Returning Veteran, needing some peeps to help me catch up on everything that has changed!

Been playing since release, but always have taken breaks. This last break was my biggest, and I wanted to come back! It'd be sick to play with some peeps and maybe chat over discord about all the things that are new so I don't have to run through tons of old patch notes.

Im pretty chill and have a good understanding of the game, though I don't try to sweat too hard unless I am trying to grind back up to those red ranks. So i'm down with letting the game play out as normal, and trying to have fun as always. Memes/Meme builds are 100% welcome. I used to perk wheel all the time.

I'd prefer to be chatting in some way over VC, preferably discord. as, its the easiest way to relay info.

Add me over my steam, or my discord.

Steam: Buzz Dwight-Year ( or Friend Code: 242029804 )

Discord: Crown Falls#8188


  • BuTTThunder
    BuTTThunder Member Posts: 13

    I'm intrested

    I'm PC, and a killer main, highest rank ever received was rank 6 (as a killer)

    I have been burnt out for awhile and I'm looking for people to play with.

    I'm not very good as survivor but... trying to get better!

    I have all of the charecters.

    Keep in mind I only want to play if we are using mikes.

    DISSCORD -- BuTTThunder #7555

  • The_Leg
    The_Leg Member Posts: 7

    Sounds fun!

    If you are still looking for a player then I would be down to play some.

    Have about 2k hours on pc, but I don't take the game too seriously.

    My disc is The_Leg#8810 if you want to play some games!