New Chapter: Tainted Fear

new Killer: The FrighT
Design: A scarecrow like the Batman one or a Jack in the Box type of clown; It could also be a Pennywise DLC chapter.
Speed: 4.6m/s
TR: 32m
Height: Average
Power: Fear Drain
Your body feels stronger and more connected with the entity each time you scare someone. Scaring a survivor increases their Fear Meter, which contributes to your Fear Level.
Fear Level 1: Grants the Undetectable status effect.
Fear Level 2: 32 meter Terror Radius; Increases movement speed by 5%; 40% faster recovery of any kind of stun; blood marks are considerably brighter.
Fear Level 3: Increases movement speed by 10%; 40% faster entity hook progress; wiggle effects and save attempts do not work on you.
Fear Level 4: 40 meter Terror Radius; increases movement speed by 5%; survivor's auras are revealed to you when they enter your Terror Radius; the entity blocks the exits; Jump Scare is now lethal.
The effects persist on higher levels.
To be feared, the killer may do the following actions:
• use Fear Traps.
• Jump Scare survivors.
• hit a survivor, increasing their fear by 10%.
You start the trial with 12 fear traps. when a survivor gets near an active fear trap, they scream and their fear raises by 40%. Fear traps can also be placed on gens and lockers, triggering when someone interacts with it. That action raises fear by 25% and 60%, respectively. Fear Traps stay inactive for 10 seconds after placed.
Press the active ability button to grant the Undetectable status effect and be completely invisible. Survivors' auras are revealed to you when less than 10 meters away. When next to a survivor, press the basic attack button to jump scare them. the chosen survivor's fear increases in 80% and any other survivor in a 16 meter radius gets a 20% fear increase. If on Fear Level 4, jump scaring a survivor will also put them into dying state. Jump Scare has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Fear Meter: each survivor has their own Fear Meter. All of them combined results in your Fear Level. Depending on how frightened they are, the survivor will suffer from the following effects:
35%-60%: Recovery from status effects is 25% slower, skill check success zones are 30% smaller.
60%-85%: Breathing and grunts of pain are 50% louder, repairing speed suffer a penalty of 10% while inside the killer's Terror Radius.
85%-100%: Repairing and exit gate opening speeds suffer a penalty of 50% when alone, skill checks are 70% smaller and don't have great success zones.
The effects persist on higher levels.
To lose fear, survivors may do the following actions:
• stay near a survivor outside of the Terror Radius, decreasing 1%/3 seconds.
• heal yourself or be healed in any health state, decreasing 10%.
• be chased for 30 seconds straight, then losing 2%/second until the chase ends. If the survivor escapes the chase, the Fear Meter decreases by 20%.
• pallet stun or blind the killer, decreasing 5%.
Power Trivia:
• After performing or cancelling a Jump Scare, the killer gets locked in an animation for 4 seconds.
• Decreasing fear by staying close to a survivor will not be faster with more survivors.
• The Fear Meter's effect that reduces the success zone of skill checks stacked with Unnerving Presence will only reduce a maximum amount of 90%.
• 1% of Fear contributes as 1 charge for your Fear Level. Your Fear Level is determined by "(how many survivors are in the match * 100) / 4". E.g. if there's 3 survivors left, you will need 75 charges to get to level 2, 150 to level 3 and 225 to level 4.
• Fear Traps and Jump Scare trigger an HUD animation and sound when activated, meant to scare the player in real life too.
The Fright perks:
Saving for Later: Every time you successfully hit a survivor with a basic attack during a chase and let them escape, they are inflicted with the broken status effect for 60/80/100 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 60 seconds. Dying survivors can only recover until 75%.
Hex: Voodoo: When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook at least 32 meters away, Voodoo activates for 30/45/60 seconds and the rescuer becomes the Obsession. When successfully hitting the Obsession with a basic attack during this time, the rescued survivor loses 1 health state.
Stay With Me: After the exit gates are powered, every time you hook a survivor both exit gates regress 30%/40%/50%.
Thank you if you read it all, I would love to read some feedback!