Anyone feeling alil stress when joining killer?

Idk like , every time i click the killer icon i felt a lil stressed or even more for some reason lol ( and i didnt join a match yet!)
does anyone get that feeling sometimes to the point they don’t want to play killer lol but when switched to survivor all the sudden the stress is gone !..
Yeah killer is just way more stressful. Not only are a lot of the killers quite weak but protecting gens is stressful imo
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protecting gens its like a job itself lol specially at red forest map so huge . Its like just take a train to the other gen do ur task as fast as you can and another gen popped even if u knocked down a survivor in a 10 sec chase lol.
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Although I don't when clicking killer, I do when I load into a lobby and see someone on the same console as me while playing killer. I hate the toxicity that can sometimes happen.
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As a killer your always active Survivors have gen time healing time ect where you dont have to be 100% just listen for heart beats and look at spinechill or whatever. kinda like down time where you can analyze the situation. of course that changes a bit after 2k lol
or course as a survivor your prone to get a nose itch while skill checking
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I read this a lot, it's why nobody wants to play killer.
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Not really if u low your bar, especially when u r using a trash tier killer. But after 5 min match and 4e is still frustrating, I expect 1 kill when I use trash tier killers.
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It's a bit daunting. Do your job or get taunted by your opponents lol.
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Not really. Nowadays I just sit on the roster looking at the killers and realising that I don't really want to play any of them. Either because I don't have the perks I want that compliment their power and don't want to grind, or I just find their power boring. Then I inevitably pick either Doc or Blight.
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Pressing the button? Not at all, I just click it then usually tab out until I hear I've loaded into the match to be honest.
In-game, sometimes if it's a challenging match. But at least for me it's the expected kind of stress that comes with playing 1 vs 4, you're often gonna have quite a few things to keep you busy. Again, this is my experience. I don't care if people don't believe it for some reason and I understand if it's different for others.
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No, I actually feel less stress and frustration playing killer than I do solo survivor. Killer, in my opinion is in a really good state right now if you are competent with the power of your selected killer. How many hours do you have in the game?
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I mean when I play killer I go into the match expecting to lose, but do 3K and 4K a lot of the times.
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Rn i have like 900 hours , mostly of it was playing survivor lol
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That's why I mostly play survivor the only stress really there is should I bring my fancy item and add ons or will it be made useless by how bad my team is or will killer have Franklins. Killers you gotta think of a play before you even know what the map is you gotta pray rng doesn't screw you over as well as are you going to play if you see a obvious SWF squad
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Just set your settings so that only friends can message you personally I love the salt that comes with the games I get to just see this man baby crying that I looped him or I managed to out play them or my favourite other teamates saying I didn't do gens when I say there and did nearly all of them when they were sat struggling on hook so didn't deserve saving
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So fairly new to killer. If you don’t mind sharing, what are you most afraid will happen when you play killer? Or to phrase differently, is there something you don’t want to happen when you play killer more than everything else?
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Getting haddonfield or some map that horribly limits my killer like laboratory with huntress or blight on lerys. If this happens twice in a row I just want to dc and drop the game entirely. Poor luck or mot its really awful to play and creates these misrable non-games where even if i win im not having fun im nto exploring power possibilities im just playing a base or hampered killer.
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When you start playing killer more often, you'll slowly start realizing.
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Tbh i just don’t like swfs who just bring the most strong add ons just to tend to make the game worse and boring and toxic
but what i’m afraid of is time in some matches ( because normally a match can end in 7 or 5 minutes !) and most importantly gen rush . I literally cannot do anything about it unless i bring strong perks which i dont want to lol and the other thing im afraid of is basically survivors bringing huge maps offering fir their advantage.......
once i was playing killer and not even half 2 min or even 2 min passes and already 3 or 4 gens done....
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I do play killer.
I have every killer achievement except for Twins achievement. I haven't bought Twins.
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Getting Hawkins, Game or Haddonfield as my first killer match of the day usually kills any and all motivation I have to play killer that day. The constatn threat of getting those maps for either side actually keep me from playing the game nowadays.
That's the only thing that keeps me away from killer nowadays. That and bad matchmaking. 95% of matches are braindead easy thanks to boosted survivors. And when you get the rare good team for a tense match, you get The game or Haddonfield and its an unfair one sided mess.
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Yeah, there are some very good survivor players that feel impossible to beat, especially when you are just starting out. And there are some maps that definitely lean in their favor, especially if they have the right perks for it. But if you have the mindset that you are going to lose matches, (because you will, we all do) and go in just expecting to learn, I think it can be a better experience for you. With 900 hours of survivor play you have a much bigger start on people who just bought the game and try killer. You know the ways you like to run loops against killers, so when playing killer, run those the opposite way so the survivor isn't taking the best path.
Early game pressure is important. When you spawn into a map, think about the places you spawned as survivor and those are good places to start early. There are 7 gens and 4 survivors at start, realize you can't be at pressuring all of them so try to pick the few that are close together and easier for you to get to quickly. Once you start winning chases faster, you can loosen up your control zone more.
As for toxic behavior, we can't really stop tea bagging. Only thing you can do there is try to change your mind that it's not toxic. If it's end game chat, there are ways to avoid it.
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Yeah well fair enough , i’m just getting started as a killer main again for a long time lol but i guess i should learn from loses and more
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I didn't mean it to be offensive don't get me wrong. As you go higher and higher in ranks you will start to realize that you need to be very efficient to win games and in certain instances you might just get steamrolled and feel helpless. You used to keep winning and it creates that mindset that you are good at the game and then you go against survivors like this and to add to that, toxic chat and behaviour.
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Yeah, I get that. Some people just don't like the pressure. I actually enjoy it. My favorite matches are against the bully squads that are doing everything they can to keep their friend from getting hooked. Added bonus if they are swarming me, they aren't doing gens!
If I didn't feel a little urgency when playing killer, it means I steamrolled the other side though. Not much fun for them and it really wasn't fun for me either.
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While I disagree that killer is in a good spot, I do agree that killer is less frustrating than solo survivor. That's why I became a killer main now except for when friends are on for swf. As killer at least I have a chance to win, and don't have to sweat my butt off to carry a team.
But I don't think it's a balance issue I think it's a matchamaking/ranking issue. Hopefully MMR fixes it.
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There are always going to be balance issues. But compared to how they were in the past, I feel killers are in a much better spot than they used to be.
I actually think MMR is going to make you feel more stress because most of the time you are going to get matched against people you will have to try hard to get a 2k with.