Wish The Match would Inform Us on Twitch Streamers
I don’t want to be in your video. I don’t want to get hate mail and such from your toxic followers. I don’t want you to make money off me playing and you being toxic towards me for the views. If I’m forced to dance for you and your viewers amusement I would at least like to be asked first. I have rarely if ever gotten a positive experience from having a TTV in my lobby.
edit: for people asking about the hate mail I’m on PS4 and they were able to send me messages through PSN. It’s only happened about twice so it’s rare but I still wanted to include it. I guess it’s partly my fault for keeping my messages open, but it just kinda sucks i have to close myself off in case I get actual good messages from players in the game. Which has happened. Heck, I’ve made friends on here that way by getting messages without having to be my friend first.
Edit 2: reading comments I’ve realized that I’ve overreacted to TTV. Just because I’ve had a few bad matches with them I shouldn’t demand a lot of the things I want in this post. I still would prefer maybe having my username blurred out in streams but other than that I can deal with the rest. I made the post out of anger and such.
I'd rather be able to tell if the survivors you're going up against are an SWF group.
Sorry you've received hate from twitch ppl though / feel this way
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I hear if you land in someone's frag video, you are legally theirs now. mind, body and soul.
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Seems like you should be financially rewarded for a portion of the revenue of that stream. If they had to pay a portion to every player involved, a lot wouldn’t be able to do it.
Consent could negate payment obligation.
I don’t know ######### though. You are right however. Never had a good game from ttv.
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Love when you reply their stream and they do nothing but crap on everyone else and laugh at you. Followed by their fanboys laughing as well.
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Same here. Personally I would prefer to be let known about both SWF and TTV, just with TTV people I would like to see a confirm button or something after it tells you the streamer is streaming and you consent to being their free entertainment
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Good thing you can always hit that back button and queue up again.
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Once a person with money to burn sues a streamer for any revenue gained off of a video they are in, twitch will be forced to address the issue. (I’m not a lawyer so maybe there is already a law shielding Amazon from such a thing, I don’t know)
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Not if you are survivor and the TTV is the killer.
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Maybe it's just a luck thing but all the twich streamers I play with or against is always nice and kind.
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Playing killer I assume? I agree it is a rough gig for us killer mains. Usually if I see a TTV in my lobby and I am not in the mood, I vacate. The other night with Twins there was a TTV and I destroyed them. Sucks they weren't streaming right then and there so I could've revelled in the salt 'cuz they were acting sweaty so I can imagine there was some salt in comms that I got robbed of hearing.
Nah but seriously, I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe try to lobby dodge if you see a TTV player? Although you won't know until after the match if the killer was a TTV streamer (if you were playing survivor). If playing survivor, just play as you would normally, it sucks if they're recording (lol I'm recorded on a TTV's stream 'cuz I was kinda trolling and didn't realize it was a TTV until after the match. They were genuinely like ######### lmao) but there's nothing you can do about it sadly.
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I've had mixed experiences with streamers. One bagged on me for not having tier 3 perks. (Like... why?) Another thought I was crazy (in a good way) for coming back to save them after the killer had one guy slugged, and him on the hook and the killer wouldn't leave the area (The two of us got out. The third guy wasn't so lucky, even though he evaded the killer pretty well after I picked him up. He just couldn't find the exit gates I think). I've had ones that just trash talk the whole game, and others who are just playing for fun. Had a streamer killer give me the hatch, while another complained about playing against a highly coordinated team (we were solos) -- though to be fair to that last guy, he wasn't toxic about it in the least. He just assumed we were playing in an SWF.
But let's be real here for a moment: Streamers are no different than other players. There's probably some toxic players out there who complain about how you play, and you just don't see it/hear it because they aren't streaming (or if they are, they don't advertise it). Some you do hear, because they'll send you a message. Unless it's some big name streamer, they're probably getting like 6 viewers max and not really making any money off of you. And most of the ones who DO make money off of it usually tend to be the nicer streamers with some exceptions.
My advice: Feel free to check out their streams. But you don't have to. If you do, and they're rude, just leave the stream. No need to watch what they think about your play. They didn't have your Point of View, so they don't really have room to judge how you played. All they can see is what they see. It's like getting a nasty message after a game. You can ignore it.
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I guess that’s really all you can do against toxic streamers
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I usually get really nice people as ttv's. I even befriended one recently and we play together now.
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People are acting like they're privacy is being leaked when ever they join a lobby with a TTV
All the viewers see you as is another player, they don't care who you are, they're just watching because they enjoy the content and the streamer is simply providing the content, they don't care who you are either, they're just trying to share their video game experience with others, why are people starting to make this a big deal all of a sudden?
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That's never going to happen, and it can't happen. That would be abuse of copyright laws. Fair use is fair use.
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Guessing this is probably a well known DBD streamer because a lot of them love to trash on people
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It's possible there are a lot of videos out there of players being both good and bad at the game. I'm not fussed over it: If my player ID is remembered, people may either think "Oh crap, this'll hurt" or "Ha, piece of cake!", but it's just a teeny, tiny slice of a player's style. Honestly, there's not a single player who has at least one bad round.
That hate mail bit though is inexcusable. Report and block any and all morons who do that. If someone is gonna get riled up because of a game to that extent then they have some real issues.
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I....what? You're not having your personal information shared when you appear on someone's stream, the streamer and their viewers literally don't know a single thing about you, nor do they want to (unless you put your personal information in your username and Steam profile, and if you did that's your own dumb fault). All they know if you play this game, and you played against the streamer they're watching. That's it.
And if you're getting hate mail from viewers....somehow...deal with it the same way you deal with people in-game. That's also something I've never heard happen before. The most I've seen is viewers from a big stream going into a smaller stream and telling them "hey did you know you're playing against [bigger streamer]?!?!!!????!?" Which is super annoying and I wish people stopped doing this.
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Most TTVs are streaming for 2 viewers or so.
And, in the end, they only see your Character, nothing more. Its not like playing with a Streamer in the Lobby will give out any personal information.
Like, in over 5600 hours I have never ever had the situation where a Streamer or one of their Viewers have contacted me in a negative way after the game. One time a viewer of a Streamer I went against (he Survivor, I was Killer) gave me a Sub, without me ever showing up in the Twitch-Chat.
Yes, I got called an idiot from some guy on Stream. I got called a toxic tryhard for just playing and surviving. Got called a Cheater, because according to the Streamer, it was impossible to know where they were. But even those are pretty rare occasions, most Streamers just play the game.
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Most people with TTV in their name don't even stream or have less than 5 viewers.
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Yeah let's stop people streaming a game they enjoy which many don't even make money off of due to not being in the Affiliate programme by forcing them to pay and limiting the only streamers to top-end, incredibly popular streamers what an incredible idea
Also this breaks about 50 or more different laws across different countries, that too.
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a matter of time before legislation is made around this, you cant just film people on the streets without their consent and use those vids to make money, games are no different.
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oh my god this thread is hilarious.
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I don’t want to get hate mail and such from your toxic followers
I really doubt this happens commonly. Aside from some clicky-click with a flashlight I never noticed different behaviour tbh. Most streamers are normal players who have single digit viewers and stream just for fun.
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Your likeness is not being filmed in a video game dude, they aren't even close, they are very very different, lmao.
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Wdum i definitely look exactly like Claudette and David and Elodie and Bubba and Pyramid Head simultaneously and can definitely sue for this!!!
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What's more likely to happen because game companies aren't nuts like the dead by daylight community is they will start putting in their Terms of Service that you accept you may be included in peoples streams and content if you were to show up in their video game.
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If you think an online persona is not going to way of your actual persona then you are delusional as to technological progress.
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Hey, can you show some screenshots of the hate mail that you are getting? Make sure to black out credentials as to not dox people. I'm actually rather surprised that you are getting emails even though nobody can tell your mail from a username in a game. Do you have your email in your name? That's really dangerous.
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Last time I checked I did not hook other people on meathooks. The characters I am playing dont have anything to do with how I actually am.
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missing the point entirely.
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Exactly. If anything happens, this will be a standard formula in every EULA, meaning that if you dont want to show up in any twitch streams, you will have to stop playing the game. But if you accept the EULA, you give your OK with being broadcasted.
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All companies have to do is provide the tools to hide everything on your profile, which they do, it's your choice not to enable them.
and if you're tying your online profile to everything you do online using the same names etc across all profiles that is your fault and is a clear indication of you not actually caring about privacy and just hating on streamers, as is something the dbd community loves to do.
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Also the irony of wanting privacy but also wanting Dead By Daylight to check what everyone is doing while they play games so they can inform you if they're live or not.... you can't make this up.
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Ask yourself this: With all the ways people mess with streamers, from generally being unpleasant to straight up breaking the law by doing stuff like DDOSing, swatting and hardcore harassment - don't you think someone would've done that already if it was possible? Certain streamers and internet personalities have some extremely obsessive "hatedoms", making entire communities based on trolling them and disliking them. And I've never ever heard of anything like that happening, when I have no doubt in my mind that someone would've done so if it was possible.
I do however fully support "streamer mode" functions in every game though. It's a win/wIn situation really, even the nicest streamer with the nicest audience might at least one ultra-clown in their audience that thinks harassing people they see on stream is a brilliant idea, it's pretty hard to find and harass someone that is identified as "Meg Thomas" instead of their username. And at the same time it also makes streamsniping less likely if they don't have twitch in their name, so it helps them out at the same time.
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An incredibly well thought out comment, thank you.
I'm all for streamer mode to hide names, always have been.
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TTV players are bad, it's why they need to advertise so badly, like seriously I have never seen a good one and the game cant tell who's streaming or not
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Oh yeah, this will DEFINITELY be a good idea that wouldn't be exploited by streamsnipers and toxic people.
Also, it DOES warn you if you're vs a streamer as a killer. The only way it doesn't inform you is if you're a survivor.
If it hurts you that much, you're saying that your gameplay doesn't want to be proadcasted correct? So it doesn't only affect twitch but quite literally every platform that can transfer videos. So we're talking about youtube as well, not to mention Facebook or Instagram where it's also possible to share videos. Then it's viber because you can share videos as well there. And discord too.
So you basically want to have a choice of not being seen by anyone in an online game? Like it or not your game might be broadcasted, that happens in literally every game.
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Most Twitch streamers I've come across have been really nice and kind. I always drop them a gg after a match with them.
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^ this.
Streamers are the ones who are asking for a Streamer Mode. And from my experience, if anything, TTVs get more hate than non-TTVs who are playing with a Streamer.
There were countless occasions where I witnessed that some Community-Members of bigger streamers went into smaller Streams to harrass the Streamer, if they did anything what they did not like. Or where non-Streamers went into the Chat of Streamers to complain about them. Or, where Killers simply tried to tunnel off Streamers, just for being a Streamer. There are multiple threads on this Forum about the topic that some players want to make the experience of Streamers miserable, just because they are streaming.
And as said before, I have never experienced it the other way around.
This has nothing to do with being good or bad. You can be the best Clown-player in the world, but nobody would notice you if you stream. Just look at Twitch how many Streamers are streaming DBD. And how far you have to scroll down to see the Streamers with 0 viewer (or slightly above 0). You wont find any viewers unless you get hosted by a bigger Streamer or advertise yourself. Which the Streamers do by putting TTV (or similar things) in their name.
Once you have an audience, you dont need that anymore. Some even dont use their Stream-Name anymore. But as a small streamer, you need advertisment.
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Yeah, I went against a pretty popular streamer the other day, and since I recognized the name I dropped by his channel and said GL. From the beginning, he was condescending and at the end he said “Boring game, boring killer.” Like dude, I’m in your chat. Sorry you couldn’t bully a killer
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I did two edits to the post after reading everyone’s comments and such. It’s easier to do that instead of replying to every single comment.
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I love getting ttv's, me and my brother can mess with them a lil bit when we're swfing
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Actually you can film people in the streets in many part of the world, Europe for example - as long as the film is not being used for terrorist purposes.
Taking someone's picture is therefore only a civil matter.
Your game name does not give information about yourself unless you choose it to.
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So how do you suggest the game would do that? How is DBD supposed to know if someone is streaming or not?
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I honestly don’t know. But that’s just something I would prefer to have.
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With the OP on this.
If the EULA of DBD stated that my games could be streamed, then that's good.
I have no agreement with twitch, or any twitch users.
After a hard day of work, I do not want the fact that I have all purple perks and still play like a potato, while I get abused by a 14 year old and his pals, streaming out of his mothers back bedroom, potentially to the world.
Thank you.
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You literally can do this. If you are in a public space (in the United States), you are 1000% fair game to any and all photography and video as long as it isn't illegal in some other way (voyeurism, expectation of privacy, etc).
No legislation will change this, as there is long established case law that won't be overturned because of something as petty as this.
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It is impossible without having DBD act as a spyware and invade players privacy by monitoring every processes running in their pc(which is illegal btw). The more rational solution would be to ignore the fact that they have ttv in their name and don't join their stream.
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Welcome the lawyer stupid enough to try, they'd have to be pretty stupid to think they could win a case like that.