Another Friday the 13th fan chapter

Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
edited March 2021 in Creations

I posted this idea earlier, but retooled it into something more streamlined. I'm aware that the lawsuit will prevent a F13 chapter. This is just for fun. My goal was to create something that was truly F13. And one thing I noticed about F13? Jason has a habit of walking through things as if they weren't even there...

Chapter: Friday The 13th

New Map: Camp Crystal Lake

New Killer: The Undead (Jason Voorhees)

New Survivor: Tommy Jarvis


Name: The Undead (Jason Voorhees)

Weapon: Machete

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: 24 Meters

Movement Speed: 110%

Primary Power: "Kill For Mommy". Whenever the Undead kicks a generator, hits a healthy survivor, hooks a survivor, gets stunned by a pallet, breaks a pallet, vaults during a chase, or looses a survivor during a chase, his power bar fills by 20 percent. When the power bar is full, "Kill For Mommy" becomes "Undead Rage", and can be activated whenever The Undead chooses. When activated, "Undead Rage" has a 60 second timer. During "Undead Rage", The Undead's movement speed becomes 120% percent, pallets being used to stun the Undead will instantly break and only stun The Undead for 50% of normal stun time, and The Undead can walk through vaults, completely destroying the vault. Destroying a vault will immediately end "Undead Rage".

Secondary Power: When standing in front of a locker, The Undead can slash his machete across the locker, completely destroying it. Doing so will fill your power bar by 40 percent. If a survivor was in the locker at the time or leaving the locker during this animation, they are instantly downed. This ability has a 60 second cooldown.

Killer Perks

Motherly Advice: The memory of a lost loved one's voice guides your rage as your hunt continues. Sounds of survivors carrying items are 50%/75/100% louder. If a survivor drops an item, their aura is revealed for 10 seconds.

"Kill them, Jason. Kill them all!" -Pamela Voorhees-

Salvation Becomes Damnation: Even the safest places can become their tomb. If a healthy survivor or an injured survivor stays in the exit gate area for longer then 4 seconds, the exit gate for that exit gate area will become blocked by the Entity. It will remain blocked until no survivors are in that exit gate area for 20/15/10 seconds.

"We thought we were safe. We thought we had escaped. God, we were fools. -Christine Higgins-

Hex: Traumatic Memories: Some childhoods were better then others. While this Hex Totem is active, you gain bloodlust 30%/40%/50% faster. When this Hex Totem is cleansed, you gain the Undetectable status effect for 60/80/100 seconds, or until you injure, down, or grab a survivor.

"You let him drown! You never paid any attention!" -Pamela Vorrhees-

Survivor: Tommy Jarvis


Situational Awareness: You pay attention to the world around you, ready for whatever may come. You repair generators at 15%/13.5%/10% slower speed. If you gain the Exposed status, and the Killer downs you while you are healthy, you will not be downed and will be injured and gain the Mangled status effect instead.

"I've beaten that monster more times then I can count. If he wants me, I'm right here." -Tommy Jarvis

Whatever Is Available At Hand: For a seasoned Veteran, anything can become a weapon. When the Killer picks up a downed survivor, if you are within 1 meter of the Killer and have an item in hand,you can preform a difficult skill check. (This skill check would be 1/3 the size of the skill check for Decisive Strike.) If you succeed, your item is destroyed and the killer drops the downed survivor and is stunned for 3 seconds. If you were healthy when you preformed the skill check, you now become injured. If you were injured when you preformed the skill check, you move at 10%/7.5%/5% reduced moment speed for the next 20 seconds.

"Here, use this. If you don't have a gun, then blunt force trauma is your best bet. -Tommy Jarvis-

Improvise: Anything to buy your friends more time is a godsend. When standing by a pallet that has already been broken by the killer, you may spend 50/40/30 seconds rebuilding the pallet. This will leave the pallet in a standing position, ready to be used again. This can only be done once per trial. You can not rebuild the pallet at the Killer Shack, Warden's Office, or Washroom.

"Over here! I'm the one you want, Maggot Head!" -Tommy Jarvis-

Thus ends my chapter idea. Thoughts and opinions? Too much?

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