Best Perkless Way To Counter A Spirit?

I've always Struggled vs Spirit, can anyone give me afew decent tips for countering high level spirit players? I don't see her as much as I should so I don't get the best practice in to learning how to work around her.


  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    For me, I like to keep an ear out. Spine chill is a decent perk, you can also do iron will. However, object and perks like that are not really useful and can only be used when Spirit is in her walking form. There is not a perkless way to counter her because she may be running add ons that allow to:

    -Tremendously increase speed while phase walking

    -Execute her phase walking noises to the entire map

    -And so much more

    I bet me and so many more will tell you Spine Chill and Iron will is best. Off the Record is also great because spirit relies on hemorrhage and grunts of pain while in her phase walking state. Many spirits may be running perks or add-ons that may cause you to reveal grunts of pain or produce hemorrhage. Hope this helps bud!

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    A perkless way, you don't have enough hours to understand. Run Meta, that's your best hope.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Stealth early.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487

    Don't get found at all.

    The moment you get found and hit the first time, it's basically over. A good Spirit player will never let you get the chance to heal up to healthy again. It's going to be a cycle of getting hooked, rescued then going down very shortly after and straight back to the hook.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Run Perks like DS&UB Adrenaline and BT every game? Wheres the fun in that? I'd rather lose and have fun then win and feel dirt cheap. Why I don't play Freddy

    That was a Joke Freddy mains please don't crucify me

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Vault a window or pallet over and over so they blow their ear drums out.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Good idea, heck maybe it'll work on other killers too...

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Yeah but, spirit players tend to have the volume turned up.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    Lots of your guy's comments are actually not a way to counter spirit. If you have gone up against a spirit not being found is hard, especially when you get a map that you can't blend in well. Vaults and Hiding is not an option.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    You don't. Sorry m8.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Fair advice, just gotta order one off Amazon Prime...

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    ouija board

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Coordinate yourself with at least one other player and just hide in lockers until she DCs because its 4am

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I have looking for an counterplay for spirit for 1 year and if finally finded one

    Unistall the game, she cant find you if you arent playing

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    There are lots of ways to counter spirit without perks. The number one way is crouching and avoid grass. Crouching makes you considerably quiter even when injured and avoiding grass makes it harder to track you.

    Another thing is pallet and window mindgames. You can drop a pallet and run, drop a pallet and walk to not leave scratchmarks, drop a pallet but stay on the side tou dropped it on. This can confuse spirits into thinking your on the other side.

    And of course slow vaulting a dropped pallet, you can also fast vault a pallet to bait the spirit, for example if you drop a pallet in front of you and then fast vault to the other side the spirit may think you vaulted to the side you were just at.

    One of the most common window strats is fast vaulting and then immediatly slow vaulting back. This works but is more know and expected by spirits.

    Remember to be predictable and not do the same mi dgame in a row. Unless its a mix up to throw them off. Another thing to note is spirits speed, if she phases to you but is still a but away you can run her for a while before her power comes back.

    When a spirit phases at you in the open crouching works best for double backing or taking an alternate route to where you were going.

    When people say spirit has no counterplay just know they are salty survivor mains that dont want to adapt. Be unpredictable and have a plan. Good luck👍

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    This actually helps the spirit. When you continually fast vault there's only one place you can be....

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    My best advice would be to play Spirit yourself to better understand what she can and can't do. Get a feel for things like her phase duration, cooldown, speed, and how the various add-ons affect her power. You'll stand a better chance if you can predict what the Spirit will do before she does it. Granted, it is largely a guessing game. But you can still make educated guesses based on experience.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    ######### at first hook. That's the only counterplay

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Bold move running no perks. Lets see if it works out for him.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Perkless? stealth and the very moment you hear the woooosh go walking into hiding until you have positive confirmation she isnt around any longer, other than that there isnt much against her, especially perkless.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    Is this a troll thread?

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I'm a troll that's no secret, but no I'm being serious here. I struggle quite abit vs this killer but instead of calling for a nerf if prefer to adapt and take her head on(wink wink)

    Problem is I don't know how exactly I'm going to do that, so I need you cuties too point me in the right direction

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited March 2021

    Don't panic and run instantly. The moment you do you're giving her a better trail to follow, whereas she's left with a guessing game when coming up to a generator, for example. Spirit has to choose between spending more time getting closer, which gives you a bigger buffer to stealthily walk away before running, or she can be further back to get a better view, but it gives survivors more time to run to a safer area/lead her away if spotted.

    If you don't have a way to out her phasing at pallets, you should simply throw the pallet early and run. Her mindgames are basically just a stronger version of Pig's, but you should treat them the same way. People forget that, outside of Phase Walk, Spirit is a slower killer, and therefore all time outside of it she is just a weaker M1 killer. If she's actively chasing you, she's even weaker than Hag, since there's no fear to run into other areas.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    hide and genrush

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    You don't

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I've heard a few large-brain individuals on the forum say Spirit should be reacting to you, not the other way around. So try standing still to make the Spirit think that YOU are phasing.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    There are a few ways which have helped me against Spirit, or at least things which may give you more of a chance of not getting blasted by her sudden attacks:

    1). As @ALostPuppy said, standing still when you hear the phase will make it harder for Spirit to locate you accurately.

    2). Her phase sound is directional. Listen carefully and you can locate which side she is approaching from. However, this doesn't work when trying to mindgame at a loop with a pallet between you. There seems to be a certain proximity where this doesn't work.

    3). Sometimes, running eratically to muddle the scratch marks can confuse her, although with an experienced Spirit this probably won't work.

    4). Always walk and make as little noise as possible. Crouching when hearing the phase is worthwhile.

    5). If you're injured and bleeding ... well, you're out of luck there. Pretty much nothing you can do except hope and pray she screws up. I find this is the part that especially needs looking into redesigning by the devs.

    So it's tough, but there are things you can do.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I am a Spirit player who tends to run off-meta builds, typically involving Devour Hope.

    Force out phase early, and be unpredictable. The more I'm in phase, the more juke opportunity you have. I personally play an ultra-aggressive Spirit, so if you face one like me, make a mental map of all the tiles. Stay near safe ones, stick to the shadows and most of all burn my time. Make sure my phase is always on CD.

    TL;DR: Force me to phase as much as possible, remember the safe tiles, abuse windows, and hide as much as possible.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,439

    This video is a bit old and back when spirit still had collision during her power. Since then she has been nerfed a few times. But this video is still very relevant.

  • LowSpecGamersMatter
    LowSpecGamersMatter Member Posts: 485

    Dont find yourself in a match against a Spirit. Simple.

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    Spirit is a killer with a terrible design. You can clearly see that developpers had an idea and didn't think about how to make it balance for the game.

    A Spirit has no counter with Stridor.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Just don't get seen :D

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    @Reinami This was ALSO when sound was messed up and NOT directional.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Hide in a locker all game.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Drops pallet while she's chasing you to make her guess which side you're on. Do the same thing with window vaults.

    Avoid grass, crouch to make less noise (even when injured), and walk to hide your scratch marks.

    Pull a 180 degree turn so that she phases right through you and gets confused.

    Blend together these strategies and others so that the Spirit never knows what you're thinking or planning and can't predict you.

    Best advice of all is to play her for a bit and get a feel for how her power works and how the game looks from her perspective. Alternatively watch some streamers. Tru3talent and fungoose have loads of educational videos of them outrunning Spirits.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Nothing tbh. If she uses her power when you arent injured stop running and in general if you think she is phasing sotp running. Also try blinding her whenever she stands still. If it blinds her it means she isnt phasing but if it doesnt it means she is phasing.