just gonna stop the cow pictures now

people are just being ######### to me about it, and theyre just being ######### in general, so im just gonna stop posting them.
was fun while it lasted, hope you guys enjoyed it.
heres my warning that im not gonna post em anymore.
and if you were a ######### about it, go ######### yourselves :)
I'll miss it for sure. Not gonna lie, the cow pictures really did make my day a little bit better when I saw them.
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shame about 3 people ruined it then
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They were quite fun to have, especially within the neverending pit of despair and whinging we notmally get! Shame some morons couldn't deal with the bovine bossness.
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#########, did I do it? Man, i'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have done that dumbass hamburger cow post.
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Who the hell would not like cow pictures? And who got upset about them?
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That is not very reassuring
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it wasnt meant to be.
no you weren't the sole cause, if that's any consolation.
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So I can finally come out from under the bed and stop eating ice cream while sobbing?
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2 -
Understandable, have a nice day.
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This is by far the maddest I've ever seen you get.
But like really, who doesn't like cow pictures?
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Yeah, well, this #########'s pissed me off
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Dw I'm not
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If you don't mind me asking, what exactly caused you to stop posting them?
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Nothing will make you have a good day? Not even getting a 4k?
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Under a lot of them there'd be people saying "Yeah looks great... To eat" or something along those lines, or they'd post pictures of a burger or something.
Annoying but manageable.
Then someone made a thread about it. Cow cow cow hamburger bbq ribs. Haha, so funny, I'm dying of laughter. Really annoying but okay, I can still deal with it.
But the comments in that thread pushed me over the edge. Actions have consequences and these 3 ruined it for everyone that liked them.
And yeah, I'm really ######### angry rn.
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Damn that sucks. Imma miss the cows :( They made Sluzzy's threads so much better.
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Aw, what, come on man, they made me smile. I found them so damn cute too, plus they made me feel better about myself
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Oof, I loved the cow posts. Shame on whoever got all stupid about it.
RIP to the Cow posts, you will be missed.
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There are alot of other cute animals, like Otters, Baby Pig's or Pandas.
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I dare post a small pig and everyone would spam pictures of bacon.
Always the otters tho
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Yeah, because Otters are just Otters and nothing else <3
Ever saw a red panda?
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Omg yes I have!! They stand up to each other to look threatening and jfc its adorable I love them so much
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That's sad mate. Always loved a good cow picture lol
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Looking threatening at times but then also looking like this:
I am melting.
They look like a cat/Shiba/Bear Hybrid with the Tail of a "Eichhörnchen", just larger.
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And you mean an Oachkatzlschwoaf? (see im cool I remember things 😎)
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They loved you too
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He literally looks like: "I swear, I didn't eat all the cookies, spare me pliz."
And yes, the tail looks like an "Oachkotzalschwoaf" just thicker and larger.
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I'm so cool I remember long words 😎
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What about polar bears?
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If it makes you feel better, I will post cow pictures in your absence.
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may switch over to donkeys now actually.
nobody can spam pictures of hamburgers.
they're fluffy.
they have more than two stages- cute, cuddly, and what the ######### is this (instead of otters, with just cute and cuddly).
just like blackpink, expect some donkeys in your area. unless you follow me on twitter then you still get cows.
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people would probably post melting ice caps.
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the fact that you're not wrong about this saddens me deeply
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Sadly yes.
Like, I understand I posted burger pics, but cmon, melting icecaps? Really?
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Just seeing this thread now..
so that’s why there are less cow pics and more donkey and other animal pics. Nothing against those but I will miss cute fluffy cows.
can’t we create a new forum rule and ban those people that dare upset our good boy and talk the cow pics down?
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Cow pictures? Reminds me of a specific Discord user. :monkathink:
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Surprised nobody's brought up Tanukis
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tbh, i would rather have cat pictures lol
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Wish granted. Meet my boy, Luca
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Can't imagine getting upset over pictures of cows, but it was fun while it lasted.
Btw, good boy karu, good boys don't swear so much *-* better watch out
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Awww, is this why I haven't ran into any random cow pictures recently? That's really unfortunate. I quite liked those.
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We do swear this much, I got this title and I'm the role model for all others to follow.
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that's ######### true
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So did I but apparently some people didn't :')
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I don't know why. Cows are cute and running across random cute animal pictures is a good time.
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Well, yeah, but apparnely that's not allowed and hamburgers reign supreme.
And now I can't use donkeys either because apparnetly that's "weird af" according to someone else on here.
Am I going to keep doing it though? Yes.
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If that's the case then all I'll see on the forums is BAD WORD.