To the Killers who get bullied i did this for you

Gotta say though that it's pretty embarrassing getting rolled like this while in a 4man on comms
Jesus christ o.o
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How do you know they were a 4 man with comms?
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Last second switch, the way they played, and what they were using.
19 -
Yeah I have absolutely zero interest in anything that red ranks have to offer. Looks awful for both sides.
Doubtful anyone had fun in that match either. All too focused on squeezing as much sweat out as possible lol.
19 -
The problem with this game is the minute you learn the ropes they toss you to the sharks. Oh? You’re a rank 13 killer? Sounds about time for you to face rank 1 SWF. Same with Survivor. Oh? You are doing good and having fun? Well let’s knock you down a peg and make you constantly lose against red rank killers.
31 -
Imo better then playing against 4 default claudettes who just play immersed whole game in green ranks. Boring playstyle
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Their builds kind of look poorly optimised
Everyone having borrowed time seems inefficient. I think two people having borrowed time is enough, and two people having another perk to counter the killer such as WGLF would be more optimal.
Likewise, two people having Breakout.
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Sweat sabo squad
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Console Blight :O
15 -
Another Blighty boi that runs Shadowborn? :O
Seriously though I love running Shadowborn on Blight, makes me feel wayyy faster. Using Shadowborn w/ double speed addons looks INSANE.
Also, congrats on that 4k!
2 -
I was going to say, judging by their builds, I've fought this exact same SWF many times. But then I thought about how silly that would sound given how many SWF use these exact builds. I'm glad you gave them a good curb-stomping; I try to do the same whenever possible.
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I'd say I feel bad they got destroyed so brutally but coming from red rank SWFS with comms, they would've bullied without a second thought.
You are a godsend. Keep rolling them.
14 -
I love it
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Gonna assume you're using a mouse that let's you manipulate your dpi? Also that looks like a 3 man swf with the last being a random
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Seriously? You want to try to cast shade and turn this thread into another one about that? That is impolite, bordering on downright rude. The implication of that question is you don't think he could do it without that?
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Yeah that's exactly what I think. I hate blights that cheat that way. Maybe he doesn't but I highly doubt it. It's worse than anything that swf could possibly do.
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Such a beautiful sight to see.
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You have issues.
16 -
OP is playing on console lol
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If you want to cry about swf and high five each other over using an exploit to beat them, you have issues.
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They deserved it honestly
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If that's true good for him he deserves the W
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Look at those gamer builds.
And guaranteed, dollars to donuts, they were the ones whining about Ruin/Undying until it was nerfed.
But those perks, those unearned second chances and rewards for failure. Those are fine.
Dead Hard users are trash at the game.
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That match looks like it would've been hilarious.
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Nahh he last second switched to steve
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Yea im addicted to shadowborn. Shouldn't be a perk though it should be in the settings
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Probably wasn't as brutal a beatdown I did one time though. Was tired of my losing streak on Oni so next match I went nuts, STBFLing everybody, disrespecting DS and not caring that I got hit by it, chewing through Borrowed, tunneling, slugging, nodding my head, no mercy. Got a hilarious reaction from one of them. "What did I do to make you THAT mad?! Jesus Christ!"
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"I'm boasting and I want everyone to see I'm a Rank 1 Killer who 4K'd a team of Rank 1 Survivors. Look at me I'm sooo goood at DBD."
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Understandable, have a nice day
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Why are you acting like this is a competition to see who can be more of a scumbag? I simply outplayed this 4man swf while handicapping myself to 3 perks while playing blight on console. No need to prepare myself to destroy the next survivors i faced because i kept getting dumped playing oni lol
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When I read the title, I thought it would be some wholesome art with motivational text attached to it. But you know what? That's even better.
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Define a "sweat" SWF. Because all that sounds like to me is "I just got bodied and i can't blame myself for the loss, so this team was definitely just sweating". The sweat squads exist but they're not nearly as common as everyone on here believes. The team OP went against weren't sweaty, they were literally all doing Sabo plays and ignoring the objective to try and have fun. Just admit you lose against regular players and it was your fault that you do.
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Run sabo build = can't be sweaty. Nice logic
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Not saying they couldn't be but I've never seen a sweaty Sabo squad. And judging from the points they got, not even counting escape points, they probably didn't even do that bad. Doubt they got "rolled" as you said.
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These comments are just too funny and probably from sweaty entitled survivors. Haters gonna hate man.
Nice ass kickin’
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I wouldn't call a sabo squad a bully squad. More like a bad meme. Also, it looks like a 3-man.
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Oh my Christ, Blight on console and you did this. We've found the win state for DbD, no one can top this
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The bottom guy switched last second to steve dont know why
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because sabos are an optimal strat so they were obviously trying
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They had all the advantages in the world meanwhile i played blight on console with 3 perks on azarov. I literally rolled them meaning i beat them while being at a disadvantage
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Honestly they probably lost because they tried to do a sabo build.
Take it from someone whos been playing since 2016 there was only one time in history when sabo builds were viable and that was when hooks stayed permanently sabotaged (which was OP)
sabo is useless garbage now and it's probably going to and should stay that way, it's not particularly fun for the killer as a play style.
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Really wish it was :/
When I started playing Minecraft I always used Quake Pro and still use it to this day (though I don't play MC that much anymore). An FOV slider would be awesome. They could probs rework Shadowborn to make the killer's vision brighter if they add an FOV slider, would be sweet.
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I had my doubts too (because Blight) but after reading through the comments, imma assume your console. Nice win, imma save this pic and look at it any time I get rolled on my console Blight. Your an inspiration~
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Maybe they leveled a different character while waiting.
Without an item (or a cosmetic with a reputation like blendette or legacy) there is no reason to last second switch and besides that, three of Steve's perks only work when someone gets hooked so that makes zero sense in a sabo squad.
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What did you do...4k?
I wouldn't say they got rolled, everyone pipped.
I guess this,was your first 4k. Congratulations!!
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They had all the advantages in the world and lost to a killer with 3 perks. Salty survivor mains hate seeing 4mans get destroyed i guess
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Congratulations, it looks you you beat a meme squad that weren’t even trying to win the game. OMG you must be the best player ever
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Yes im so good at the game
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Yes your the greatest Killer in the history of the game. Congratulations I guess....we're all so proud of you. Nobody has ever beat red ranks before this thread.
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No, sorry friend much more time as killer than survivor.
I just don't understand the point of these posts. Should we all post pics of every 4k or 4 man escape?
This is pretty much the norm for those of us that have years invested in this game.
But, congratulations again. I guess. Keep doing the lord's work.