Quit complaining about camping and tunneling if



  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    If you understand how to dismantle teams, then you wouldn't have problems with so-called "genrushing." Make your choice, you can't have both.

    Now, if they're hiding, they aren't doing gens. Even if they work on a gen and then go urban evade into a corner, you know that they will be around because the gen has been worked on. If you're sticking to a strict patrol of generators (even on something like Mother's Dwelling), then you would be able to identify which gens have been worked on, and thus, the approximate location of survivors. Most killers have an un impressing early game, so don't expect a generator to fly at your first hook, but at that point, your pressure begins to ramp up.

    Even with good coordination (AKA, being efficient), they can't create extra time. Getting survivors on hooks, or even just slugging, means that somebody has to get the save. If you intercept them, then another person has to go for the save while you chase another survivor. Already, only one survivor doing generators. At that point, it's up to your ability to end chases quickly. You have to be just as coordinated, and again, work strategically to identify and break through links. If the Blendette ends up being kind of bad, what a surprise, get her out of the game quick.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    your whole argument goes out the window when i tell you that the game where they popped 3 gens i 4ked. My tactic works. I dont like using it. I end chases quickly and manage teams efficiently. You are very judgmental. I'd say at this point you are trolling or a survivor main

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    There is a suspicious inconsistency here. You can't get 4k's after sitting around idly for 3 gens, and if you did, you have absolutely no reason to be complaining if you're that much of a god at this game. If you're so good that you can keep up that much pressure so quickly but still go onto the forums to claim that this is a problem, I don't see what the issue is. 

    You claim that survivor objective speeds need to be lengthened. Why should such a change be undertaken if the current state of the game is such that you can get 4k's after standing still for three generators, or as you claim? I'd say that the bigger issue in this case would be precisely what you are doing, not quick generator times. You have your ways (presumably tunneling, I'll admit I've done it too) to decisively win games that are nigh unwinnable. According to you, ostensibly quick generator speeds are flat-out countered by your Machiavellian modes.

    But, if you're so sensitive to be attacking my character over disagreeing with you, I wouldn't be much surprised. Talk about being judgmental. Where have I heard that before?

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957


  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    So troll, got it.

    The whole thread is about how i think its a necessary evil. People need to get over it. I'm saying I'm saying dont like that i have to use thesse tactics as much as the survivors but its a balancing issue, and you're saying git gud. So you're a troll

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's the other way around. Camping and tunneling encourage gen rushing. If you don't give survivors anything else to do: What are they supposed to do?

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    It may be that this tactic is necessary in the red Navy Seal SWF to still pull out a win, but in a "normal" game this is absolutely shooting cannons at sparrows. 

    Call me old fashioned, but I still see the killer as a playmaker of sorts and as such I try to adapt. Normally, you can get away with playing fair against average Redranks. A slugfest is never really necessary and is no fun for the other side. 

    And personally, I want to be a killer that's fun to play against. The kind of killer I want to have when I play Survivor. 

    But in general, everyone should play the way they want to. 

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Right, so I'm the troll here when your entire "argument" is contradictory. Talking about balancing issues, if these "tactics," which you have not detailed nor described, can be used to salvage a game after 3 gens have been popped with no hooks, then that's the real issue, not quick gen speeds. That's literally the same thing as a bunch of rich people complaining how it's so hard to have to walk with their own legs while the peasantry and poor are starving to death next-door. It

    You claim that "If the devs wont balance the game properly then the killers have to salvage the match after survivors do this. These are tactics to spread pressure and force survivors to come to them and get off of the objective. It might suck from the survivors point of view but at that point blame balancing," but also claim that "the game where they popped 3 gens I 4ked."

    I don't see which part of this is so hard to understand: If you can get a 4k after losing three gens with no hooks (which is really suspicious anyhow, you have to purposely try to have that happen), then the real problem is not generator speeds, but whatever the hell you're doing to win the game. Generator speeds don't matter when the survivors are all dead. Clearly, if your story is true, then that's the true problem here. Either that or your story is a lie. Make your choice.

    Just a suggestion, maybe try attacking the argument instead of me so you don't look like childish and petty.

    Post edited by ShamelessPigMain on
  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    I've already given you the proper reasoning and you seem to just not believe the situation. My argument is not contradictory, I looked for a survivor patrolling gens. I'm assuming that as i passed they hopped on separate gens, it takes 80 sec to pop a gen no aid. it is completely beliveable that they can do that in under 2 minutes and there are plenty of examples of it out there. Its not my fault you cant take someones word for it. The reason i won is because they came to the hook and i downed them and slugged them. Forcing someone else to come for the save. I dictated the pace of the match after the initial hook. Real easy logic

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    I completely agree. I typically dont like to do these dirty tactics and only do it when i feel like its necessary. I don't want to play sweaty either but like you said when they act like a Navy Seal SWF then it leaves me with few options

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Your reasoning was "Gen speed is a problem but I still can get 4ks out of it by using my special ace in the hole but gen speeds are still the problem, you're judgmental and a troll." Not the model of propriety, is it.

    You said that:

    A) For two whole minutes, you were either chasing or looking for a survivor, and only at that 2 minute mark did you finally get them on the hook so you could find another survivor. A good chase should only last about 30 seconds; any more than a minute and you need to think about how you're spending time. Moreover, if they're looping you so well that they can afford to not interrupt generators (meaning staying in the same area), that's not a flattering assessment of your skill.

    B) Generator speeds should be nerfed, because the fact that you managed to spend 2 minutes pressuring only one or no survivors is not a testament to your skill (or lack thereof), but reflective of an issue with objectives.

    C) Even after you have 2 gens and one (or less) hook(s), you still have this magical card trick that lets you 4k.

    Now, you can't have any of these premises at the same time. If you're still getting 4ks at 2 gens/1 hook with whatever voodoo you're working, then that needs to be addressed, not generator speeds. 4 dead survivors means no gen progress, regardless of objective speed (A&B/B&C). Moreover, no amount of tunneling/NOED/Blood Warden/Mori's/Baby Megs (Believe me, I've tried) will save you if you spent two minutes hooking a single survivor. The only way that could possibly happen is if you hook one survivor and every other player magically has a heart attack (A&C). If that's the case, it's your own fault for committing to such a long chase when you have these sitting ducks you can automatically kill just sitting around.

    TL;DR, if you're getting 4k's after losing 3 gens with 1 hook, then that needs to be fixed, not objective speeds. That's not even taking into question the supposed viability of your purported magic tricks, drawing 4k's out of a hat. You have not provided any details of your claimed tactics, nor any evidence. And I'm not surprised; no amount of redbull will give any killer consistent 4k's if they're spending 2 whole minutes in a chase. You're right to assume I'm not believing the situation; it's plain unbelievable. And if you are, you 1) are literally Jesus Christ 2) have nothing to be complaining about.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    It is only necessary in a few games. But your thread means that no one should complain about camping and tunneling anymore, when... yes, when they make their generators, which is one of their tasks. 

    And the way I read your arguments and the explanations, as well as the discussion with @ShamelessPigMain I'm assuming that you're going to have to slug, tunnel, and camp more often because you're somehow getting your priorities as a killer wrong.