Some survivors are scary punks

dnj510 Member Posts: 438

Really? Like none of you (3) healthy survivors are going to help take a hit for me so I can escape? It was a very high possibility everyone could have escaped. I was the reason you guys got the last couple of gens done. And I was tunneled on top of that. Scary [BAD WORD] survivors, so sick of you guys sometimes.

I play solo and there are many times when I am very helpful and care for the team but when I get dogged, I can become very selfish for the rest of my play session.

Anybody else feel this way towards punk [BAD WORD] survivor teammates?


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,651

    Yep, you should always assume a public match will be full of potatoes

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438


    I mean granted, I'm responsible for my own survival but good God, take a hit. It was against the Doctor for crying out loud. And what annoyed me was the three of them crouching at the exit gate while I'm bleeding out.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Fun fact the DBD matchmaking is made so your teammates are awful but your opponent is a 3k hour god

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Oh yeah babe, hit me with that SQ punishment.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I always try to get a protection hit. Not for WGLF, but because I wanna help my teammates to get out. If I'm healthy, no NOED or any other OS mechanic, there is no reason for me not to take the risk of saving a teammate. But I'm also the one ready to trade hook at the end.

    And each time, I got Survivor who hide when they're never been hooked and I'm on death hook and could take a protection hit to make more distance. Or the Survivor waiting at the exit gate, just to watch you, doing nothing to help. You're healthy, come behind me to protect me, please!

    I understand if they don't risk the save if they're injured, alone, and no way to be healed. Escape, it's fine, you can't do a lot. But if I'm the injured one with no way to heal and I'm alone, I'm getting insulted if I don't try. Sorry, I wanna help as much as possible, but... OK, next match, I took the risk. My teammate was hooked, I tried to save them, knowing I had little chance to do so. I've got insulted by both the Survivor and the Killer! The doors were opened, I could escape.

    But for sure I take a protection hit, the aggro if you're on death hook or if the Killer comes back while I'm doing a save, etc. Sadly it rarely happens the other way. (I miss MMR for this, I had much more altruistic teammates who did their best to save everyone, instead of leaving as soon as they opened the gates.)

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438


    You're a great teammate.

    The exit gate wasn't too far off so theoretically, I could have escaped. To pour more salt on the wound, the person that unhooked me was running IN FRONT of me so that I was directly in front on the killer. No NOED, no BT, just a scary punk along with his punk friends at the exit gate.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Did you manage to escape? They could come to help for the save instead of waiting near the gate. 😭