at the start, I also would like to get out of the Match ASAP as Killer, because it will be boring. Either I drag it out so that everyone can get points, or I win easily, because it is a 3v1 from the start.
However, this is not possible, because people would still DC for things they dont like. And those are the majority of players and it is good that they get punished.
Regarding the option to abort a Match, IMO something like this should not be in the game. SWFs could easily abuse that, like, seeing that the Killer is Spirit? Playing in a SWF with 3 or more people? Great, the Match is over, simply vote!
(Even tho, I am sure, that almost never a Spirit Player will be able to get a game, since even Solos would probably want to abort the game)
But yeah, something like this would be abuseable.
7 -
The DC-Penalty is good
2 -
At least you admit you want the penalty gone so you can abuse it by disconnecting from any match you don't think you are going to win. Also lol at "killers camping a handful of gens" what, is he supposed to walk away and count to 1000 so you can do the gen?
10 -
He's supposed to chase people not follow them for 5 feet and go back to the gens.
0 -
Must be a Saturday - and No.
2 -
It's also not about winning or losing. I don't mind losing. What I mind is a boring match that has no point in playing it.
0 -
Matches are usually no more than 10 or 15 minutes. There is no reason to NOT suck it up and finish out the game
If we were talking about a game where the time investment was upwards to 40 minutes (like League of Legends), then you'd have a point.
If you can't handle the occasional bad match in a game who's matches are as short as DBD's, you shouldn't be playing at all. Put the game down and come back when you have the mental fortitude to put up with it.
BTW... if you make yourself seen at a hook, you've given the killer no reason to leave. They know in that moment there is at least 2 sets of hands not on the generator - they've just lost time pressure. Additionally, making yourself obvious bait like that makes most semi-intelligent killers assume there is another nearby, and chasing the bait will make them feel like a chump.
The right call is to remain out of sight and pop off generators to pressure them away from the hook
6 -
That's my point. A match is over in like 15 minutes but they get dragged out unnecessarily and we can't get out of them to move on to another match.
0 -
He's supposed to win, he does so by stopping the gens from being completed. Just that simple. I know, you want to get a good chase so your teammates can do the gens while you're running. Unfortunately for you, every killer learns really quickly that not every chase is worth pursuing, and that Survivors consistently try that same basic tactic.
4 -
Says who? Do you also listen to killers when they tell you what you're supposed to do?
4 -
Trial's not over until everyone has escaped and/or died.
4 -
0 -
You can leave the match without the penalty. Go for the killer and let him hook you, simple
5 -
If the killer is camping, the game shouldn't be lasting 15 minutes.
it takes 80 seconds to do 1 generator solo.
It takes only 2 minutes for somebody to die on a hook
You an literally do an entire generator in the time it takes for somebody to die - assuming they don't do the selfish thing and suicide. So if the killer camps the first person, you can theoretically pop off 3 generators and be more than halfway to escaping already in less than 5 minutes.
Your games only last longer than 15 minutes if people dick around and not pressure the killer on the gens or people dick around aftewords when the game is done and 99 the doors.
4 -
Here's the math for you. If a normal match lasts 15 minutes and you get 25k bp for that match regardless of who wins or who loses and you spend 40+ minutes guarding those gens and only get 32k bp because you maxed out your bp that's 7k over those extra 25 minutes that you could have played almost 2 matches during. Oh my... that means if you didn't waste your time sweating over that last generator EVERYONE could have gone to their next match and potentially gotten upwards of 50k bp from 2 more matches in that time you spent getting 7k. Which is the smarter play?
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I run into killers that if you do that they refuse to hook you and even refuse to slug you so you can't lay on the ground for 2 minutes.
0 -
Short answer: No
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooo
5 -
I think what you want is Identity V's option to allow the Survivors to voluntarily surrender to the Killer as a group.
0 -
If we're just throwing out random numbers I'll join in.
1 killer. 4 Survivors. If you can't find a way to finish 1 of 3 available gens in 40 minutes, that's on y'all. You literally outnumber him 4 to 1. 521,600 minutes per year, plenty of time to learn strategy.
2 -
I don't care what you call it or how you word it. I just want to be able to move onto another match.
0 -
your error is in not pressuring them into coming after you.
I guarantee if you start working generators, they'll at least take a swing at you. If you let them grab you, the game is on a course to end in less than 5 minutes as you now have the ability to wiggle free and do it again. You force their hand.
Game is always in the survivor's hands to end - one way or another.
DO THE ######### GENS
3 -
Lol if u want to DC as survivor why don't u go to the killer and die on first hook? It's almost as fast. As a killer main if I don't want to play this round I just go afk and do something else for like 5 min. If u face to a corner the game will end quicker.
3 -
There are unfun things both sides deal with.
At the top of the list....DCs!
6 -
Then just do gens lol.
2 -
Nah you should have thought about your actions😐
2 -
This, a thousand times this!
Especially when you're a survivor and you do this. When a killer DC's, yes it's a dick move and they shouldn't do it, but at least everybody can get into a new game right away.
A survivor who leaves effectively just screwed over everybody left on his or her team. People like them are the reason I main killer and hardly play survivor anymore.
2 -
The numbers I used are realistic and demonstrable. Outnumbering someone is irrelevant when they are the one that can attack. All you can do is run when they come at you. You also may not have 4 survivors alive at that point in time or you may be teamed up with survivors who refuse to go into the killer's terror radius to do one of the gens. Also whatever strategy you are able to come up with is why it finally ENDS after 40+ minutes of struggling to get a few seconds at a time between being chased away and the regressions. So your comment really wasn't very well thought out.
0 -
Yeah, I've never had a math last longer than 20 minutes, so I'm going to need to see some evidence to believe your claim of being repeatedly stuck on 45 minute long games.
The numbers I used are very realistic. Yes, the killer has a weapon, most of the time he can hit 1 person at a time with it, and has a cool down between each hit... I understand when you are new that can seem intimidating, but over time you're going to learn.
It's true, you can be stuck with bad teammates. In fact, if you are unlucky enough, you may even get a teammate who disconnects from the match, leaving the whole team in the lurch because of one person not being a team player.
1 -
Just dc and take the 5 minutes. I do it from time to time, when I don't wanna waste my time ingame. Or just go afk. Usually takes the same amount of time. The DC-penalty is a very good thing. I personally left many games, when I faced a killer that I disliked going up against. As there was no penalty i could get a killer I wanted more.
1 -
I'm not new to this game and I know how to play it so don't talk down to me. Quoting the number of players doesn't have any relevance in this case. If there are 3 generators right next to each other and the killer decides to sit at those 3 generators for the ENTIRE game then there's nothing you can do but try to dip in and work one of those gens and dip out when the killer comes for you and dip back in when he goes to check on the other 2 gens he's camping. No matter how you slice it, or what strategy you want to use it draws the game out drastically when it happens. Having 4 vs 1 doesn't matter when the side with the 1 player is the side with the weapon. It's not about being afraid to take a hit because I'll gladly take a hit or even go down to get that gen up. It's about doing it tactically at the right moment for it to be worth taking that hit. If you just go in buck wild taking hits you don't need to be taking you'll spend more time healing from those injuries than working the gens and they'll regress more than you fix them which takes even longer to get them up.
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Only as long as all Survivors on the team are on board with it.
0 -
So SWF now can ditch killers they don't think are fun?
1 -
Sure, why not? It lets the killer go for another match and they probably wont get a swf team on the next lobby because swf isn't as common as people claim it to be.
0 -
Lot of words to explain why you don't have evidence of these 45 minute matches you claim to consistently get.
And yes, you are new, otherwise you would remember how it was before the dc penalty. It hurt Survivors far more than killers.
1 -
Firstly, I didn't say they were consistently. I used that as 1 of a few examples and NOT an exhaustive list of the types of matches that I believe are justified to leave. I do not record my matches because I am not a streamer or youtuber so I have no reason to be recording them. Therefore I wouldn't have evidence that they occur but if you aren't new to the game then you MUST have seen matches like that because they DO happen and I don't need to provide the evidence of them you can go watch any streamer you want and they'll run into them from time to time as well as a plethora of other types of matches that they wish they could DC from because they are just obnoxious matches. It's not about 1 specific type of match it's about the types of matches that cause people to not want to play.
0 -
"as well as a plethora of other types of matches that they wish they could DC from because they are just obnoxious matches"
It's amazing how you can come so close to realizing why you are asking for something that would be bad for the game without getting it.
I mean, I could be wrong, but somehow I feel like you may not like having a survivor dc from every match you try to get in as Survivor because they don't like that map, or that killer, or the gen placement, or wanted to be the only nea, or didn't get a key on the first chest they searched, or whatever bs reason they'll come up with. That's why the penalty was put in place to begin with. Survivors would dc frequently for any number of reasons, leaving their teams to rot.
What you consider obnoxious, others may not, and vise versa.
0 -
I never cared about anyone DCing from any match for any reason. I have been playing this game since about the time Nurse was released so you know how long I've been playing and how much I've seen.
0 -
So you don't care if your teammates abandon you, and feel like they shouldn't either.
Yeah, you are basically the posterboy for why the penalty exists. Fun talk though.
2 -
Did you not notice the other people in this thread that offered up suggestions for how someone can leave the match without getting a penalty? People that are going to leave the match are GOING to leave the match one way or another. The penalty is doing NOTHING. So why have it?
0 -
Because it lowers the overall amount of people who do.
Kind of like how no lock is 100% effective. You still lock your door because even though it may not keep everyone out, it will keep most out.
By your logic we may as well not have any rules, as some people will always find ways around them anyway.
2 -
Rules are invented by people. If enough people don't like a rule then it gets changed to suit the majority. Which is why in my opening post I offered up a compromise if there's not enough people in support of the original idea of just removing the timeout.
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I could be down with a voting system, but it would need 2 major things to work.
1. If the survivors vote to leave, the killer should get all the emblem and points he would by hooking and killing the team, that way it's not abused just to "punish" killers who are winning, by the last 2 survivors constantly opting to quit early.
2. If the killer leaves, all survivors get equivalent emblems and points as though they repaired 5 gens and escaped via the gate, same reason as above with the roles flipped.
0 -
I was thinking that whoever voted to keep playing but was outvoted would be guaranteed a safety pip if they didn't have enough emblems yet for it and if they had more than that they'd get the emblems they earned so you can't screw someone over that wanted to stick it out. If you vote to leave you get the emblems you got with no guarantee of a safety pip unless it's a unanimous vote to abort, meaning all the survivors and the killer vote to abort.
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Gotta be a unanimous vote on one team or another otherwise these forums will fill with so much whining it'll break the internet.
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Because it gives the other people in queue a chance to not have to play against a quitter.
If it does nothing, why are you complaining about it?
2 -
You can take the DC penalty from my cold, lifeless corpse D:<
1 -
What bothers me about these threads other than the obvious "my selfish need to not be challenged trumps your right to have teammates that stick it out" is I understand it takes more than 1 disconnect to invoke a penalty
So if you are getting a penalty invoked - you're obviously making a habit of this
Which means you are undeserving of consideration and sympathy as far as I'm concerned.
1 -
You get a penalty at a single DC whether it's your fault or not. I don't make a habit out of DCing but I don't see why I should have to sit out for 5 minutes because of 1 DC against a killer that is trying to grief me. A second DC and you wait for 15 minutes. It gets ridiculous when the community is full of people that want to grief you for one reason or another.
0 -
@AlexisFox the voting is so convenient FOR YOU, majority are survivor's..
Here's more examples of wanting to quit..
Just being idle in the game cause survivors are afraid to go to gens.. I've spent 5 min without just moving and still survivors will hide and wait for the other to get killed so they can escape thru the hatch..
Survivors gen rushing.. a minute into the game and soon 2 gens go out.. whats the reason to continue..
Like your idea to find a way of dc without punishment..