The Most Evil Things you do in DBD

Well guys I wanna hear your stories and I will start with mine.

I was playing the killer at Sanctum Of Wrath as Ghostface. There was only 2 survivor left and I put down 1 survivor but I was not known where the other injured survivor is. I took the slugged surv and he started to resist. I did not hanged them to hook and with body language I showed him I am friendly. Then after I travel around the last survivor came to me(The survivors were SWF) and nod to me. I nod him then I hit him while I carry the other surv. Then I hanged both of em. That was the evilest thing that I do in DBD.


  • Woodywool
    Woodywool Member Posts: 622
    edited March 2021

    man, you haven't a heart :(

    edit: I meant, heartless....

    anyway, it was a joke

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Either the time I let two fun fellas who hid from me for 15 minutes crawl to the hatch before I shut it in their faces and let them bleed out

    or the time I had this one Nea (it's always a Nea) harassing me the whole game, trying to annoy me into chasing her. So I ignore her until everyone is dead, find her immediately and down her.

    Then I pick her up and make it look like i'm about to give her the hatch. I find her, drop her next to it..

    Then slam it shut in her face just before she gets to it, and give her a taste of the Cypress.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    There are a couple of things.

    Firstly if the killer is a Ghostface, everything respectful and all of my morals go out of the window. I despise everything about them and I will do my best to ruin their game, as illogical as it is. I can't deal with them because of a past experience so it's either be incredibly toxic or 1st hook suicide.

    Also if someone brings a Coldwind offering I'll force a 3gen and be sure to """patrol the gens""" (camp).

    If it's a stridor Spirit and she's bad and I make it to the gates instead of being left on the hook for 2 minutes despite carrying them before that, then she'll get a couple of tbags.

    And, uh, I think it was when I was absolutely desperate for an Archive challenge so I farmed with the survivors then killed them all with NOED + Blood Warden (Senzu, I'm sorry)

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Playing hard slugging or hard tunneling/facecamping builds from time to time. No BM, just playing something nobody likes to face.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Back around when the Twins released, I got Ormond against 4 meta slaves. I don't know why, but I was very, very frustrated and ended up having all three remaining survivors downed. I let them bleed out for a little less then 4 minutes, closed the hatch when one survivor (with adrenaline) was left, and guarded the two exit gates with my two characters until the EGC ended.

    I don't remember exactly why I was so salty that game, but I think it was me getting DS'd 4 times by survivors that were saving or working on gens.

    I'd love to play against them again, probably not as Twins though. Twins aren't bad, but they feel clunky as hell and horrible to go against. Playing them was probably toxic enough

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Baby Killer me was too intimidated and scared (of flashlights) to pick up a survivor if the other survivors swarmed me before pick up. I would just stand like a cornered beast, swiping at the others and re-down if they managed a pick up.

    Obviously this would continue until they bled a slow and annoying death.

    Baby killer me received many more hate messages.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Impossible skill checks Doc.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    I was survivor and the killer was bubba. He was chasing me for a good while because he flat out refused to M1. He wanted that chainsaw down. Maybe it was a daily? Anyway he revs the chainsaw and starts sprinting to me as I am looping a rock with a pallet. I thought he had me that's how close it was. I dropped the pallet and somehow it stunned him without breaking the pallet. Then he rage quit.

    As killer perhaps the most evil thing I did was this one match as trapper. I was playing pretty poorly. The gates are open, everyone is alive and the 4 are farming points before they leave. One guy I was chasing managed to step in a trap I set early game in a place no one was exploring the entire match. I downed him and waited. Mainly pretending to use him as bait. I picked him up and hooked him. 1 person left as soon as I picked him up. 2 healthy and 1 on the hook. I immediately walk away. They make the save and I go after them. They body block and I take the bait. I get 2 hits in but not the injured survivor. They all get to the exit, teabag and then realize I was using Blood Warden. I just stood there watching as the timer ran out. Turned a 0k match into 3k. Even in the end game chat they said "That was awesome".

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Down someone before nodding and moonwalking away as Myers to show my dominance.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2021

    Exit the session at the last second.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I've taken keys that my teammates bring in the match, they drop them on the ground for safe keeping I suppose. If I notice where they left it then I'll take it. Either I escape with it through the exit gate or I open the hatch. If I leave through hatch then I make sure that the killer is chasing me so that they close it as soon as I escape. That way only I make it out idc about the rest. They either make it or don't, it's very fun to watch in the end, especially if the killer has noed.

    Sometimes I miss a skillcheck on purpose just because I'm in the mood to miss a skill check and have the other survivor that was with me point at me, then I point at them and then we are in a pointing fighting match.

    There was a hooked survivor right in front of a closed exit gate ( the other one was at the other side of the map, it was open and the killer decided to chase a wounded survivor all the way over there) so I open the exit gate and wait for the killer to return, and then just leave while completely ignoring the hooked survivor. Maybe he could have gotten out had one of them not died so early on in the match. There was just 3 of us for most of it.

    I also like to one hook camp or slug Steves, Dwights, Felixes and that hunk whose name I keep forgetting. They're not allowed to escape. When I have one of those then idc if the rest escape, unless they die early in that case it's all back to normal.

    When farming was still a thing, I would play along with the survivors, until I didn't. So I'd get all 4 kills and an easy game it was so nice.

    One time I messaged this guy that was being chased by the killer ( he was the final survivor), I told him that the hatch was at the killer shack, but it wasn't. He believed me and fortunately he never ran into it. I was like " the hatch is at the killer shack!!!!!" and after he died he messaged me asking "why????" and I was like "I just didn't want you to escape". Then I blocked him because he was spamming me with the follower notification so I guess it all evened out.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I spent an entire match pretending to be afraid of flashlights, i.e. looking at the wall when I picked up Survivors, turning away from the light, or approaching backwards. I had Lightborn, and chose not to reveal it until the next to last, wounded Survivor stood her ground to try and do a flashlight save. I walked up and slugged her and then hung them up. When we got to the after game chat and they could see my build all I heard was, "you bastard."

  • Cum_King
    Cum_King Member Posts: 21

    bear trapping a locker with a survivor inside

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Play killer well.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Had a match against a baby Billy and despite his best effort, could NOT get any hooks. We got all gens done and this Meg decided after the gates were open (the other two escaped already) that she was gonna taunt him and teabag him at Killshack as long as she could. I felt bad for Billy watching this happen and decided to sandbag her at shack window, she went down and I immediately ran to the gates. No reason to be an ######### to someone that is clearly struggling.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I don't do anything toxic unless the killer or the survivors do something toxic first. If a killer is tunneling/facecamping from the start of the game, of if he is taunting one of my teammates you can be sure I will teabag the fun out of their game at every opportunity.

    As a killer the scummiest I play would be when I play Blight, and they bring a Swamp/Corn map offering. If they are ruining my game I won't bother trying to make sure they also have fun. Same goes with any other killer and Haddonfield. I don't do anything toxic but I will slug/tunnel a lot whenever I can.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,573

    I like to think of me as one of the most friendly players of Dead by Daylight. I won't do anything toxic unless provoked, and it takes A LOT to provoke me.

    And, if my adversaries manage to annoy me, my actions will be nothing more than tbags here and there, camp, tunnel and maybe slug.  

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    I was playing as Ghost Face at the Thompson House.

    I find the survivors quickly in a T-L wall loop. One of the survivors (Zarina) drops a pallet on me and t-bags me. Okay, fine. I go looking for another survivor. I find a Steve, wound him, and lose him. I head back to the house and find the Steve being healed by the Zarina. I stalk them both and down them both right on the steps.

    I pick up Zarina, carry her upstairs to the hook near the generator. I hook her...and t-bag her in return.

    Zarina DC's.

    I go to pick up Steve, but he crawled outside and got healed. I find him around a corner and down him again.

    Steve DC's.

    The third survivor escaped with a key, so I closed the hatch. It's the only time I've ever felt bad for someone, so I let the Feng get the door and escape.

    But I stalked and downed her to make her crawl out.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Convince my friends to keep playing.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Tunneled a Cheryl out of the game, after she sandbagged her teammate twice.

    Things like sandbagging and/or griefing makes me lose my composure. I hate it as Killer and Survivor.

    Thanks Solo Q.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    Sometimes Hag mains will take sloppy butcher, radius traps, and knockout, and then trap people when they down them.

    They then don't hook anyone and let everyone die of bleedout generally; since you crawl super slow with knockout, it takes a long time before you can be safely picked up without being downed again.

    Another thing is some people will take knockout and steal event items and make sure survivors lose them, even if it costs them the match, because they know they can't replace them and white wards can't protect them from franklins. Used you be "Yoinker Oinker" build Pig players but that kinda died out now it's usually a bubba.

    Uhhh what else....Back when Elodie scream was deafeningly loud 4 mans would all queue up as Elodie just to annoy the killer as much as possible, especially if it was a Doctor.