How do we know the shrine is random?
I mean the devs have said the shrine is random, but they could just be lying.
Also if it is random, what kind of random? Do all perks have the same odds of showing up in the shrine, or is there some weight placed on some perks over others. For example could the shrine be set up so that teachables from liscenced chapters have half the odds of non liscenced?
How do we know anything about situations like these.
You take em at their word or you dont
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We don't. It's server-sided so we can only trust the words of the devs; we can't go into the game files and look at it. We don't know how it works, only that it's 'random' except for when the perks are needed for a tome challenge or as a joke (see April Fools 2020, god that feels like it was genuinely a decade ago).
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We don’t know and will probably never know. Just gotta trust their word on this...
we do know that they can put in specific perks though, as they do with perks that are needed for the upcoming/current tome challenges!
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We don't
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Does it matter anyway? Even if it is hand picked by devs, you’re still getting the chance to get perks with shards that are usually only with paid dlc
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its hard to tell. the shrine giving us ######### perks could either be the devs not wanting to give us meta perks or the rng being terrible. the shrine giving us good perks could either mean that the devs feel generous or that we got lucky.
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I doubt that it is hand picked by the devs, if thats what you mean.
I doubt its purely random, but random with some added rules. Like preventing a perk from showing up 2 weeks in a row, stuff like that.
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Calm Spirit wants to know your location
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Umm... I'm in a cowshed and there is a lot of corn outside.
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We don't, but we also don't know that they aren't. It's just another issue of nobody's looked, because nobody has the ability to look.
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There's no way that the shrine is random. If it was BBQ would have been in it way more than a measly 5 times, while 45 other perks have been in it 10+ times. Gotta make sure if people want bbq they buy the dlc and not get it for free.
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They say random but they dont say "fair" . There are different algorithms that you can apply. Think it as possibilites. For example I dont want BBQ to spawn at shrine that much so I can give it a smaller probability like 0.2 for example while I gave other perks 0.8. I dont think they are choosing by their hand but they sure did touch some results. At programming it is easy to give different values and weights so that some perks will be spawn more while others will have less chance.
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Got it I'll send the birb over
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It's not random.
It's pseudo random 🙃
Really, it random with a rule saying a perk cannot show up twice in a row.
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because when a human chooses at random, it's different from true random.
actually, there's a pretty good explanation on akagi... let me find it real quick
it's a manga, read from right to left
it's from chapter 304, feel free to read if you want (do keep in mind this is 5 chapters from the end of the series)
but as a summary, we are a pattern seeing species. we will create patterns even if we don't want to.