When will mouse macros finally be dealt with? Oni/Blight mains are cheating
Hmm, I need footage of this happening cause I need to see what this looks like
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Ah,you meant something else.
Yes he can 360 while doing the lunge but not the demon strike out of the dash
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Ups,just realized you guys were talking about the lunge and not the demon strike out of dash 😑
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@OniWantsYourMacaroni You're good, Bro. No harm done.
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@Hoodied Look up Oni J-Flick on youtube.
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Survivors too are balanced without knowing where every survivor and the killer is all the time, but this is okay just because? And yes, obviously voice chat is everywhere, but if the game was designed with survivors having this much information, perks like kindred, bond, empathy, dark sense and "there's a Hex on the shack" would be basekit.
It's naive to think that this game is designed to 4 survivors have all this kind of information, cause we all know that with exception of a good nurse and spirit, there's no other killer who can stand a chance against a good team.
And even a blight or oni using this high DPI exploit to verse a 4 man on comms, the killer would be at disavantage.
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Dude. "YOU can't counter it" was the typo I'm talking about. My god. You were saying you CAN.
I'll take a 180 flick oni over spirit any day but I'm just saying just because it's more fun to verse than spirit doesn't make it fair. It's unintended firstly and not even possible with a controller. No surprises if it gets removed.
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I was saying You as in YOU, not me.
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This is still going?
I honestly feel that the there are two kinds of people complaining:
1. The survs that believe a rock or tree will save their life, getting triggered when they get hit around, when in reality it should. A simple object shouldn't counter a killer. Instead you should have a unique pathing and reaction to it. And also that's the counter to the flicks, NO WAY??. Instead of hiding behind a wall or rock, actually move around objects that are out of his reach
2. Console killers who are jealous. Instead of being childish and saying " if I can't have it, no one can" when you can hound at the dev's to implement it as a feature rather than remove it. Also console is bound to get optimised soon, with all graphic reworks anyway, helping with the frames hopefully.
Post edited by 1nsignia on2 -
Also console is hound to get optimised soon, with all graphic reworks anyway
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This all day, twice on Sunday, and every birthday...
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i main blight and you dont even need to j flick ill ######### on you without it. I thought about learning the j flick. But i don't want to use something and get crutched to it just to lose it.
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Yes, because the devs always program things perfectly. snort
If it is truly a bug, they can find a way to fix it. Hopefully without breaking "normal" use of the power, but I won't hold my breath on that.
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Yeah that's a good point. That's what I worry about. I want them to make it not possible but at the same time I cringe every time they touch one of our favourite killers lol
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The problem with your "math" is you are assuming it is that simple. You are making massive assumptions as to how the programming actually occurs, when you really have zero insight into the actual code being used. You're blowing smoke with a pure hypothetical, and it just looks stupid to anyone with any actual programming experience.