Survivor perk idea - Final Standoff

Profezia Member Posts: 673

Hiding isn't an option now. It is time to directly confront your horrors.

When killer closes the hatch while you're the last survivor, Final Standoff activates.

While Final Standoff is active the following happens:

  • 4/5/6 random broken/dropped pallets are reset by the Entity.
  • Both exit gate switches begin slowly progressing on their own until fully activated within 110 seconds. Exit gates locations are revealed to you again once they are opened.
  • Both killer and you see each other's auras until the chase starts. This effect pierces any aura reading immunity effects.


Current last survivor standoff is killer walking from one gate to another until survivor either rats one of them or dies to EGC/makes a mistake and gets found. No real skill involved, just RNG who gets luckier with exit gates.

With this perk, survivor would have a more fair chance to win since they would now have not to rely on a coinflip spawn, but on their own skill to either run killer long enough for exit gates to open on their own or just die faster.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    This is pretty bad.

    This is a guaranteed escape on maps that have decent pallets *cough The Game *cough

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673
    edited March 2021

    110 seconds is pretty much a lot even for maps with safest pallets ever.

    I'm not even talking that you'll still have to plan your path in such a way that you'll reach exit gates just in time, because you'd have only 10 seconds to run in them until the jaws of EGC finally snap on your ass or that you'll be very likely screwed if you happen to be against a chase oriented killer like Deathslinger.

    Of course numbers could be tweaked, but I suspect 6 new pallets would be more than enough to give survivor enough chances to last.

    In any case the odds are against the survivor, it would just make that last part of the game more thrilling and more dependant on the skill of players in chasing, since nobody cares about any other skills people can acquire.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    A decent Survivor can EASILY make a chase last 2+ minutes with the pallets on most maps. Especially when there is no repercussions for dropping them.

    Realistically, they'd keep dropping pallets, Killer keeps breaking them until they cycle near a gate. Killer hits the Survivor and the Survivor runs out. That's it. There is no counter play.

    I like what you were going for (making the EGC more interesting), but this ain't it chief.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    I'm all for a standoff 1v1 end game for either killer or survivor to come out on top.

    It's not worth a perk slot though. Doesn't it make more sense to use left behind and get hatch before the killer gets to it? Left behind is D tier because it uses a perk slot for almost nothing.

    Your suggestion would work better as an endgame collapse 1v1 the killer last man standing. Naturally, some maps won't be fair for killer like the game's current god pallets as @Pulsar pointed out. Not to mention this is 100% a win for spirit/nurse/deathslinger. It wouldn't work as is.

    That said I do think current last man standing is lackluster because it's up to RNG so I see where your suggestion is coming from.

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    I like the idea, current egc is boring and relies on rng for both sides.

    Although I think this idea would work best as an in game mechanic rather than a perk slot.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited March 2021

    Sound's like Sole Survivor syndrome'll hit it hard.

    A perk that requires your teammates to die is not a good perk to bring. In fact, it's a pretty bad perk, because... Umm, you kind of already lost and are now going for the consolation prize. And that's assuming you weren't one of the three dead people.

    This feels like it's just better as a rework for the hatch-induced egc.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    like the idea, but it would work better as a killer perk.

    because then the killer would know he doesn' need to slug for the 4k

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,218

    Something as simple as "Exit gates are opened 20/35/50% quicker when in the killers Terror Radius if you are the last remaining survivor" would be enough frankly. Something that synergises with Sole Survivor, and competes with Hope.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This doesn't seem worth the perk slot. Might be interesting if you balance it around the concept of being a base kit mechanic, though.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    So basically sudden death: the Perk.

    Why not just make sudden death a game mechanic.