Chapter Idea: Crash Cart

reberly Member Posts: 1

Chapter Name: Crash Cart

Survivor: Olivia Hope

Killer: The Patient

VVV Olivia Hope


Skin Graft

Your many years of surgical procedures have prepared you for working with what you have. 

When hearing the cries of an injured teammate you rush to their aid. Altruistic actions are increased by 100% speed and great skills check grant 150% more bloodpoints. 

-Trust me. I do this everyday (Dr. Olivia Hope)

Doctors Orders

Your job is to help others, and you’ll do that at all costs.

When you’re within 20 meters of a chased teammate pressing the Active Ability button creates a marker that only your team can see that guides the vulnerable person to the safest/smartest escape route

-Don’t worry. We’ll take care of You. (Dr Olivia Hope)


As a surgeon, you can come close to defying death.

When a teammate falls to the entity. If they’re still in the sacrifice animation. Press the active ability button to release them from the entity’s clutch and revive them. Once activated it will be deactivated for the rest of the match. 

-CHARGE TO 300 (Dr. Olivia Hope)

VVV The Patient

Power: Touch of Death

Pressing the active power raises a wall to trap all survivors in a straight tunnel going the direction they’re facing. Every 5 seconds a spike will come out of the wall with the chance of injuring/downing the trapped survivor. Lasts for 10 seconds. 


Your Fault

Filled with hate after a procedure gone wrong. Bloodlust is all you can feel. 

Chasing an injured survivor for 10, 5, 3 seconds causes you to gain a speed boost up to a maximum of 120,140, 150% lasting for a total of 7 seconds. 

Run Away

No matter how fast they run. You’ll always be one step ahead. 

When pressing the secondary action button. Enter a spring from 150,180,200% that go directly to a survivors objective. Cannot be canceled. Cool down of 20 seconds. 

Big Bang

Every 30 seconds Big Bang can be activated.

While in an active power. Press the active ability button in order to let out a shout that strikes fear in 2,3,4 survivors causing them to scream and be stunned and unable to move for 5 seconds.

Feel Free to Change Perks as you wish. Also feel free to come up with a bio. I have something in mind but would like to see what you come up with